United Way Recruits Volunteers, Projects For Day Of Caring

August 18, 2018

United Way of Escambia County is now recruiting volunteers and organizations in need of support for its 26th Annual Day of Caring on October 5.

Day of Caring is the largest single day of volunteerism in Northwest Florida. Each year, individuals and groups are matched with local nonprofit agencies and schools to spend the day working on various service projects. Day of Caring volunteers have the opportunity to see firsthand the needs of our community while working together to combat those issues through volunteerism.

Last year, more than 1,300 volunteers rolled up their sleeves across our community to spend time with seniors, read to students, paint, build, landscape, and more. Together, Day of Caring volunteers completed 97 projects at 68 local nonprofit agencies and schools, and donated 4,463 hours of their time for an estimated $107,748 impact on our community.

Volunteers or organizations looking to participate in 2018’s Day of Caring should register online at http://www.unitedwayescambia.org/dayofcaring by August 31.

Once all volunteer applications and project requests are received, a committee of United Way staff and volunteers carefully review them to match groups with preferred projects or those most appropriate based on a group’s skills or size.

For more information on how to get involved, contact United Way’s Volunteer Center at 850-434-3157 or by emailing volunteer@unitedwayescambia.org.

Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


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