Three Candidates On Primary Ballot For One Century Council Seat

August 27, 2018

Three people will face each other on the ballot during Tuesday’s primary election for a seat on the Century Town Council.

Mary Hudson Bourgeois, Brian Johnston and James Smith, Jr. are seeking Seat 4, currently held by Gary Riley.  If no candidate receives one vote more than 50 percent, there will be a runoff in November.

Incumbent Gary Riley tearfully announced in May that he would not seek re-election to the seat he has held for 20 years.

Incumbent Ben Boutwell will face challenger Amanuel Onell Dubose on the general election ballot on November 6.


10 Responses to “Three Candidates On Primary Ballot For One Century Council Seat”

  1. Brady Kathy on August 27th, 2018 10:19 pm

    My vote is Brain Johnston, he will be good for our community.

  2. Jacke Johnston on August 27th, 2018 7:49 pm

    @ Bowhunter….So because he wears a ball cap backwards he is a joke? Wow. Here’s the thing about Brian. He doesn’t change for anyone. He’s not a “yes man”. He has ZERO affiliations to anyone on the Council or the Mayor. He has fresh eyes and fresh perspective. He holds to his own convictions of what he knows is right. He’s simple. He’s humble. He’s nice. And he would do anything he could for anyone….including you sir…..who chose to judge him on the position of his hat.

  3. Bowhunter on August 27th, 2018 5:44 pm

    Johnston will fit right in with his ball cap on backwards ( what a joke ) I will vote for Mary Hudson-Bourgeois because of her hard work and truthful feeling’s

  4. Going Down on August 27th, 2018 4:08 pm

    I would not vote for anyone that would willingly come on board this sinking ship.

  5. Chelleepea on August 27th, 2018 3:46 pm

    Thank you for giving me a picture to go with the names. But I’m disappointed in the candidates themselves for not going around campaigning. At least give us a hint on why they feel they are qualified to be a councilman! What are their plans? How can they help? What about a resume? Give me something! I guess this is why the town of Century has so much trouble. We just vote for who we know but don’t know if they know how to read a financial statement or even have a plan for the future of this town. Sad!

  6. Marla Jones on August 27th, 2018 9:32 am

    I really believe that Mr. Johnston or Mrs. Hudson will do a great job. I think the main concern so many have with Mr. Smith, is that he just recently relocated back to the area, after being away for more than 25 years. My understanding Mr. Smith has been back in the area for only six months. I think, he needs to spend more time in the community and getting to know the needs of the community. Maybe in the near future he would be a great candidate but right now, Century needs experience, individuals that know how to run a budget and will voice concerns and make a stand for the people.

  7. tg on August 27th, 2018 8:51 am

    I cant imagine anyone wanting to jump into a fire or getting on to the Hindenburg.

  8. Watch others do it all vote for ones that do nothing.. on August 27th, 2018 8:50 am

    What have you done for your community? How many of you three can walk into all the businesses in century and the surrounding area‘s and they know you by your first and last name? how many planning events parades, Fourth of July, beauty pageants, fall festivals, chamber meetings, town council meetings, and workshops at Pensacola State College have you been involved with? ONE of you has done all that and much more for our community and fellow man.. Do all of us a favor and take the first step in keeping century off that northescambia Make century look stupid .com Vote!! Mary Hudson…..

  9. Lewis T on August 27th, 2018 8:35 am

    Is anyone called, notified, requested, informed, texted, emailed the appropriate state agency demanding a financial audit of the City of Century and its practices over the last 10 years? I think an overwhelming majority of people in Century and Escambia County feel that way. Has the newspaper, the guardian of the people,pushed the audit route? How about the County Commissioners?

  10. M in Bratt on August 27th, 2018 8:25 am

    Are any of these candidates realistic enough to bring to the ballot box the idea of dissolving the Town of Century?