Rep. Bradley Byrne Touts Bipartisan Workforce Development Bill At Local Town Hall

August 1, 2018

President Donald Trump signed a bipartisan workforce development bill Tuesday that enables federal workforce development program to send $1.2 billion to states with fewer federal restrictions. And in Atmore, Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-AL) praised the effort.

The legislation reenables the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act to provide career and technical training to provide students with the skills they need to succeed in the economy of today and tomorrow.

“Every day, we are lifting our forgotten Americans off the sidelines, out of the margins, and back into the workforce,” Trump said.

“It’s money to send out to the school and the state so they have money for instructors, for equipment and the supplies, so that we can teach young people and sometimes no so young people the skills that they need to take these jobs “  Byrne said during a town hall meeting Tuesday afternoon in Atmore, one of the first stops in his district-wide “Better Off Now” town hall tour.

“Here’s what true about the American economy today and will be getting truer over time.  The jobs that we are creating are requiring every higher levels of education and skills. A lot of what we used to think about skilled work out there is much different that it used to be. We are going to have to have levels of skills education and training for people in order to give them what they need to participate in the economy. If we don’t do that, we are going to slow down our economy. Not having enough workers will slow down the economy.

“By doing that, we lift them out of poverty forever, and their live are intrinsically better….But unfortunately in America we have this mindset where we can’t lift people out of poverty; we are just going to keep paying them money. Well if I gave you the educational skills you need to get a job, you don’t need the government. You don’t want the the government.  You have a good job that pays good wages. We should be all about that in America. That should be our main focus,” Byrne said.

A number of major companies attended the bill signing in Washington and pledged to offer millions of new education and job-training opportunities for American workers. photos, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Rep. Bradley Byrne Touts Bipartisan Workforce Development Bill At Local Town Hall”

  1. Strawberry Fields on August 1st, 2018 12:33 pm

    The Federal gov has used the Interstate Commerce Clause to
    Expand its powers since the FDR administration…that’s probably where they
    Would say they derive the power to do it…and probably a host of regulations written
    Into various bills.

  2. Nick on August 1st, 2018 9:22 am

    This is good to hear, political Bipartisanship with both parties is a start to rebuilding trust and moving our country moving forward. I only hope before its to late that people on both political sides can once again come together and see that it really does take both of us, the whole country to get through these tough times. For instance this bill by providing funding will help others in our own community to reach there goals in training for careers and there future only because we worked together. Most may not know, but when we enact bipartisan legislation with both parties contributing it is by far more stable and long lasting than when one party tries alone.

  3. SW on August 1st, 2018 7:37 am

    This authority for this federal government program is found where,exactly, in the US Constitution?

  4. Friction Against the Machine on August 1st, 2018 6:23 am

    Drain the Swamp; starting with career politicians.

  5. Grand Locust on August 1st, 2018 1:49 am

    The United States has a birthrate below replacement. The simple truth is with as many as 10k babyboomers retiring a day, who is going to replace those workers? Training is the best investment government can make, but when there is nobody to train, the problem is nationwide labor shortages…….that is the biggest challenge in the next ten years is increasing the number of workers in America……in the meantime……just look around at all the help wanted signs and ask an employer how hard it has gotten to find qualified and willing workers.