Registration Saturday For Cantonment Youth T-Ball Softball, Baseball

August 3, 2018

Registration will be held Saturday, and every Saturday in August, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. for the fall season at the Cantonment Ballpark on Well Line Road.

The registration fee is $50 for t-ball, baseball and softball for all ages.

For more information, call (850) 393-5199.

The ballpark is under new management from the Cantonment Youth Sports Association.


3 Responses to “Registration Saturday For Cantonment Youth T-Ball Softball, Baseball”

  1. Kaitlyn on August 3rd, 2018 1:25 pm

    What age do they need to be to start T Ball ?

  2. William on August 3rd, 2018 12:01 pm

    >>Are we sure that wasn’t supposed to say Football????

    It’s not football

  3. Frank on August 3rd, 2018 11:58 am

    Are we sure that wasn’t supposed to say Football????