Rate Increase Planned For ECUA Water, Sewer Customers; No Garbage Hike

August 23, 2018

A 4 percent rate increase could be on the way for Emerald Coast Utility Authority water and sewer customers, but for now there’s no sanitation rate increase on the table.

The proposed 4 percent increase would translate to $1.02 per month for the average water customer consuming 6,000 gallons per month. The proposed increase of four percent would equate to an increase of $1.31 per month at the average 4,600 gallons level of sewer usage. The current average ECUA user pays $26.58 for water and $32.93 for sewage.

The current average ECUA user pays $26.58 for water and $32.93 for sewage.

ECUA has increased rates year for the last 10 years, ranging from 8 percent in 2011 to 1.93 percent 2014. The increase was 3 percent in 2017.

“ECUA as an organization is only 36 years old, although a vast portion of our utility systems and underground infrastructure are decades older,” ECUA spokeswoman Nathalie Bower said. “ECUA has approximately 1900 miles and 1300 miles of water and sewer mains, respectively, in our system.  We have accomplished important upgrades and expansions in the last decade that are the backbone of the water production/transmission and wastewater collection/treatment services we provide.  Now, we must address infrastructure issues to comply with the FDEP consent order that pertains to our sewer collection system.  Utilities across the nation are faced with the same directives from the EPA with regard to sewer system infrastructure.”

ECUA board members Larry Walker and Dale Perkins votes against the increase.

The first of two public hearings on the rate increase will be held at 3:00 Thursday afternoon, with another public hearing set for September 27.

A plan that would have increase garbage rates by $5 per month and add a $1.50 capital improvement fee failed to pass the board.


21 Responses to “Rate Increase Planned For ECUA Water, Sewer Customers; No Garbage Hike”

  1. don on August 24th, 2018 1:22 pm

    I wonder where this increase is going —

    Let somebody else support the Recycle Center,

    Why do they have to spear head the Industrial Complex next to the Sewage Plant,
    They own 90% of the land on Becks lake Rd,

    If they got out of the Real Estate Business and concentrated on Garbage, Sewer & Water they might not need an INCREASE,

    SELL IT and put the money back into what most people think you do ——–

    GARBAGE, SEWER and WATER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Denbroc on August 24th, 2018 5:48 am

    What many people, including myself, question is are we getting the most for our money. If you’ve attended any board meetings you’d know how many times the competitive bid process has been set aside and contracts just awarded. The Board was just investigated by a grand jury after they announced they were suing their own attorneys for malpractice. Those very same attorneys are STILL employed by the Board. The grand jury report was sealed so no one knows what may have been found. Sure it costs money to operate a huge concern such as ECUA but again: are we getting the best value?

  3. gmp on August 24th, 2018 1:10 am

    I’ve had one pay raise in over 10 years but they get one every year, if I have to live within my means so should they.

  4. BusinessSense on August 24th, 2018 12:55 am

    Why do individuals not understand that just like anything else, the cost is passed to the consumer. It costs money to employee knowledgeable people to provide you with safe and sanitary water as well as keeping sewer out of your yard. I do not feel that the rate hike is abnormal or excessive. Do you realize how many miles of water and sewer lines must be maintained and the cost to provide the manpower to do so? Also, the area is growing steadily. People are oblivious.

  5. MR REALITY on August 24th, 2018 12:01 am

    The ecua should be lowering rates with the 12 million we invested in the recylcle center….WHERE IS Our money!!!!! They just passed a cap imp FEE and snuck it into the bill…NOW A RATE INCREASE? Trash has gone up…Not by much but it went up…

  6. c on August 23rd, 2018 9:42 pm

    First thing your representative will tell you is a sob story about how broken down the whole system is and these fees will be in place pretty much forever. Our bill is about %20 fees. It’s absolutely insane but they have us by the cajones nothing else to do but blow up the comments section of northescambia.com

  7. Gloria Horning on August 23rd, 2018 5:55 pm

    The board makes $42,900 a year, plus full benefits plus $200 in gas money to come to the meetings.
    They met twice a month and do not serve on any other ECUA “committees.” Pensacola city council only make 25,000 and are required to sit on several committees.
    State reps: $29,697/year.
    Term limits!!!

  8. J.Larry Seale on August 23rd, 2018 3:08 pm

    let see, we got a 2.7 percent raised with
    our SS. Since Jan price of gas has jump
    22.8 percent……grocery at wal mart increase
    Now that 4 percent increase in a basic needs go up…..
    water is a basic need that man kind needs more
    than gas…….yet people need water not gas……..
    It will become soon that to survive we need water
    over gas and food…………..
    Its just not fair for people living on a fix income or
    large family…..


  9. Jim on August 23rd, 2018 2:35 pm

    For those of you who are glad they didn’t pass a garbage increase, don’t be fooled. At 1:12::00 into the meeting, while discussing how much they should raise the garbage rate, District 3 representative passout and fell to the floor. D5 wanted 6% plus a $1.50 capital improvement fee. LOOK AT YOU BILL FOLKS! They have added $10 in fees to your bill not including the rate increases. District 5 leads the charge for increases, please vote them out.

  10. Denbroc on August 23rd, 2018 1:24 pm

    I watched the video and they said someone on the Citizen Advisory Committee put forth a 25% increase. I guess we are supposed to be grateful for just a 4% Increase. I agree with you that they all need to be voted OUT.

  11. anne 1of2 on August 23rd, 2018 12:00 pm

    Anything but a septic tank. Water out of a hose is my favorite toy. I’ll gladly pay for the things I enjoy and they often keep my flowers and garden alive.

  12. DDD on August 23rd, 2018 11:47 am

    Funny how “The first of two public hearings on the rate increase will be held at 3:00 Thursday afternoon.”

  13. don on August 23rd, 2018 11:36 am

    ECUA owns almost all of the land on Becks Lake Rd, probably more I don’t know about.
    The increase may be for something other than water & sewer.

  14. CT on August 23rd, 2018 10:42 am


    About 20 ECUA employees take their vehicles home due to most of them being on first or second call. Maybe 5 of them are off call at a time. If it starts raining, send your thanks to the ones who are paid $19.50 an hour to be called in at 2:00 AM to keep your street from flooding with what you flush down the toilet.

  15. Jim on August 23rd, 2018 10:32 am

    District 5 only voted against it because it wasn’t 6%. Watch the video. Why do we continue to keep them in office and then complain. VOTE THEM OUT

  16. Bob on August 23rd, 2018 9:41 am

    Here we go again. My bill is around $85 a month all ready for just my wife and I. This is getting stupid.

  17. retired on August 23rd, 2018 9:23 am

    when are they going to add more sewer lines. how do I find out

  18. M in Bratt on August 23rd, 2018 8:02 am

    I’m glad they didn’t have the nerve to increase the garbage fees too. People are starting to notice that ECUA has taken on garbage collection in Santa Rosa County, and is providing the service for several dollars a month less than they charge the citizens in Escambia County that elect them. What makes it worse is that they provide twice a week pickup in Santa Rosa for substantially less money. Looks like the citizens of Escambia are already subsidizing the garbage collection in Santa Rosa

  19. Gene on August 23rd, 2018 8:00 am

    15% rat increase in less than 10 years??? That doesn’t sound like someone is managing well their revenue

  20. w.w. on August 23rd, 2018 7:09 am

    “Us customers” have to keep them in new company vehicles that many take home every night and pay for their fuel… I know; I know, “they are on call”……. how many are actually called out compared to the ratio of take homers? You’d see the waste easily. Just saying

  21. Denbroc on August 23rd, 2018 5:41 am

    Whatever happened to the Grand Jury report on ECUA? More wasted time and money I guess.