Nominees Named For Escambia District 1 Advisory Committee

August 14, 2018

Nominees to the Northwest District 1 Advisory Committee have been named.

The committee was established by county commission to explore, research, provide technical or practical expertise, and make recommendations to the District 1 member of the Escambia Board of County Commissioners regarding those issues of relevance and significant importance to the citizens of the northwest portion of District 1 of Escambia County. Committee members serve a term of office concurrent with the District 1 commissioner’s term of office.

At their August 16 meeting, the Escambia County Commission will consider the following volunteer members as nominated by District Commissioner Jeff Bergosh:

  • Kim Aderholdt
  • Dr. Laura Bryant
  • Paul Flores
  • Jay Ingwell
  • Jill Johnson
  • George Levy
  • David Liechty
  • Joseph Poitivan
  • Wilson Taylor

Some of the importatnt issues facing District 1, according to the county, are the development of OLF8, planning for extensive traffic, land development and population increases, master planning for the Northwest portion of District 1 (specifically precincts 43, 5, and 68), enhancing the quality of life for all residents, improving access to public transportation, establishing a public library, and many other issues involving growth and the environment.


One Response to “Nominees Named For Escambia District 1 Advisory Committee”

  1. Jake Sanders on August 14th, 2018 10:26 am

    I feel for the people of District 1. Mr. Bergosh is a bought man that only job is to do the will of the PAC and good old boys system. I watch as he makes fun of his on citizens because they do not agree with him on issue. I use to love to ride through Beulah and see the amazing sites but that all changes now. They are putting housing in at ever open spot they can find. Which not only put more cars on the road also it put more children in are already over filled schools. Even with the two new schools they are almost at maximum limit. But we look and we have this on the BOCC a chairman who thinks he a ruler of the land, Steven will not stand up to anything or anyone, May is only out for his citizens and Grover leaving to be mayor and the underhill guy is making them look like fools because he truly cares for the people. bergosh needs to stop blogging he long past the Godzilla days and listen to the people!