Mayor Blames Century’s Problems On Race, Council Spending; Audit Shows Deficit Of Millions

August 8, 2018

As the State Attorney’s Office conducts a review of financial matters and possible Sunshine Law violations in Century, Mayor Henry Hawkins is blaming problems on the fact that he is black and poor spending by the town council.

“Bottom line now is, you can put on record or off the record I don’t care, bottom line now is that’s a black man taking care of business. A lot of folks don’t like it,” Hawkins told our news partner WEAR 3. Three of the five Century Town Council members are African-American.

“There’s never been a financial situation from time I took office. We are $150,000 to the good,” he said.

At the end of the previous fiscal year on September 30, 2017, there were deficits of $3 million in the town’s general fund, a net deficit of $6 thousand in the sanitation fund and a $1.4 million deficit in the natural gas fund, according to a draft audit released Tuesday.

Hawkins took office in January 2017. Notably, some of the overall deficits included balances carried forward from previous administrations; however, the audit reflects an overall deficit of $580,125 during fiscal year 2017 — an increase of $20,753 in the general fund, a loss of $326,675 in the natural gas fund and a loss of $274,203 in the water and sewer fund.

“The town’s overall financial condition demonstrates signs of deterioration which, if not corrected, could result in a future financial emergency,” the auditor’s report states. The town’s general fund borrowed $306 thousand from its special revenue fund in 2017 to cover general operations.

In addition, the town’s general fund owes the special revenue fund about $2.7 million that must be repaid. In June 2018, the town approved a repayment plan of $300 per month.  Simple math indicates that at $300 per month, it will take 750 years to repay $2.7 million.

As first reported on Tuesday [click here], Hawkins presented a signed “Mayor’s Report” indicating fund balances to the town council.

The report showed $1,054,367 in reserve funds on July 7, 2018, and the exact same figure, $1,054,367,  in unreserved fund accounts on the same day. He confirmed that the two separate funds had the exact same balance on the same day as presented in his report. He said $172,000 was transferred in May 2017 from a water department reserve fund for sewage lift stations.

“If you don’t spend the money, it’s still going to be there. We took some out of reserve to go here to do something that we needed to get done,” he said Tuesday to explain the identical fund balances..

The second page of his report shows an actual balance of $616,240 in unreserved funds on July 31.

The mayor blamed the overall financial condition of town on poor spending decisions by the town council, and the “good old boy system”.

“The good ole boy system, you never get anywhere. Where the good old boy system where those that got, get , those that don’t have, won’t have. That’s the mold we got to break,” he said. will continue to review the Town of Century’s preliminary audit and present additional reports.

Pictured: A Century Town Council audit review meeting Tuesday afternoon. photo, click to enlarge.


66 Responses to “Mayor Blames Century’s Problems On Race, Council Spending; Audit Shows Deficit Of Millions”

  1. Tim on August 10th, 2018 1:20 pm

    And that’s how you play the race card.

    Well played my friend……….Well played !!!!!

  2. mom on August 10th, 2018 10:33 am

    What a joke….I can’t believe they would through out the race card….unbelievable.

  3. Clueless Bob on August 10th, 2018 8:43 am

    Interesting comments about unincorporating. If the list referenced is the criteria for doing so, then that would mean Flomaton should do the same, and also our beloved town of Jay. Those populations are low (Jay has a good 500) and also on the steady decline too. I doubt people want bigger city beuracracy coming in deciding their small town interests just like most folks don’t want the government making decisions for them. Well folks who actually think for themselves sure don’t want the government deciding for them.

    Century government needs to get a handle on all of the loosed lip comments coming from those who want to stand apart and start crafting a competent plan to figure out how to get that budget on track. It will take a different accountant with the skills to do more than just personal income tax returns or funds shifting. One more thing, I think the mayor was just trying to change the subject. Just my opinion.

  4. Robbie on August 10th, 2018 5:12 am

    When you don’t have a legitimate response, throw out the race card……

  5. #Metoo on August 10th, 2018 12:55 am

    @So easy to solve

    I have been waiting to see if others came to the same conclusion. You have the best info I have seen in a while. I was also aware the population had dropped and even if they cleaned house there are not enough leaders to step into the places. It’s done. I would have thought the audit would show them that. I had thought the state would recommend that.

    I have been thinking most were not ready to put it to a vote yet. Perhaps it is dawning on them now.

    How do you circulate a petition for dissolution and get it on the ballot? I’ll look into it.

    I think it would pass and Century (unincorp) would be better off.

  6. Call it a day on August 9th, 2018 7:52 pm

    So easy to solve

    Unincorporate. Dissolution. Petition for a referendum to dissolve the municipality and put it to a vote of the citizens.

    Escambia County, ECUA, and likely Pensacola Energy could assume utilities, streets, drainage, parks, etc. Many services are provided by the county already.

    Century provides nothing to its citizens that is over the top to justify incorporation. There is no glitzy downtown. No waterfront. Little for tourism. Population is in decline. Current state law would not even allow a community like this tooncorporate because it is too small (minimum population must be 5,000 people). Century’s population has declined to just over 1,500 people, down by 162 people, between 2010 and 2017. If there were local needs, a special tax district could be established by the county.

    The continual debate that is Century needs to be put to a vote of its citizens.

  7. Republican town person on August 9th, 2018 9:34 am

    It’s time to raise taxes!!! The town has had financial problems for years because the city council is afraid to raise taxes so they borrow from reserves that were established by previous councils. The cost of business is going up but taxes are staying firm because the council is scared to make anyone upset. It’s time, the consequences of not taking action are far more expensive if nothing is done.

  8. Clueless Bob on August 9th, 2018 6:23 am

    I was literally trying to see when I could get a statement in on this one. The mayor may have stirred a nest on this. Also, again I enjoyed @Cheleepea and @David Huie Green replies. They often have just good old plain logic with a unique perspective on most of these topics. I mentioned before there was tension in that room, well, looka here. Ann Brooks kept hitting the piñata and it broke open. Didn’t take as long as I thought it would. Now we see what is inside. The mayor seems frustrated and rational thinking is nowhere in any of his statements. Frustration does that to ya, and is now driving all of his responses. Sad, but it happens. I can’t judge him, but his race or racism shouldn’t be used as an alibi, although his race, is his reality. Maybe he is just attempting to change the headlines. I’ve heard some news media outlets claim that has been the strategy of our president also. Maybe, who knows.

    I do know that he won the mayor’s seat fair and square and had the most votes. He hasn’t been in that long. Right? It still seems a little strange that all of this is coming out now (something’s just weird about that, why now?). Anyway, let’s just let him speak his mind for now even if it’s seems like scattered thoughts. Heck, Pres. Trump doesn’t hold back with his public remarks so maybe the mayor shouldnt either and also get a little more creative. Next time he should refer to them all with new nicknames like, “Brooks the Crook”, “Whatever she Says Gomez”, “What’s that I Smell Boutwell”, “Sleepy Riley”, and “One Eyed Jackson”. And with the former mayor, “Took it All McCall”. Smile people it just politics!

  9. LJR on August 8th, 2018 11:53 pm

    Mr mayor You are a complete idiot, and you have NO business running a town. To say your towns poor financial state is because you are black is the stupidest excuse you could have given. It is a knee jerk reaction and you don’t have a clue what’s going on.

  10. Britnney Freeman on August 8th, 2018 7:08 pm

    You have not taken care of anything for us only take from us

  11. Dave on August 8th, 2018 6:45 pm

    Nice…reruns of Jerry Springer…

  12. JustMe on August 8th, 2018 6:39 pm

    The mold I would say we need to break is blaming race for everything that goes wrong. White black or brown has nothing to do with the fact that the administration right now in Century is a joke.

  13. David Huie Green on August 8th, 2018 5:59 pm

    “There is only one race and that is the human race.”

    Nah, any discernable group of humans can constitute a race. We generally use a number of characteristics to declare one. Black skin with Indian or Pakistani features we think of as Indian. Near black with Asian features are often Thai but we lump them in with other Asiatics.

    There are plenty of others which billions recognize and do not have to pretend they don’t just because someone wants to lump them together in the larger set of humanity.

    “Money has no “RACE” it’s green and sought by most anyone.”

    The backs of US bills are green but the front used black ink. Regardless of color, it is nice to have — or so I hear.

    David for nice things and people

  14. Sammie on August 8th, 2018 5:24 pm

    Money has no “RACE” it’s green and sought by most anyone.
    Some are drawn to Easy Money like the Moth to a Flame.
    Not RACE that created the Problem here, it was POOR Management of the People’s Tax paid Monies.

  15. Chelleepea on August 8th, 2018 4:50 pm

    It’s true that the financial situation didn’t just happen but the question is can they fix it or pass it until next election ?

  16. MWR on August 8th, 2018 4:22 pm

    Anyone with a brain should know that Century did not get in this financial trouble just in this past year. This is the result of years prior and iis only coming out now. There has been so much going on in the previous years, we as a Town may never fully recover. My opinion is that the town accountant knows a lot more than he is letting on. I don’t blame Mr. Hawkins at all for Century’s financial situation. I don’t totally agree with everything that he’s doing, but I don’t feel that our town’s financial troubles are his fault.

  17. Century Citizen on August 8th, 2018 4:16 pm

    This does not surprise me at all!! He walked into a certain Century business recently and was VERY disrespectful. He expected to just walk in and be put ahead of everyone else who had already been waiting there in pain and with appointments they made months prior. He threatened to go over their heads if they did not bump him to the top of the list right then and there. I lost all respect for him… the entitlement is REAL with this man! Good luck with that race card, Mr. Mayor.

  18. Wendell on August 8th, 2018 3:46 pm

    There are four ways to spend money: using your money on yourself, using your money on others (charity), using others money on yourself (theft), and using others on others (government spending).

    Guess which type lends itself the most to wastefulness and corruption.

  19. Century Resident on August 8th, 2018 3:45 pm

    Hawkins is so right. All these financial problems did not start when he was mayor. They started back when he was on the city council. You figure that one out.

  20. Chelleepea on August 8th, 2018 3:01 pm

    @additional info, did anybody tell you that not everything on facebook is true? Please stop spreading false fantasies, alternative truths, and conspiracy theories like it’s true. If you’re main source is facebook you need help . ..comeback to reality and leave the mumbo jumbo.

  21. nod on August 8th, 2018 2:40 pm

    step up Mr. Mayor, either step up and fix the problems or admit you don’t know how and get the proper help or just leave. no more bullbaloney.

  22. Additional Info on August 8th, 2018 2:30 pm

    This needed to come out, have you ever heard the expression, given enough rope, people hang themselves?

    One reason people HAVE not involved themselves in the council and other town business because this was obvious to some close to it. He is a racist and leads others to be so. He stirred up the “community” against the past administration claiming promises that could not be made. A large part of the problem is most believed him.

    We decided to just let things go and give it a chance.

    There have been cars riding in town circling around holding up fists saying “Black Power” and very dark tinted window cars slowing down and going by white people in intimidating ways. He has stirred that up on his facebook page.

    He has tried to use his position as a Reverend and call for taking back the town. He is on a radio station that purports these types of attitudes, using African cloths and wearing the American Flag upside down.

    The electorate voted him in but there was also chatter on various facebook pages about bring in Pensacola people to vote. Was there voter fraud?

    I don’t know what to do about some of these attitudes but as far as the WORK, the government etc. I am very happy that the state is coming into to investigate.

    Be thorough and complete.

    and Escambia County Sheriff Office ECSO your continued presence here is much needed.

    Do the Clean Sweep> Bring it Back

  23. whatthe on August 8th, 2018 1:22 pm

    “i must agree with mr mayor it’s a race thing on another note if we just put our trust in god it will come to pass some of you don’t believe in the higher power just try it stop making our town look bad”

    Umm, No. You can trust God all you like, but when you install poor leadership, pay poor leadership, and enable poor leadership, you get…scandals, excuses, and usurpation. Please re-read the books of Samuel, Proverbs and Psalms. You will see the patterns and find the solutions. This mayor is a joke. Vote him out next election. Century and Century alone is making itself look bad, not people from outside.

  24. Nana of 16 on August 8th, 2018 12:56 pm

    FIRST OFF – slow down. To remove everyone would be a mistake. I was a municipal clerk in Alabama for 10 years, NO MUNICIPALITY needs to have all new mayor and council representatives. The City Clerk, Kim, is new and learning the process and laws. She alone needs some guidance from experienced council members.
    The MAYOR does not run the town, the TEAM does!
    GOD BLESS YOU ALL, may the State get this all worked out, fees and penalties paid and citizens, Yes CITIZENS, make smart choices for your next election of Municipal Officials, it makes a difference when you VOTE.
    Mayor Hawkins help clean up this mess.
    I AM A FLORIDIAN, just happen to live in Alabama now.

  25. Chelleepea on August 8th, 2018 12:14 pm

    Aside from all this noise…this is what the council and mayor should ask themselves. Are we just a business as usual administration who only makes half hearted attempts at putting out fires when it happens or are we an administration that has plans and goals to make a better Century?

    If you feel like you’re in the latter group…I have an assignment for you….at the next meeting I would like each council come up with a detailed plan on how to handle expenses going forward and what each person like to see happen with the gas department and why with details. I want to see your thought process. Just announcing that we need to cut employee insurance is not a plan, it’s just a stab in the dark.

    If you, as council member or mayor can’t come up with a plan then you are just seat warmers and I for one will not vote for you at the next election.

  26. Frank on August 8th, 2018 11:31 am

    I for one, would like to know the names of the three council members who Broke the Sunshine law… They should be removed… They receive a Florida Sunshine Law handbook when they come into office… NO EXCUSE!!!

  27. anne 1of2 on August 8th, 2018 11:24 am

    Uh oh! Anyone could track my past comments and know I trusted this man. But the race card issue does nothing more than to cause me to want information swept from under Century carpets. Replace all of them and give Century the chance it needs to prosper!

  28. Michelle Dixon on August 8th, 2018 11:07 am

    Racard throwing in a predominantly black community? You did this to yourself by the things you have done and making people lose all respect for you. I am praying for you.

  29. Calla on August 8th, 2018 11:04 am

    Thanks for the pic of the council members violating the Sunshine Law at the budget workshop…in clear black n white.

  30. Wilykyote on August 8th, 2018 11:03 am

    Maybe I’m missing something here ……weren’t these people ELECTED ?
    and how/when can they be removed?

  31. shadeofBrown on August 8th, 2018 10:35 am

    Whomever first brings up race as a factor is the racist… just sayin’

  32. Michelle Dixon on August 8th, 2018 10:12 am

    Race? Really? When we are in a town that the majority is black? Really? No sir, it’s because people are losing the respect and trust they had in you! You have been trying to do things that are not best for the city. Also, wanting to do things your way? No, it’s supposed to be done with approval of the council and what’s best for the people. So, Mr. Hawkins, we will be voting you out and putting someone in that is actually here for the town of Century! You lost my respect sir when you pulled the race card.

  33. Michelle Dixon on August 8th, 2018 9:52 am

    I have kept quiet,but, can’t now. The mayor says it’s because of race? No sir, Century is mostly black. It’s because many people are losing the respect and trust they had for you. When you stand and tell people that the town needs to let you run the town. Your way? No it’s supposed to be the council and the good for the people! Not Henry Hawkins way. Well sir, when you are voted out… We’ll see. Lost my respect by you pulling the race card.

  34. David on August 8th, 2018 9:47 am

    Time for Henry Hawkins to go. He is the one wanting to spend money that the Town don’t have on two new trucks from Pensacola Chrysler with out getting bids and he just brought a brand new truck from them smells a little fishy to me. Henry Hawkins if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen or we can replace you.

  35. retired on August 8th, 2018 9:34 am

    I don’t care if he is black, white or purple. 10 minus 20 equals minus 10.
    math is math. does not care what your color is.

  36. mini me on August 8th, 2018 9:34 am

    i must agree with mr mayor it’s a race thing on another note if we just put our trust in god it will come to pass some of you don’t believe in the higher power just try it stop making our town look bad

  37. Really on August 8th, 2018 9:33 am

    If I recall reading an article a few months ago, a young lady complained about the Mayor and his poor leadership, lack of communication and inadequate ability to resolve issues. And from what I read and my knowledge of the previous situation the Mayor’s issues are not race related. This young lady and her brother whom, are both African-American seem to take issue with the Mayor and his inconsistencies and poor leadership. So, in my opinion this has nothing to do with race; but the result of a Mayor not having the qualifications to serve in his elected position. I do know for a fact the family filed a complain against the Mayor and the Town after personal information was released to North Escambia, which violated the Sunshine Law. In conclusion, this Mayor needs to resign, he is consistently bring bad press on the City and the good ole boy system doesn’t work, if the individuals complaining against you are you’re own race.

  38. Shay on August 8th, 2018 9:33 am

    If ever there was any proof on how inept this council and the mayor are here it is. Get rid of them all and start fresh

  39. aaa on August 8th, 2018 9:25 am

    The sad thing is RACE is brought up as a factor. The truth is everyone is afraid to bring up race because of today’s society. There is only one race and that is the human race. Please look to yourself and see everyone the same and I promise not to bring up my heritage as an excuse for my poor behavior.

  40. Kevin on August 8th, 2018 9:19 am

    Was this just an admittance of guilt? Henry blames poor spending by the town council and faults the previous administration for the economic crisis the town is in. The last I recall, Henry Hawkins was a town councilman under the previous administration !!!!

  41. Curious on August 8th, 2018 9:16 am

    51% of Century’s population is black.
    The Mayor is black.
    Three council members are black.
    And Hawkins is playing the race card???

  42. M in Bratt on August 8th, 2018 9:09 am

    Let’s add this up, three black council members, and a black mayor. That looks like a black majority any way you count it, so how do you claim anything this council does is racist? Unless,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you are one of the two minority white members.

  43. TJ on August 8th, 2018 9:06 am

    Yep, let’s pull the ole “race card” to justify miss-management, bad spending decisions, and maybe even worse, who knows what the States Attorney will find. No money, robbing Peter to pay Paul, writing bad checks, yet we can give a $12K loan to someone that can’t get it from the bank. The list goes on and on, the whole bunch needs to be indicted.

  44. Bubba Blogger on August 8th, 2018 8:52 am

    Sure, blame it on race relations Mayor Hawkins. Always pulling the race card, and blaming the council? Show some class sir. Take some responsibility!

  45. Unreal on August 8th, 2018 8:43 am

    What business has the mayor taken care of. When everything else fails let’s use the race card. Total failure by everyone mayor, council members, cpa. Makes me want to move.

  46. Molino on August 8th, 2018 8:42 am

    No the problem is a man (black or not) is NOT taking care or problems that he should be taking care of, throwing a race card and calling it a day. Now obviously he came into this train wreck situation after it was well started, but it’s still not about race it’s about not doing anything to help the situation. You can’t make a bad situation better by doing the same things that have always been done.

  47. tg on August 8th, 2018 8:41 am

    Use the RACE CARD that always works.

  48. amclemore on August 8th, 2018 8:32 am

    When will people just take responsibility for their choices and actions? Stop blaming others. It sounds like the town of Century needs an overhaul on who is in charge.

  49. Pensacola Ed on August 8th, 2018 8:22 am

    Gee, a Black Man pulling out the Race Card at the first signs of trouble,,,,how unusual…

    When will this stop?

  50. Mike Honcho on August 8th, 2018 8:20 am

    So the town is broke because he is black. Yea sounds legit

  51. Lame on August 8th, 2018 8:12 am


  52. Bowhunter on August 8th, 2018 8:10 am

    Yeah When All Else Fail’s Make It A Race Card / Hawkins Is A Joke And Didn’t Hawkins Try To Promote The Town Clerk Without The Correct Process ( Good Old Buddy System ) Then When Advised Of Payroll Check’s Bouncing Didn’t He And Town Clerk Keep It To Themselves / Like Forrest Said ( Stupid Is As Stupid Does )

  53. just sayin on August 8th, 2018 8:09 am

    So the silver lining here is that in 750 years the town of Century should be in good shape.

  54. Roland Hall on August 8th, 2018 8:08 am

    The good old boy system is a real phenomenon but that is not all that is wrong with Century. Century are suffering from a lack of leadership from the top down. Leaders take charge, make a plan, accept responsibility for their actions AND the actions of their team. Real LEADERS do not blame others while hoping someone stumbles into their office with a solution.

  55. M in Bratt on August 8th, 2018 7:47 am

    When all else fails let’s play the race card. Next they’ll be blaming the President of the USA. I do have to wonder where their high priced lawyer is in all this? Is he giving them bad advice, or are they ignoring the advice he provides?

  56. Sam on August 8th, 2018 7:17 am

    Well the mayor did it. What has race got to do with the towns checks bouncing? The mayor is just deflecting his poor management toward the counsel. I dont care if he is black, white or purple. The town would not have the state coming in and checking the books if things were on the up and up.

  57. JustSaying on August 8th, 2018 7:06 am

    Purple, Pink, Black, or White doesn’t matter on a budget matter. To be honest most people probably don’t even know the ratio of the race of most of the board of the town of Century. Poor excuse!

  58. Phil on August 8th, 2018 7:02 am

    When the going gets tough, blame your race.

  59. Lou on August 8th, 2018 7:00 am

    After reading this article it’s obvious to me Century needs a financial person to oversee, guide and direct. It’s a business and needs to be run like one. Can race ever be taken out and just deal with the problem? Century needs guidance, direction and prayers.

  60. Smokey on August 8th, 2018 6:44 am

    Is Maxine waters on the city council or something?

  61. Pop on August 8th, 2018 6:34 am

    Race,race. I’m sick hearing this every time something goes wrong. Be a man a take the blame sometimes without saying racism!

  62. Tom on August 8th, 2018 6:20 am

    If all else fails, the same old card is played every time!

  63. Tyrone on August 8th, 2018 6:19 am

    Another democratic mayor that wants to take the easy way out and blame
    his race on all the problems . That’s exactly why this countries democratic
    run towns and cities are nothing more than Third world sewers controlled by tin pot little “kings”, “Chiefs” or “rulers”. People are wise to this infantile behavior

  64. David on August 8th, 2018 5:39 am

    The problem is a lack of financial education on the matter. You can’t keep robbing Peter to pay Paul with the mind set that it’s ok. Everyone suffers for the lack there of.

  65. Citizen on August 8th, 2018 2:24 am

    The best news in this article is this last sentence :

    “ will continue to review the Town of Century’s preliminary audit and present additional reports.”

  66. Randon on August 8th, 2018 2:21 am

    This is a joke, right?