Hill Wants To Bring Trump’s Hollywood Star To Pensacola; Bydlak Keeps On Knocking

August 26, 2018

The two leading candidates for the Republican nomination for Florida House District 1 have taken two very different approaches to their campaign in the final days leading up to Tuesday’s primary election.

Mike Hill, a former state representative looking to return to the legislature, took to Facebook Live with a giant replica of Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame plague.

In the video, Hill stands in front of a Confederate monument in downtown Pensacola and vows to “bring the Trump Hollywood star” to “the first settlement in America.”

“We have President Trump’s Hollywood Star! Pensacola is America’s first settlement – where it all began. Fitting that we have our President’s star rejected by leftists. We will honor and protect it,” Hill posted.

Trump’s sidewalk star — which has been destroyed twice — probably isn’t going anywhere, but the West Hollywood City Council reportedly passed a unanimous resolution this month calling for the onetime reality-show host’s marker to be permanently removed.

The video of Hill — who’s captured on camera directing his photog to scootch a little to the left and a little closer to frame the shot — is a contrast to the slickly produced campaign ads bombarding Floridians in the mail, on TV and over the internet in the days leading up to Tuesday’s primary elections.

Almost as an aside, at the end of the nearly two-minute video, Hill holds up a giant sign with his own name on it and asks voters to support his bid in state House District 1. The video as received over 7,000 views since it was posted Wednesday, and it has made political news across the country.

(article continues below photo)

Meanwhile, Rebekah Bydlak has just kept on knocking.

In additional to all the traditional campaign tactics, Bydlak said Saturday that she has personally knocked on the doors of a over 6,000 voters across a District 1, a conservative stronghold.

“I have personally talked with hundreds of people in our community every day, hearing their concerns and sharing my conservative agenda to support President Trump, fighting for jobs and against illegal immigration, protecting our gun rights, and standing for life,” she said.

Bydlak has received the endorsement of current District 1 Rep. Clay Ingram, who is term-limited.

Friday night, Bydlak and her husband joined Ingram and his family at Pete Gindl Stadium to watch Tate High School Aggie football…and meet voters.

“My campaign has been about the people and our community. I want to do things differently than career politicians,” Bydlak said Saturday – as she was out knocking on more doors of voters and meeting them face to face.

Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


40 Responses to “Hill Wants To Bring Trump’s Hollywood Star To Pensacola; Bydlak Keeps On Knocking”

  1. Lee on August 28th, 2018 11:51 pm

    Glad to see there are conservatives in this area who don’t buy into the Trump brand. Seems to me he has caused more harm than good. He’s responsible for hundreds of children being kept behind after deporting their parents and it’s looking like many may never be reunited. And what kind of president has to be coerced by veteran groups to show respect to Senator and veteran John McCain? And then, from a man who obviously has an OCD tweeting problem, not a word about the latest casualty count in Puerto Rico. I guess there are new jobs somewhere, but what about others being hurt by tariffs, especially in agriculture? Not sure how many folks around here had a noticeable bump in their paychecks, but I hope it’s keeping up with the increased prices in groceries and gas. If Trump is making America great again, I hope his opponent is just a decent human being.

  2. John on August 28th, 2018 10:08 am

    People cannot just read an article; they have to spew their left wing talking points.

  3. William on August 27th, 2018 10:33 pm

    >>>I am disappointed in this article. I know the Hollywood star thing is catchy but it wasn’t a fair comparison of the candidates.

    Mr. Hill sent a press release three times about the star. That is what he highlighted about his campaign.

  4. Sharon Keesler on August 27th, 2018 7:01 pm

    I am disappointed in this article. I know the Hollywood star thing is catchy but it wasn’t a fair comparison of the candidates. Mike Hill has paid his dues knocking on doors and going where invited to explain his views, he is a true conservative. I also appreciate that he is a veteran. My vote is for Mike, I hope yours is too.

  5. Dave on August 27th, 2018 5:30 pm

    Mike Hill is the real deal. He was tested on whether to do the right thing and vote his conscience or give into partisan pressure, and it cost him dearly. Not sure if Rebekah is cut from the same cloth. She may be a nice person, but Mike has proved himself in my book. (and no, I’m not with his campaign, just been paying attention). Just my two cents.

  6. phillip on August 27th, 2018 4:54 pm

    why exactly would it be a priority to bring trump’s hollywood star to this area at all?
    don’t we have real local issues that need to be addressed?

  7. Jodie Henning on August 27th, 2018 3:58 pm

    Mike Hill is the best candidate for this position! I hope people see the truth through the stories and votes MIKE HILL!

  8. Kane on August 27th, 2018 1:09 pm

    @Mike Honcho wow you still beating that dead horse? Man no one cares about Hillary because she lost she isn’t news what the leader of the U.S.A is doing that’s news. Stop trying to distract from what the President is doing by throwing around failed politicians. You act like a cheap magician at a kids birthday party we are not five and trying to distract us from what is currently going on is not working we see through the slight of hand.

  9. Resident on August 27th, 2018 10:30 am

    So if elected Hill will work for Pensacola, which is NOT in District 1 that he is running for? Why doesn’t he want to bring the Trump start to Century or Cantonment that are in District 1? I guess if he was the District 1 Representative he would just as quickly forget about serving District 1 and instead be Pensacola’s servant?

  10. Nick on August 27th, 2018 10:10 am

    (Bob C) Yes believe it or not there are certain qualities that would be beneficial in an elected President, Such as empathy for others, Honesty towards the public, Integrity for the office. Do you (honestly) think our current administration including President represents that?

  11. Rational on August 27th, 2018 9:07 am

    How can any sane individual support Trump? He’s insulted our intelligence, bullied everyone who disagrees with him and insulted John McCain. His mere existence should is unbearable.

  12. David on August 27th, 2018 2:00 am

    Mr Hill, your zeal for being a world class idiot is only surpassed by your immoral place in this county. You shame true Americans
    Get your free airtime at the fair this year..as the two faced clown that was rejected by Barnum and Bailys circus.You truly need serious help

  13. Mike Honcho on August 27th, 2018 12:55 am

    Wow the Trump haters are out in fashion on this one Hillary lost let it go and help make America great again.#walkaway

  14. Grand Locust on August 26th, 2018 11:49 pm

    The Early Economic Records of Presidents from Kennedy to Trump starting 6 months into their term where their actions may or may not have impacted GDP
    GDP President
    7.0 Kennedy
    6.3 Johnson
    0.0 Nixon
    2.7 Carter
    -2.1 Reagan
    2.6 Bush 1
    3.5 Clinton
    1.1 Bush 2
    2.2 Obama
    2.6 Trump
    Five Presidents had better GDP and four had worst. It is time to tell the truth. Mike Pence is a real Christian who was largely responsible working congress and working with the house and senate to get the tax bill passed. They know him, and he can beat any Democrat in 2020, I grew up with Ike and MImi……they were like my grandparents, I am tired of making excuses for an immoral man. Enough. Mike Pence will win the popular vote, and my grandchildren can be as proud of Mike as I was of Ike and Mimi.

  15. Kane on August 26th, 2018 9:37 pm

    @Nod give me a few million dollars a boat load of scape goats and I’m pretty sure I could get away with as much as Trump has.

    Maybe what we need is not different politicians but a different form of government.

  16. Diane on August 26th, 2018 6:22 pm

    @Chelleepea, Be sure to pick up your oh-so-obvious Paid Bot Soros check.

  17. Tarrence Wright Sr on August 26th, 2018 6:15 pm

    Please bring it! President Trump is the greatest!!

  18. Bob C. on August 26th, 2018 5:54 pm

    Huh, so for the Trump Haters out there, just how would you cobble together YOUR best version–vision of a President of the USA?
    Please tell us what are the factors you look for and why.
    Would the end result look like a fine horse?
    Or would it look like an aardvark in pants-suit?

  19. Chelleepea on August 26th, 2018 5:12 pm

    Haha….if you hadn’t said, “President Trump is the greatest president since George Washington” or “President Trump is working FOR us” I just might have believed you when you said , “I have studied the FACTS and full stories without the spin”. Haha, just maybe! You have a right to your own delusion so God bless!

  20. Wendell on August 26th, 2018 4:49 pm

    Why do folks look for a paragon of virtue in their political candidates? It lacks common sense to think that you will agree with everyone 100% of the time, and ascribing morals to politics and policy is confusing feeling for thinking.

  21. Diane on August 26th, 2018 4:28 pm

    There are many misinformed commenters who seem deluded by the CNN, MSNBC, etc. President Trump is the greatest president since George Washington. No Kool-Aid here, I have studied the FACTS and full stories without the spin that the globalist oligarchs don’t want the common man to know. Brainwashed plebs are so much easier to control.

    The Establishment (both Dem & Rep) oppose him so strongly because they have been working to enrich themselves for decades at the expense of the working man.
    President Trump is working FOR us.

    @Grand Locust: Pence is a globalist squish, just like Bush, just what we DON”T need. Read about King Cyrus and realize God is using Trump for HIS purposes. Sanctimonious, self-righteous Christian hypocrites do not serve Jesus Christ.

  22. db on August 26th, 2018 4:18 pm

    “I would Never vote for a person who connects their selves to a Tax evading, draft dodging, Crook who attacks the justice dept. and FBI.. It’s unAmerican.”
    So when did the justice dept. and fbi become perfect entities who have done no wrong?
    What’s un-American is to NOT watch the watchers, simpleton.
    Move along…

  23. Chelleepea on August 26th, 2018 3:50 pm

    @Scott, looks like Hill isn’t the only one who drank the kool-aid , @nod put something extra in his! Trump has hurt the Republican and Christian brand. Who would want to go to church if the Christians are like Trump! There’s nothing wrong with being conservative but Trump is not a conservative.

    One day the kool-aid will run out and people will see the truth for themselves and not the alternative Trump has been feeding them. I pray that it will be soon.

  24. Retired LEO on August 26th, 2018 2:53 pm

    Mike Hill is connected to David Morgan, that means I’ll never support Hill.

  25. nod on August 26th, 2018 1:27 pm

    President Trump is the best president ever. He has been persecuted and bullied, yes I said bullied by the press and liberals and all of you RINOS. How many of you could stand up to the scrutiny that Witch hunter Mueller has put Trump through Not one I am sure. I will vote for Hill because Bydlyk sounds like a rino.

  26. Clarence on August 26th, 2018 12:51 pm

    Mr. Hill has jumped the shark with his latest publicity stunt. It’s time for him to go.

  27. so dangerous on August 26th, 2018 12:43 pm

    When did we leave our Christian values and become a political action party? Jesus told us to be honest, be kind to all. That his kingdom was no part of this world. We should live our lives accordingly.

    According to Bible teachings, to lie is wrong, to be adulterous is wrong, to get riches in a lawless way is wrong. Hate is wrong and to uphold it is wrong.

    We need our Christian values more than ever, to vote for someone that doesn’t hold these values is to say its okay.

  28. Jimmy on August 26th, 2018 12:20 pm

    Keep America Great! All aboard the Trump Train! Build that Wall!

  29. Chelleepea on August 26th, 2018 11:36 am

    Please leave the Hollywood star where it is….we don’t need a reminder of our country’s worse president. Although I don’t condone violence there’s a reason people keep vandalizing the star.

  30. anne 1of2 on August 26th, 2018 11:29 am

    I am going to run for office next time, I clearly see what to do and say now.

  31. Stringbean Baby on August 26th, 2018 10:42 am

    I can’t add anything to whats already said regarding Hill except:

  32. Kelley Seward on August 26th, 2018 10:26 am

    Another attack on Mike Hill! I know personally that Mike, and his team have been knocking on doors, since January. I personally have knocked on at least 500 to 600 doors alone. #TEAMHILL are Still knocking, two days until the primary.
    Mike Hill is the only true conservative in this race. When I worked on (then candidate)
    President Trump campaign, I knocked on just as many, if not more!! Ask yourself “why did Rebekeh Bydlak pay to enter the race” Mike Hill and the HillTeam covered district 1 worked every weekend to have enough signatures for him to enter the race.
    This #fakenews” about Mike Hill not knocking on doors article was published because Mike Hill didn’t advertise with them! Mike is Pro Life Pro Gun Pro Jesus

  33. scott on August 26th, 2018 9:42 am

    With this campaign stunt, Mike Hill has clearly demonstrated that there are no limits nor lows one will go to be elected. He drank the cool-aid; very sad and a poor refection of Escambia County.

  34. Willis on August 26th, 2018 9:13 am

    Politics 101 and she thinks she’s doing it different.

    Hill the showman or Bydlak the naive.
    Both will say whatever.

  35. Barbara Mayall on August 26th, 2018 9:13 am

    I have personally walked 10 precincts myself with and for Mike Hill. Mike Hill qualified for this race by getting petitions signed by the great voters of D1 and did not spend $$to qualify. If Rebekah has knocked so may (doors) and I’m sure she has, why didn’t she qualify by voter petitions instead of paying for qualification? Also Mike Hill has participated in every forum D1 has held, including WSRE, WRL, REC, etc. Where was Rebekah Bydlak? Citizens need to hear from all candidates at public speaking events. Why doesn’t she attend? We only hear negativity,from adds! Mike Hill was Endorsed by Florida Family Council the MOST CONSERVATIVE GROUP IN State of Florida! All citizens need to hear their questions answered by both candidates in public forums.

  36. paul on August 26th, 2018 8:32 am

    I would Never vote for a person who connects their selves to a Tax evading, draft dodging, Crook who attacks the justice dept. and FBI.. It’s unAmerican.

  37. John Q. Public on August 26th, 2018 8:24 am

    Wow! Another amaaazing candidate with new and practical ideas for our state!

    What does it take to run for office these days? Half a brain and a photo of Donny Trump under your pillow?

    *i will stop illegal immigration* click *i am pro-life* click *i will vote to end sanctuary cities* click *i am really pro-gun* click *donald trump said i am a strong warrior during our photo op* click

  38. Mr. Metoo on August 26th, 2018 8:24 am

    Is this for SGA President? Some will do and say what’s popular to get elected (again). Stop trying to ride in on another man’s horse and get your own. We have enough stars in this area. We need jobs.

  39. Anne on August 26th, 2018 8:18 am

    Mike Hill, it’s high time you went and found yourself a Real Job.
    Running for public office is Not a Career, Sir.
    Time for a change and a fresh face.
    Kind of sad how you’re turning to Our President’s Walk of Fame Star to bolster your campaign….really lame, Sir.

    GOD Please, Please Bless the USA and Save us from Ourselves.
    As Pogo famously said, “We have met the enemy and he is us”.

  40. Grand Locust on August 26th, 2018 7:53 am

    As a Christian and a lifetime Republican, I cannot reconcile my Christian beliefs with the conduct of the current President. I could never vote for someone who honors a man who denigrated John McCain an American Hero, and wants to honor a man who has proven that no moral guidance from the bible ever changed his sins. Sure I want a conservative Supreme Court, but the time has come to put a real Christian in MIke Pence in the White House. A man who has been faithful to his family, a man who has reverence for God and the bible, and a man who respected John McCain. You can take that star somewhere else, and I would suggest help tourism and put it by the sunken aircraft carrier, because that is as close as this immoral man was going to get to service in the Military.