Gulf Power Files For Rate Decrease In 2019

August 29, 2018

Today, Gulf Power filed an agreement with the Florida Public Service Commission seeking approval to reduce rates for 2019 and beyond by approximately $9.6 million on an annual basis.

This reduction reflects the remaining tax savings resulting from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The proposed decrease comes on the heels of the previous tax savings related rate decrease of $103 million for 2018. In addition, Gulf Power also recently filed a separate request with the FPSC to reduce prices based on reduced fuel, conservation and environmental costs.

In total, if all of the proposed changes are approved by the FPSC, the average Gulf Power customer using 1,112 kilowatt-hours per month can expect to see a $2.70 drop on their monthly electricity bill for 2019.

“This is more great news for customers,” said Stan Connally, Gulf Power chairman, president and CEO. “Reduced taxes and reduced costs means reduced prices for Gulf Power customers — about $32 per year for the average customer. This will be the eighth time in 10 years we’ve been able to decrease prices. With approval by the Florida Public Service Commission, customers will see the decrease beginning in their January 2019 bills.”

On the tax-related decrease, Gulf Power worked together to reach an agreement with the Office of Public Counsel, the Florida Industrial Power Users Group, The Florida Retail Federation and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy to agree on how to deliver these savings to customers.

Gulf Power said if approved, rates would be at their lowest point in five years.

File photo.


7 Responses to “Gulf Power Files For Rate Decrease In 2019”

  1. J.Larry Seale on August 30th, 2018 8:39 pm

    If Gulf Power rates can go
    down then why not ECUA ?????
    Funny ???????????


  2. JNJ on August 30th, 2018 3:11 pm

    EREC purchases its power from PowerSouth Energy Cooperative; in which it owns, along with 19 other electric distribution cooperatives in Alabama and Florida.

  3. dman on August 30th, 2018 1:02 pm

    Ok, so Next Era owns FL P&L, wonderful, the bill will have another name on it. That still didn’t answer my question. Or was the “No” in your sentence the answer I was looking for?

    Back to the original point, will the lower charges carry over once the Merger happens, and is Next Era/FL P&L/Whoever Succeeds GP subject to the Commission?

  4. Nick on August 29th, 2018 9:02 pm

    Do companies like EREC ever lower there rates? I am genuinely curious because I am pretty sure they purchase there power from other companies like Gulf Power. That means the lower cost should be passed on and rates should decrease for EREC costumers right?

  5. Wilykyote on August 29th, 2018 4:43 pm

    So a 2000 KWH user ( more like it ) will pay bout $5.00 Less per month ?

  6. Jdub on August 29th, 2018 4:26 pm

    @ dman…no they are being bought out by Next Era who FL P&L also follow under their umbrella.

  7. dman on August 29th, 2018 2:31 pm

    But aren’t they being bought out by FL Power and Light? Will this carry over once they are in charge? Is FL P&L subject to the commission also?