Century’s Mayor Takes Aim At Former Candidate, Claiming He Wrongly Received A Free House

August 9, 2018

For an update to this story, click here.

Century Mayor Henry Hawkins has taken aim at former candidate for mayor that received a free house after an EF-3 tornado hit the town in 2016.

Felic Fussner filed an application for development to construct a privacy fence in the side and rear yards of a home in the 400 block of Front Street. The Century Historic Preservation Board gave him their blessings with a few modifications, with final approval up to the town council. The board also recommended that he be granted a temporary permit  to continue to store tools and building materials in a metal freight container on his property for up to 180 days.

Fussner’s home was moved some 6-8 feet off its foundation during the February 2016 tornado. It was one of six replaced using state funding allocated to Escambia County to assist income eligible homeowners.

“I don’t think this man has the right to be jerking people around the chain when we got people out here that needs a house. He never lived in Century. He bought that house on the auction block. He never lived in it,” Hawkins told the Century Town Council.

Fussner was one three other candidates that unsuccessful challenged Hawkins during the 2016 mayor’s race.  Fussner received no votes….not a single one of the 333 votes that were cast…perhaps a first in the state.

“He did not qualify because he did not live in the city,” Hawkins said this week.

But according to the Escambia County Supervisor of Elections Office, Fussner was a qualified candidate. In fact, the county’s canvassing board conducted a hand audit of the paper ballots just to make sure he received no votes.

Hawkins told the county he would “check with the county” in regards to his belief that Fussner should not have received the house.

“I don’t think at this point and time it matters.  The house is built; it’s his. The deed is in his name, and it has been since before the tornado. I don’t think asking the county is going to do any good. They qualified him; they took his application. They processed it, and his house is ready to be moved into,” Century Town Planner Debbie Nickles said.

A motion by councilman Luis Gomez to table action on Fussner’s fence  passed 4-1, with Brooks voting no.

As for his storage container – Fussner will get to keep it on his property for now.

“We have not had a chance to revise the ordinance that metal shipping containers are not allowed, so at this point and time they are allowed until we change the ordinance,” Nickles said.

Pictured: he Century Historic Preservation Board member Regi Burkett (front left) addresses Felic Fussner (front right) on July 31. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


31 Responses to “Century’s Mayor Takes Aim At Former Candidate, Claiming He Wrongly Received A Free House”

  1. Another Front Street Resident on August 10th, 2018 8:46 am

    Kevin Stead, As another Front Street resident, Fussner was NOT living in his house and Never did. The furniture in the house was there because his brother was staying there while HE, the brother, repaired the house. Fussner told everyone that he was having the house repaired so he could rent it out for income. Fussner may have spent the day or night there occasionally while he was campaigning for mayor but NEVER LIVED THERE!!!! He told us he lived in Molino. And I didn’t even vote for Henry Hawkins but he is right about this! Personally I think all the new houses look nice and makes the neighborhood look better, but I am all for the truth being told.

  2. Recall the Mayor on August 10th, 2018 12:49 am

    Collect enough signatures of Centuries residents for a recall of Mayor Hawkins. Enough signatures of residents will get a special mayor election. Centuries Town Charter should have a provision and procedure for a recall of the mayor. We can vote on a new mayor with a special election. It shouldn’t take that many signatures to collect from residents only. The other option is de-solve the city and return back to the county. Again, get enough signatures from the residents of Century and hold a special election. The residents can vote yes to stay as a city, or vote no and return to the County.

  3. Fred McDenny on August 9th, 2018 10:29 pm

    @ David Huie Green….Many years ago, the state had proposed to build a state prison in the area between Mayfair and Montclair off Massachusetts Av, in an undeveloped area. A study found this area would have detrimental effect on the prison, and it was decided to move the prison to Century.

    Citizens for better neighborhoods.

  4. Feed Up on August 9th, 2018 9:56 pm

    Mr Mayor you are bringing shame upon thyself and the good people of century. No body wants to hear you cry racism. Nobody wants to hear about a bunch of political MUD SLINGING. Step up and show some CHARACTER. Work with the counsel and together clean this mess up or just get out of the way. Work together or Sink together. The town folks are FEED UP

  5. David on August 9th, 2018 7:01 pm

    In short…the feds need to come in ..a long time ago

  6. DLo on August 9th, 2018 4:04 pm

    Frankly, Mayor, it’s none of your business, this process is between the citizen and the county, as the rest of Century town matters ought to be. You have swerved well out of your lane to attack a private citizen for a matter that has nothing to do with you. And, why, because you are reaping what you sow and you are flailing about trying to get people to look anywhere except where they should be looking. Look over there…he got a house he didn’t deserve, look over there…it’s racism. The state is investigating sir, and I have a feeling this house of cards will soon fall.

  7. Tim T on August 9th, 2018 3:00 pm

    Century Rocks!!!!!!!

    I am addicted………….I have to go to northescambia.com for my daily fix

    Keep em coming

  8. David Huie Green on August 9th, 2018 1:21 pm

    “He may have been living there at the time of the storm but that was just so he could fix it up for a rental.”

    One of my many cousins bought a house in Mayfair to fix up and then rent out. After a while he decided he liked there even though folks were frequently murdered a block or so away. (Some of my relatives are interesting.)

    He lived there until he died last year — of natural causes, lest ye wonder.

    David for good neighbors

  9. chris on August 9th, 2018 12:26 pm

    When the light exposes things, always best to throw some shade.

  10. mat on August 9th, 2018 12:26 pm

    Here are the repayment terms for your $12,000 auto loan when you get it.
    $1 per month. ($12 per year) for 1000 years.

  11. Front Street resident on August 9th, 2018 11:50 am

    This is for Mr. Kevin Stead: Mr. Fussner had made the statement he was not going to live in the house but fix it up for a rental. He may have been living there at the time of the storm but that was just so he could fix it up for a rental., If it’s a lie it came from his own mouth!

  12. Century Resident on August 9th, 2018 11:33 am

    “”"”Still waiting on the approval of my $12,000 auto loan application by the Century board.”"”

    They are too busy processing my app for $2.7 million with no interest and a $300 repayment. It’s a 750 year note just like they have, but I might refi at about year 625.

  13. Watching on August 9th, 2018 11:30 am

    I think a large part of the problem is people don’t understand why some citizens in Century, after the Tornado, qualified for assistance and others do not.

    This lack of knowledge and the behavior of preferring to cry victim and some leaders advocate that they do, then the Democratic Party Political Machine to perpetuates that dependence on a “person” instead of advocating people step up and be independent and think for themselves.

    A large part of the reason some of the *community, as they like to say it, didn’t qualify was:

    1) they did not have a clear title of owner ship. That what legal service was sent here to help with.

    2) In this case they were not with in the bounds of the designated historic district which did benefit from that designation

    3) Income had to be with in certain parameters for the CBDG and SHIP

    4) You had to apply and provide documentation

    Maybe more reasons..not sure..Ask

    Knowledge and explanation would help..

    But yes if they can’t look at the audit (the leaders) and figure out what was going on or what to do as a BODY of government..then perhaps..

    They need to throw in the towel most likely..

  14. bob on August 9th, 2018 11:29 am

    Still waiting on the approval of my $12,000 auto loan application by the Century board.

  15. Concerned Observer on August 9th, 2018 11:17 am

    So, this has degraded to petty finger pointing in what amounts to grade school “he won’t stop touching me” arguments. This is the leadership in place and the people of the town of Century are suppose to have confidence in them. They seem to be incapable of doing nothing but running to the media to complain about what someone else did to pass the blame. Shame.

    How about this? Someone stands up, owns up to their mistakes, and admits that things aren’t right instead of the usual political garbage. Stop saying that they will be different and make changes when they’re really more concerned about what they can get for themselves. Say you’re sorry and mean it, then go out and fix things. You’d be suprised how far honesty and truthfulness will actually go.

    You want to fix this city? You need the city to believe in you and support you to make this happen. Much like a kingdom, a city divided cannot stand.

  16. Kevin Stead on August 9th, 2018 11:09 am

    I can say regarding this matter that Felic Fussner and his family were in fact living in the house destroyed by the tornado. I personally know them and they were attending our church at the time. I personally helped to salvage his belongings and helped him to move to another town on a temporary basis due to the inability at the time to find another place to lodge here in Century.

  17. mat on August 9th, 2018 11:07 am

    Step 3
    The Dog Gets Kicked Out Of The House

  18. nod on August 9th, 2018 10:39 am

    Step 1. Race card.
    Step 2. Wag the dog.
    Step 3. ???????

  19. IMHO on August 9th, 2018 10:29 am

    I do not live in the town limits, however I considered opening a business in Century. This is a perfect example of why business’s don’t come, and others close. Not a single one of the council members are to blame here, they all are. Fed up….

  20. tg on August 9th, 2018 10:21 am

    PT Barnham wants to move his operation to Century.

  21. retired on August 9th, 2018 10:07 am

    Century Mayor Henry Hawkins is trying to take the spot lite off himself.

  22. tg on August 9th, 2018 9:04 am

    Century is the Laughing Stock of Escambia County.

  23. Tom Vino on August 9th, 2018 8:59 am

    Our Mayor is a clown down here as well. So don’t feel bad. But he will be gone soon.

  24. mike on August 9th, 2018 8:30 am

    Aww, Henry, i’m disappointed in you man. do you think he tricked them into giving him a house? :(

  25. Harry J on August 9th, 2018 7:08 am

    If it wasn’t for the 3 ring circus in Century we wouldn’t have very much news in the north end

  26. Southbound on August 9th, 2018 6:19 am

    Fussner endorsed Hawkins for Mayor during the campaign and now the Mayor is throwing him under the bus.


    “And while he really can’t promise any votes, Fussner is offering his endorsement to Henry Hawkins, a former council member that is seeking to to oust incumbent Freddie McCall during a November runoff.
    “I spoke to him (Hawkins) at length, and I believe he could do a good job. I believe he can get things going on tornado recovery,” he said.”

    You can’t make this stuff up, its sadly entertaining. As mentioned, bring back a town of Century police department to add to the drama. This is better than any reality show on television.

  27. Southbound on August 9th, 2018 6:18 am

    Fussner endorsed Hawkins for Mayor during the campaign and now the Mayor is throwing him under the bus.


    “And while he really can’t promise any votes, Fussner is offering his endorsement to Henry Hawkins, a former council member that is seeking to to oust incumbent Freddie McCall during a November runoff.
    “I spoke to him (Hawkins) at length, and I believe he could do a good job. I believe he can get things going on tornado recovery,” he said.”

    You can’t make this stuff up, its sadly entertaining. As mentioned, bring back a town of Century police department to add to the drama. This is better than any reality show on television.
    Hey Century, there is an idea to bring in revenue. A reality show could be the ticket to get the town out of debt!

  28. James on August 9th, 2018 4:48 am

    Not a resident of Century, but this circus show is almost too much to believe. I even think Hollywood would raise a disbelieving eyebrow to the city’s story pitch over the past 18-24 months. Sadly, it’s real life in Century. What a mockery being set out by the mayor and council! Shame on the electorate if the mayor and council remain in office following the next election. I recommend wiping the slate clean and offering the mayoral and council positions to Bratt Elemntary students as a study in Civics. At this point, even primary school students could serve at the current level.

  29. resident on August 9th, 2018 2:56 am

    here, I’ll save you a phone call..

    “Century Hires Attorney For Task Force Members … – NorthEscambia.com

    Sep 1, 2016 – Fussner’s Front Street home was at ground zero during the EF-3 tornado six months ago, picked up and moved several feet off of its foundation.”

    Google..try it you may like it

  30. Century Resident on August 9th, 2018 2:55 am

    How long are the people of Century going to stand for “representation” like this? This is ludicrous. Maybe Hawkins wants the house to become the town’s? Maybe bring back the Barney Fife Century Police Department and put the jail in the house? Heck, let’s just take the other five house back and put a school in them.

    Does he think Escambia County didn’t vet the man on his housing paperwork?

    Hawkins has no concept of logic or reality. But at least he didn’t pull the race card again.

    This is embarrassing as a resident of Century. He’s killing the town.

  31. Seriously? on August 9th, 2018 2:43 am

    Can this guy even read? or use the internet? His misinformation campaign around the community causes strife. it was going on prior to his election by him talking on the Gulf Coast aka Pensacola voice.

    If people would explain how people qualified for different grants wouldn’t it be better? But apparently he doesn’t know himself.
