Century Council Feuds Over New Hire, Mayor’s Authority

August 22, 2018

Century Town Council members had a heated discussion over an employee at their most recent meeting – debating if the employee should be hired or terminated and if the mayor overstepped his authority.

Mayor Henry Hawkins told the council that he had hired a new clerk at $9 per hour to work in the office at town hall.

But council President Ann Brooks said the mayor had no authority to hire the employee; she said new employees must first be approved by the council as required by the town charter.

“This is not the first time this year that he (the mayor) has done the same thing, and I have told him that you can’t do this,” Brooks said. “You have to bring it to the council for approval before you hire someone. We approve the hiring.”

Brooks pushed for a motion that was made by council member Ben Boutwell to terminate the employee and offer her temporary employment until another employee returns from maternity leave. She said there are currently too many employees in town hall, especially considering the town’s current budget crunch. That motion failed 2-3, with Luis Gomez, Sandra McMurray-Jackson and Gary Riley voting against.

“He needs to do it the right way, because it is in the charter,” Boutwell said forcefully.

A second motion to hire the new employee passed 3-2, with Brooks and Boutwell dissenting.

“A house divided against itself, it ain’t going to stand” council member Jackson said after the vote. “How do we think people are going  to come and live in Century when  those of us here don’t want to live here. This has got to stop. This right here (pointed to Riley), said we the best council we ever had. Look at us now. Bickering, bickering. This has got to stop. We have got to get with one accord.”

“This has got to stop. We are trying to do better here in Century. Nobody wants to come to Century for nothing but to talk about us, to be made a mockery of on NorthEscambia…and any other publication.”

“We need to change the things that are not right,” Brooks said. ” I don’t think we have a council that is willing.”

“All this arguing and bickering here at this table,” Jackson replied. “My God, it has got to stop.”

“It sounds a little bit like you are arguing and bickering” Brooks interjected.

Jackson replied, “I am not arguing and bickering. I am making a point.”

After the discussion, the  council did vote unanimously to hire two employees for the street department, each starting at $13.50 per hour to do dual duties as mechanics and street laborers.

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


42 Responses to “Century Council Feuds Over New Hire, Mayor’s Authority”

  1. Michelle D on August 23rd, 2018 3:24 pm

    Wow! I am at awe over this! First and foremost, in my opinion, if you have a loan from the city still outstanding, you should not be on the council. You need to step down.
    Second, Mr. Mayor, the charter includes rules and regulations set forth for the council and the MAYOR to follow. If you can’t follow the charter STEP DOWN! We need someone to look after the citizens and you sir are wanting to do things your way, NOT FOR THE CITIZENS, IT’S ALL ABOUT THE MAYOR. Again, if you can’t do what you are supposed to do, the way you are supposed to, GET OUT!! These council members that want to continuously back up the Mayor, y’all need to do things the right way. No, I am not being racist, before you decide to throw that card again. I am being honest. God be with y’all

  2. Joe Jr. on August 23rd, 2018 11:07 am

    Why is Jackson complaining? Didn’t she get a loan? Just my opinion but maybe council members should not receive the loan. It looks suspicious.

  3. Tim on August 23rd, 2018 10:38 am

    “Those of us here don’t want to live here”………WOW………From a City Council member…….and that is the problem in a nutshell

    Century Rocks!!!!!!

  4. John on August 22nd, 2018 9:24 pm

    It’s not that the mayor don’t care it’s because he doesn’t know what he is doing and the other members doesn’t care but Ann Brooks & Ben does care but they can’t do anything when other three is going against them. The other four is a joke that’s why Century sucks no school no jobs nothing here but sorry people that don’t know how to run a town

  5. chris on August 22nd, 2018 9:21 pm

    The light shines on the darkness, and the darkness cannot extinguish it. LOL at Ms. Jackson, cannot take the heat then get outta the kitchen.

  6. mmkk on August 22nd, 2018 8:34 pm

    LOL it is not the bickering as to why people don’t want to live in Century… just take a good look around. It has been the same stagnant town since the 70s. Nothing will ever change.

  7. A on August 22nd, 2018 8:11 pm

    This mayor needs to go away. Keep up the good work Ms. Ann. And keep up the good work North Escambia

  8. Insider Info on August 22nd, 2018 7:07 pm

    Well that’s funny how I get a call to come in for an interview. Have to take off work to be there, just for a cousin to be hired and a friend hired for the other position…wonder if the counsel knows the guys that got hired are family and friends bet they were told just put the application in I’ll make sure you get the job. This costs people money and time.It’s sad when you know your putting in for your family and friends to be hired, but could care less about the other people applying for the job.How shady is that? You all should be ashamed of yourselfs.

  9. Well on August 22nd, 2018 6:40 pm

    Ms. Jackson……. is north escambia and other publication making a mockery ? Or reporting what’s going on ?

    I’m not sure about that but I bet if they make public records requests and are met with resistance or have a nose thumbed at them they are more willing to shine a light on you.

  10. Jayce on August 22nd, 2018 5:17 pm

    Keep up the great work mayor and council. I don’t live anywhere close to this area, but I keep up with the council meetings just for entertainment. I’ve never watched anything so comical. The mayor makes his on rules, his cronies follow his lead and nobody seems to understand the debt. Keep on hiring it will work itself out.

  11. TCOB on August 22nd, 2018 2:33 pm

    Ya’ll need to stop hatin he’s just a “Black man taking car of business”

    Calm down. I didn’t say it he did in a previous article.

  12. Chelleepea on August 22nd, 2018 1:53 pm

    No need to point fingers, everyone is at fault.

    Ms. Jackson , Mr Gomez , Mr. Riley for excusing the Mayor from following the town charter and for taking Ms. Brooks words about the charter as a personal attack on the Mayor. You are not there to be the Mayor’s friend. Support him when he is right and check him when he is wrong.

    Ms. Brooks and Mr. Boutwell for being inconsistent with the charter and sad financial situation. You throw the books at the Mayor for hiring before council approval and that he didn’t consider the financial situation but yet the council approved two employees and they started working before they were brought to a vote. Either you follow the law to the T or you’re all breaking the law.

    The Mayor for hiring before council’s approval and not consider the finances. Perhaps you could have made it work without the new hire. It is your leadership that will make this a successful administration or not.

  13. Joe Jr. on August 22nd, 2018 1:25 pm

    Maybe Century should look into their Mayoral recall procedures.

  14. Joe Jr. on August 22nd, 2018 1:08 pm

    This Mayor sounds like a real winner. Looks as though he needs to read the town charter unless he has and just doesn’t care about rules, laws etc… Typical.

  15. Preachman on August 22nd, 2018 12:32 pm

    As with any Business and if you read and define any charters fine print, all the Mayor did was to recommend at the next board meeting his discretionary hire and the board ratifies it. Ms. Brooks is trying to be show stopper,she needs to manage her firm and stop trying to stop the town from progressing. Anytime growth and progress is being made, detractors will always loom. Mayor Hawkins and the Lord is breaking up years of “Bubba” system practices that are antiquated and not technologically sound for a growing town.

  16. Chelleepea on August 22nd, 2018 12:18 pm

    I would like to ask Ms. Jackson, Mr. Gomez, and Mr. Riley , is there a charter that states that all hires and fires must be approved by council first? If your answer is yes than you should not be upset that Ms. Brooks brought it up. If I’m correct this is not the first time she has brought it up.

    I would like to ask Ms. Brooks and Mr. Boutwell, did the town already hire 2 employees for the street department before the council voted on it? If yes, don’t you feel that you are being inconsistent? If there’s a charter for council to approve first than no one should be working before approval. And since you mentioned the sad state of the budget , did we need two street department employees or could we have just hired one for now.

    I would like to ask the Mayor, did you not know that council had to approve new hires even if you’re just temporarily replacing someone on maternity leave? And did you know we have a budget crisis. It is up to you to set an example and to follow the town’s charter no matter what. Good intentions don’t count against the law.

    Everybody’s at fault in this administration. While oneside of the council brought up the charter and the budget crisis they have been inconsistent. Two new hires worked before an approval without considering the finances. Perhaps we needed both. It doesn’t matter if they were already budgeted for perhaps we could have gotten by with one. The otherside takes things too personally. Please remember you work for the town not the Mayor. You are not there to make friends. What are your thoughts and feelings, what is right what is wrong? this shouldn’t be about the Mayor versus council president.

    There’s an election at the end of the month with 3 council candidates. The one who shows me that they can be an independent voice will get my vote.

  17. nod on August 22nd, 2018 11:18 am

    the mayor needs to be removed. he and a couple of his cronies do as they please and ignore the law(town charter). when century goes bankrupt what then?

  18. ProudArmyParent on August 22nd, 2018 11:16 am

    I’m at a loss for words…..”Century Eliminates Position To Provide Four Other Employees With Raises”
    How do you do this and then….”Century Council Feuds Over New Hire, Mayor’s Authority” ?
    Simply no words to explain the stuff that goes on!

  19. ensley boy on August 22nd, 2018 11:11 am

    I have been reading Northescambia a long time.. I have never seem they write a mockery on anyone, The mockery comes from within the Century Council,.

  20. TJ on August 22nd, 2018 11:11 am

    The Town Council needs to apply for a job with Ringling Brothers as Clowns. They are nothing but a 3-ring Circus.

  21. chris on August 22nd, 2018 10:54 am

    And yet, people scratch their heads and wonder WHY no businesses will consider locating or re-locating to Century.

  22. Just A Citizen on August 22nd, 2018 10:42 am

    Another girl in the office!!! They got more office employee now than what they need. They have one person in that office that knows her job and that is Christina Woods and that is because she is a long time employee that came there with an attitude of wanting to learn. City Hall does not need all these employees. If the Town is broke you need to get rid of people that are taking up space and doing nothing. ……………the town charter clearly states the Mayor Hires with the approval of the Council. Council do your job. You were not elected to sit there and be a yes man for no one and collect a check each month. Do what is right for the Town and its people .

  23. Concerned Citizen on August 22nd, 2018 10:39 am

    Sandra McMurray-Jackson, YOU are the one arguing and bickering. It is plain to see that the mayor did not comply with the town charter in the hiring of a new employee. Why in the world would you uphold this when YOU are suppose to have the town’s interest at heart. THIS is not in the best interest of the town. Mayor Hawkins is repeatedly ignoring the charter that he swore to uphold and his “sidekick” Gomez is making it worse! You are trying to make it a black versus white situation, which it is NOT! I voted for you, Sandra and you have been doing a fine job up until now. READ AND GO BY THE CHARTER and quit your arguing! I love this town but this mayor is dragging us through the mud and embarrassing me to say that I am from Century! We (the town of Century) are in a financial crisis, so all of you need to work together and share the load of work instead of repeatedly hiring more employees and cannot meet payroll!

  24. sammie jo on August 22nd, 2018 10:03 am

    Sad that some of the council does not know what the charter specifies, and yet they sit there twice a month and make decisions that effects the entire population of Century. PLEASE read it . The rules apply to ALL…. not just some. Knowledge is power…Read and apply the rules of the TOWN OF CENTURY……..
    THIS IS NOT A POPULARITY CONTEST ~~~ It is serious business and we depend on you to make it RIGHT………. Help make the town something everyone can be proud of . Many good honest people live here. Make us proud to live here not cringe when someone ask “where do you live”? Think about it……..Do you want our town to move forward ??? If you really want it…WORK at it.DO WHAT IS RIGHT!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION…

  25. Frank on August 22nd, 2018 9:50 am

    Sounds to me that the Council members need to seek the State Attorneys opinion in violation of the town Charter

  26. retired on August 22nd, 2018 9:25 am


  27. anne 1of2 on August 22nd, 2018 9:22 am

    I have Century cereal every morning and I enjoy it. The Mayor stirs the pot every day. The others are having to pay attention! Go figure. Life was so easy when they could just show up and do their thing and Century was falling apart. God bless the Mayor and Northescambia.com for putting Century on the FL map again!

  28. Enough on August 22nd, 2018 9:21 am

    Seems to me the “Good ‘ol Boy” system the mayor complained (bickered) about being done away with exists under his Own administration. The names and the faces may have changed, but the good ‘ol boy system is alive and well. If the mayor does not have to abide by the town charter, why do we?

  29. Inquiring mind on August 22nd, 2018 8:58 am

    This has got to stop first it was a black on white thing. Now these professional people are arguing on the media all you guys are doing is making century look bad. Mrs Jackson who is a great person with a business is being bashed on the media. Mr Riley which is a long time century councilman and great guy has done his best. But this darn Mayor dude you are just screwing this town this is not the 80’s get a grip dude. You going up on bills and still talking about a budget but raising the cost of living to pay these people you keep hiring. Maybe the town needs young mature people to run it and get the mayor Brooks and boutwell out of there.

  30. Wonder on August 22nd, 2018 8:33 am

    Those two guys was hired last week and the council just voted lol. Wonder what happened to the inmate mechanics? used to be one or two in the shop all the time! There are a lot of inmates in the state of Florida that can be sent to century to be a mechanic for the street department what has changed? Wonder did someones buddy get hired? Wonder if someone said hire people that need a job don’t use inmates! Well these two people left jobs to take this job so it can’t be that – right?

  31. Mat on August 22nd, 2018 8:32 am

    I have a question. How does Century still exist?

  32. tg on August 22nd, 2018 8:11 am

    When will all of this ever end?

  33. fred on August 22nd, 2018 7:57 am

    I’m certainly no expert on personnel procedures in Century, but it seems that if an employee is not legally hired, that employee could not be paid. The mayor then places himself potentially vulnerable for illegally encumbering the city’s funds.

  34. Sabrina Walls on August 22nd, 2018 7:55 am

    Please answer this question? Requiring the Mayor to follow policy and procedures is considered “bickering”; I this point in time, the only two qualified individuals on this Town Council is Mrs. Brooks and Mr. Boutwell. If the town had trouble making payroll for current employees, why hire new employees? As far as the bad press, the Mayor and Mr. Gomez (this man is so unprofessional) is causing all the bad press, with their lack of knowledge and leadership. I believe at this point in time; it appears that the Mayor isn’t being held accountable for his actions. This man needs to resign.

  35. Sam on August 22nd, 2018 7:52 am

    If you have a town charter that spells out the mayors and councils responsibility, you either follow it or dissolve it and the town. Right now we have a mayor making up his own rules and being backed up by his minions. This town is toast. Someone from the state needs to come in and start making things right.

  36. Tom on August 22nd, 2018 7:39 am

    My momma always said, “Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

  37. Century.Clown.College on August 22nd, 2018 7:23 am

    I guess the mayor would say if you oppose him breaking the rules on hiring you might be a racist.

  38. 429SCJ on August 22nd, 2018 7:11 am

    Absolute power; absolutely!

  39. John on August 22nd, 2018 7:01 am

    What a joke y’all all need to be kick out

  40. Master Mechanic on August 22nd, 2018 5:16 am

    Mechanics one day & Garbage collector the next ??? You don’t attend & graduate Trade School to pick up – garbage. Century is trying to get twice the work from one person.

  41. Citizen on August 22nd, 2018 2:53 am


    Sec. 3.07. – Duties and Powers.


    Employees and Officers. The council shall pass upon the recommendations of the mayor as to the selection, appointment, suspension, or removal of all town employees and appointive administrative officers provided for by or under this charter, by town ordinance, or otherwise, except as otherwise provided by law, this charter, or personnel rules adopted pursuant to this charter.

    You held your hand up and swore an Oath didn’t you?

    quit being stupid.

  42. bigbill1961 on August 22nd, 2018 2:52 am

    A mayor that is either unfamiliar with or simply ignoring the charter of the town he is supposed to serve, constant news reports of bickering, everyone seemingly doing their own thing and definitely not on the same page. All the makings of a sitcom or soap opera.