School Bells Ring Early For Florida Students
July 7, 2018
In a little more than a month, tens of thousands of Florida students will return to their classrooms.
Nineteen of the 67 school districts will open their doors on August 10, according to the state Department of Education’s 2018-2019 school district calendar. Another 40 districts, including Escambia County, will be open by August 13, meaning nearly nine out of every 10 districts statewide will be operating by mid-August, well ahead of the September 3 Labor Day holiday.
Miami-Dade County, which is the largest district with some 350,000 students, and Hamilton County, which is one of the smallest with fewer than 1,700 students, will both open on August 20, the latest date to start the new school year. Both of those districts will end their academic years on June 6, the latest date to conclude the year. In general, school, districts that start classes early will also release students earlier in the spring.
Sixteen districts including Escambia County, will conclude their school years on May 24, ahead of the May 27 Memorial Day holiday. Teachers will return to their classrooms ahead of the students, with teachers in Bay, Calhoun, Holmes and Madison counties set to return on August 1, the earliest return date for teachers. Escambia County teachers will return August 3.
Florida schools, which generally operate on a 180-day school year, are projected to serve nearly 2.85 million students in the new academic year.
by The News Service of Florida with contribution from
2 Responses to “School Bells Ring Early For Florida Students”
William, I’m the Guidance Office Secretary at an Escambia County school. At this point, the calendar as published on the district website (the link you posted) is set unless we have any days that are altered because of extreme weather, hurricanes, or other unforeseen events. Using that calendar to make your family plans should be safe. I hope you get plenty of time to enjoy the kiddos!
Do you know if the 2018-19 Escambia County School District Student Calendar will remain as it has been posted? Trying to make those long range plans with the grands.
Thank you.