Pensacola’s White, Opponent Keep Pace In Florida GOP Attorney General Money Chase

July 10, 2018

Republican primary opponents in the race for attorney general — state Rep. Frank White and former Hillsborough County Circuit Judge Ashley Moody — were neck-and-neck in terms of fundraising during the fourth week of June, according to the latest campaign finance reports.

White, who remains the overall fundraising leader in the contest, picked up a combined $40,149 in his campaign account and political committee, United Conservatives, according to reports posted by the state Division of Elections.

Moody added $44,685 to her campaign account and Friends of Ashley Moody political committee during the same time period, the reports show.

White’s totals for the week of June 23 to June 29 were bolstered by a $20,000 contribution from business-backed Associated Industries of Florida. The Tallahassee-based lobbying giant and its affiliated political committees have donated generously to both candidates.

White, who serves as general counsel and chief financial officer for the chain of Sandy Sansing auto dealerships, had nearly $2.4 million on hand as of June 29. He has pumped $2.77 million of his own money into the race.

Moody, whose contributions during the week included $6,000 from a pair of pari-mutuels in Miami and Orange Park, had $2.2 million in her combined accounts.

by The News Service of Florida


3 Responses to “Pensacola’s White, Opponent Keep Pace In Florida GOP Attorney General Money Chase”

  1. Anne on July 10th, 2018 9:09 pm

    Florida the state where we have the best politicians that money can buy.

  2. Kane on July 10th, 2018 1:26 pm

    He reminds me of Gabe from “The Office” (U.S). It seems John that you are trying to villainize this man for being rich and having good hygiene. I don’t recall either being a crime. Soft hands on a man well that right their is some very stereotypical thinking a man does not need to have “rough hands” to prove he is a man or to prove he has “worked” in his life. There are plenty of jobs that men do that does not destroy their hands do these jobs make them less of a man in your eyes John? Whatever the case basing someone’s worth on their money or the condition of the skin on their hands is ridiculous.

  3. John Q. Public on July 10th, 2018 10:09 am

    Ah, Frank White. The man who spent over $2.5 million of his own money on his political campaign yet still complains in his TV ads about “liberal elites” looking down on the working man. I’ll bet his hands are as soft as a Jet-Puft marshmallow wrapped in silk.