Pensacola’s White Drops $2.77 Million On Attorney General Race

July 4, 2018

Former Hillsborough County Circuit Judge Ashley Moody continues to post six-figure contribution totals, while her opponent in the Republican primary for attorney general, state Rep. Frank White, has started to dig into his campaign treasury to pay for ads, new finance reports show.

On the Democratic side of the race to replace term-limited Attorney General Pam Bondi, Rep. Sean Shaw of Tampa maintains a big lead in the fundraising contest over Ryan Torrens, a lawyer from Hillsborough County.

White, a Pensacola Republican, spent more than $1 million, mostly on advertising, from June 1 to June 22, while raising $84,200, according to campaign finance reports posted on the state Division of Elections website.

White released a pair of commercials last month that are part of a statewide TV ad buy that is expected to run up to the Aug. 28 primary. The first criticizes politicians, liberal judges and elites that “threaten the Constitution and mock our values.” The second ad highlights White’s pro-life stance and support for the National Rifle Association and President Donald Trump.

White, who serves as general counsel and chief financial officer for the chain of Sandy Sansing auto dealerships, has put $2.77 million of his own money into the race.

White had about $2.4 million on hand as of June 22.

Of the $84,200 raised between June 1 and June 22, $39,000 came from other auto dealerships and real estate companies tied to those dealerships.

Braman auto dealerships and real estate companies in South Florida accounted for $24,000.

by Jim Turner, The News Service of Florida


7 Responses to “Pensacola’s White Drops $2.77 Million On Attorney General Race”

  1. Wilykyote on July 7th, 2018 10:32 am

    Regardless of WHOS giving money to Whom I can’t see why
    “We The People “ can’t weed-out the lemons at the VotingBooth!
    The Sansings are a big part of area and have been for a long time.
    If they’re for a Politician ( maybe related?) doesn’t necessarily mean
    anything nefarious is happin. I’d vote for him only based on him and
    his Opponents.

  2. Lil Mama on July 7th, 2018 12:21 am

    Check out this article. I bet he has never tried a case in his life but he wants to be Floridas top cop. All he has is the backing of his father in law and Sansing’s rich friends. The conservative elite.

  3. scott on July 4th, 2018 9:30 am

    @Bob C — Bama provided an excellent and logical reply. Who does that without having some other motive? We have to escape the acceptance of what is not logical. If it smells like a fish, it cannot possibly be steak.

  4. Mark on July 4th, 2018 8:58 am

    I’m with you @bama, any “financial” officer that spends nearly 3 million for at best a 1 million (8 years max) return would be fired. Yet somehow politicians always end up wealthier when they leave office than when they went in.
    Fun part though, I’ve never heard of the guy until I saw NE’s post on facebook about him.

  5. Bob C. on July 4th, 2018 7:52 am

    @ Bama

    I’m guessing that he put $2,770,000 (looks better with all the numbers) of his own pocket money into the campaign for Fla Attorney General because he is driven by a strong personal and deeply moral desire to provide Service and Leadership to the state.

    Does seem like little financial return on his investment though.
    Maybe more auto dealerships need to step up and bring it for him?

  6. Bama on July 4th, 2018 6:24 am

    Why would someone put $2.77 million into a campaign for a position that pays $129.000?
    Are politicians really honest?

  7. Citizen on July 4th, 2018 2:55 am

    If I had that many millions I would be ignoring politics and enjoying life.