Fireworks: Terrifying For Pets

July 4, 2018

Unlike people, pets don’t associate the noise, flashes and burning smell of fireworks with celebration. As a result, fireworks can cause a great deal of stress for some pets. Unexpected behavior may be displayed by your pet while trying to escape from the loud noises including jumping a fence to find safety, running away or “flight from fright,” destruction of yard or household items and biting. Please follow these tips:

  • Do not take your pet to fireworks displays.
  • Do not leave your pet in the car while you watch a fireworks display. In only a matter of minutes, the heat in a car can cause serious health problems or even death. A stressed animal can also cause major damage to the interior of your car.
  • Be mindful of hot asphalt and sand. Keeping your dog on hot asphalt or sand even for short periods of time can cause severe burns to the pads of their feet.
  • Keep pets indoors. Turn on the TV or radio as a distraction and close the curtains.
  • Never leave pets unattended outside, not even in a fenced yard or on a chain, if you are near a fireworks display or if your neighbors are lighting small fireworks. They may try to run away or become tangled up in their chain.
  • Provide a pet bed or crate in a quiet place to create a small den-like atmosphere and a sense of security.
  • If you must be outside with your pet, keep the pet on a leash or in a carrier at all times.
  • Make sure your pet has proper identification tags with current information in case they run away.
  • If your pet often becomes stressed during periods of loud noise like thunderstorms, check with your veterinarian to see if a tranquilizer is appropriate for your pet.

Shelters often see an increase in lost pets after fireworks displays. If your pet becomes lost, post and search for lost pets at or call 850-595-3075.


3 Responses to “Fireworks: Terrifying For Pets”

  1. anne on July 4th, 2018 11:59 am

    Just saying is so right! Just a piece of carpet goes a long way to keep animals cool.
    My cat used to run and hide but last night he just looked at me as if to say, “Oh, those things again?.”

  2. SZ on July 4th, 2018 9:09 am

    Oh my gosh! That looks just like my baby, Wally! He got re-homed a few years back, but I miss him so much… He was SO TERRIFIED of fireworks. We had to actually give him doggie-valium and sedate him for the holiday. He had a thunder-shirt, too.
    If anyone knows this dog, and he answers to “Wally”, please let me know! :-)

  3. JustSaying on July 4th, 2018 7:52 am

    The back of a pickup truck gets so hot for their feet, if it’s hot to your touch, it’s hot to theirs!