ESCO: Child Found Living In Squalor With Drugs, Easy Access To Gun

July 6, 2018

A couple was charged after a child was found living in squalor with drugs and easy access to a gun when the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office served a narcotics search warrant.

Justin Lee Devries, 33, was charged with felony child neglect, unsafe storage of a firearm, possession of marijuana with intent to sell, manufacture, or deliver with 1,000 feet of a worship center, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Brooklyn Sky Sorrells, 28, was charged with felony child neglect and unsafe storage of a firearm.

Inside the home, deputies reported finding piles of dog feces, dog feces smeared and smashed all across the floor and walls, a dead rat in the toilet, a large number of live flies and cockroaches, and a lack of available food. The only furniture in the house was a mattress and box spring used by the child that was “soiled and when moved produced a cloud of dirt and dust”, according to an arrest report. Deputies found a loaded .45 caliber handgun between the mattress and box spring..

The male child was walking around the home at the time of the search in an adult diaper with no shoes, the report stated, and would have easy access to the gun. The Department of Children and Families responded, and the child was released to Sorrell’s mother.

When the home was searched, investigators recovered $19,503 and  1,074 grams of marijuana.  Sorrell told deputies that she did not know her boyfriend was selling marijuana.

The house was located with 1,000 feet of Ensley United Methodist Church on East Johnson Avenue.

Devries was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $26,000 bond. Sorrells was released  on a $6,000 bond.


20 Responses to “ESCO: Child Found Living In Squalor With Drugs, Easy Access To Gun”

  1. Shay on July 9th, 2018 11:22 am


    As a single mother of an autistic son I am offended and appalled that you would use that as an excuse to neglect a child. I assure you that my son always has clothes on and a spotless home to live in. I work 24 hr shifts every third day to support him and also carry a gun. I have a safe I put the gun in when it’s not on my hip. Grow up and put your big girl pants on!! Stop blaming other’s for decisions made by bad people.

  2. BILLY on July 7th, 2018 9:54 pm

    Sorry Ingrid but i feel you need to look a little deeper into the response you made. It you read it to yourself again,,,,,,,,,,,well just saying!

  3. phillip on July 7th, 2018 12:07 pm

    ingrid, the child’s mental state has nothing to with why it is in nothing but diapers, and everything to do with the parents issues. plenty of developmentally challenged children wear clothes. Having a helpless child in squalor (feces, roaches, rats) means that the “parents” (I used that term very loosely) are not loving or taking care of him. the ESCO has no reason to go into someones house and make the living situation deplorable. what is your thought process? they just decided to pick on these people? then gathered up feces, rats, and roaches and carried it into the house then take time to distribute those items through the house all while also placing drugs, paraphernalia, and a weapon in the house just to lock these people up? that makes sense to you?

  4. Fl-gril31 on July 7th, 2018 9:15 am

    @Gayle. How is it you can blame the grandparent? Grandparents have zero rights in this state. Until Children services takes the kids, grand parents can do nothing! You can report them to DCS and the parent she and kid up and move or disappear. They can refuse to allow you to see the child or their home. Grand parents may not know of the condition and in some cases don’t even know of the child’s existence. You don’t know the relationship between the mother and grandmother.
    Thankfully DCS located a family member to care for the child immediately. Foster care in our are is lacking, too many children and not enough willing and loving homes. If this appalls you, then check out becoming a foster parent and become part of making these kid’s lives better. Sadly, as a grandparent you have zero say and authority in a grandchild’s life. When it comes down to it, you can only hound DCS until they catch up with the scum that does this. The parents are the sole people responsible and should NEVER be allowed to have this child or any other child.

  5. Dawn Litchfield on July 7th, 2018 8:00 am

    Words of comfort for those by the mistreatment of the child:
    I don’t know about the men in jail, but female inmates typically DESPISE people with charges like these. Being locked up is bad, but having the 85 women youre locked up with GUNNING for you is worse. Most of these women are mothers thenselves, and miss their children more than anything— they’d give years off their lives just to see or hold their children, and this woman was ABUSING hers? And these women arent in jail because they know how to ACT RIGHT. Ol’ girl isn’t doing easy time, believe that.

  6. JustSaying on July 7th, 2018 7:56 am

    After almost 7 years of having a child in our care, due to the same situation. Except we voluntarily went in and got the child to save her before she was completely destroyed mentally. I can answer a lot of these questions and a lot of the time, DCF is not easy to deal with, until you meet the right case worker that actually has the children’s best interests at heart. And you have to do some of your own work too, write letters to people that will get some attention. Use your imagination And connections, fight for the child. The parents want the child for appearance sake for the courts and also another number for monthly income. I could keep going, but Glory be to God! , we got the help we needed and have raised a fine young lady! And the mother is doing better now too!

  7. Ingrid on July 7th, 2018 4:02 am

    This “story” fails to mention their son is in adult diapers without clothes because he has severe autism. But he is beyond loved & taken care of. Anyone who knows this family knows their kids are their world & the family & grandparents would never ever let the children live in these conditions. Ever. This story is a fabrication brought to you by the manipulative Escambia County Police & I pray none of you ever have to face their wrath & destruction like so many families in our city of Pensacolaca have.

  8. Gayle on July 6th, 2018 10:13 pm

    I always wonder how the grandparents, who are given the kids in this kind is situation, don’t know that their grandchildren are living in those conditions.

  9. Trocarman on July 6th, 2018 7:35 pm

    I pray the baby will be placed with a really good foster family or adoptive parents. As for the two drug heads I pray they are locked up for a long long time. People have to be held accountable for their stupid actions.

  10. Rene on July 6th, 2018 5:23 pm

    19,000 dollars? Why are you living like that ? The cops would come to my house and would not find a dollar I would spend it on the finer things in life!
    My baby would be wearing the best clothes and diapers!

    If your going to deal in drugs get smart and do it right !!

  11. Molino Mom on July 6th, 2018 10:02 am

    Some people just shouldn’t reproduce..this is a perfect example of that. And we wonder why the world is the way it is? This is why-people like this bring kids into the world and treat them like dirt which then makes that poor child grow up with extreme emotional issues, not knowing how to love or care for anything because he/she was never shown any in their lives. Hopefully, this child is saved in time, I pray he was.

  12. SW on July 6th, 2018 9:47 am


    That money wasn’t for living expenses, it was operating capital for his business operations.

  13. Rasheed Jackson on July 6th, 2018 8:56 am

    It looks like another Grandparent to the rescue, or will this turn out like a lot of the other cases where the grandparent gives the child back to its parents. So many times this is the case and the child is jerked back and forth with no stability or a real place to call home. Mean while we the tax payer will most likely supply them with an attorney and we will definitely be picking up the tab on court cost and their jail time. It would be nice if the $19,000 + could be placed in a trust fund for the child. Then make the accused work off their dept to society. But no, once again the working, contributing, Deplorables, will be force to give up what they have worked for to clean up the mess left behind by their type.

  14. KAE on July 6th, 2018 8:39 am

    What kind of mother would allow their child to live in such filth?? I do not understand,
    Sounds like the dog was treated better. Your child deserves better, your child deserves a mother that will put them first!! Shame on you!!

  15. D.D. on July 6th, 2018 8:31 am

    There is no excuse for that. They do not deserve to have children …I hope the poor child is in a place where it is well cared for and loved. They should lock these losers up and throw away the key.

  16. tg on July 6th, 2018 8:08 am

    Lots of folks just don’t need children.

  17. W.W. on July 6th, 2018 7:52 am

    Better living through modern pharmacology….

  18. Good grief on July 6th, 2018 6:29 am

    Where were the grandparents, aunts, uncles etc. If I knew my grandchildren were living like that I would report them myself. Hopefully they were the ones that reported it. Shame on them if they didn’t.

  19. DCF on July 6th, 2018 2:05 am

    Both need to be imprisoned – the child should not have to suffer anymore by these two sorry excuses of humanity. She did not know her boyfriend was selling marijuana ? next thing she will say is that the 19K was for a complete home makeover. Did they post bail with drug money?

  20. Rita on July 6th, 2018 1:13 am

    They had 19,000.0 plus in cash an living in condemned. SITUATION? Terrible. I HOPE THE CHILD. IS. LIviNG IN BETER
