Escambia Deputy Rescues Turtle From Nine Mile Road

July 23, 2018

Traffic was a little slower than normal on Nine Mile Road, but an Escambia County deputy came to the rescue — of a turtle.

Emily Thompson snapped a picture of Deputy First Class J. Marcum helping the turtle (or perhaps a tortoise) cross the road.

In a social media post, Thompson wrote, “On my way home today I noticed a cop car stop immediately on a one way (Nine Mile Road), without his police lights on. I couldn’t figure out why he was getting out of his car or why we were all stopped until I saw this little turtle in front of him. The officer proceeded to walk the lil’ guy over far enough to be safe from traffic. Once traffic began to move again I made a point to honk my horn lightly, wave, and say “thank you,” and he waved back with a smile. Not all cops are awful and these little acts of kindness need to be known”

Courtesy photo by Emily Thompson for, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “Escambia Deputy Rescues Turtle From Nine Mile Road”

  1. TUMom on July 25th, 2018 10:00 pm

    A Great big THANK YOU to this kind hearted deputy!!!!! I have stopped numerous times to help these wonderful creatures across the road to safety. It warms my heart to see this precious deputy do the same thing. GOD BLESS HIM!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anne Parker on July 24th, 2018 4:01 pm

    I done something like this a few years back and some lady rear ended my car, no hopes for the car needless to say but the turtle was safe in the woods.thank you sir.

  3. 429SCJ on July 24th, 2018 7:51 am

    I stop for Gophers and box turtles as their numbers are low. I sometimes rescue painted turtles, but will not risk as much personal danger for this species as they are prolific in this area.

    I saw a person deliberately run over a box turtle once and if I had not had elderly family members with me, I would have aggressively and effectively engaged that driver.

    Let us try and have respect for all lifeforms, except perhaps sociopathic turtle killers.

  4. Taree Huggers on July 24th, 2018 7:09 am

    A gopher tortoise hold out from when it was woods out there. Those turtles live to be very old but they are doomed to development on 9 Mile Rd.

  5. Grand Locust on July 23rd, 2018 8:22 pm

    We demand the patrol car video……..and the officer video……he did not read him his rights……..”You have the right to be silent and the right to an attorney, but everyone knows an attorney would not pick you out of the road and help you along your way……but would want your shell and rights to the joke, what did the cop, turtle, and lawyer say after crossing the road…….go….fer……it.

  6. PEGGY HALL on July 23rd, 2018 6:09 pm

    looks like a gopher they are endanger in florida good job fact before they became endanger people used to keep them and they were the best meal you could get I have eaten more than my share as lot of the older people have

  7. PEGGY HALL on July 23rd, 2018 6:04 pm

    looks like a gopher they are endanger in florida good job

  8. Nana of 16 on July 23rd, 2018 4:37 pm

    GREAT JOB ESCO, even the little things in life matter.

  9. Damien on July 23rd, 2018 4:32 pm

    Great Work! This shows all officers have good in them and are not evil, as people believe they are. ;)

  10. David Huie Green on July 23rd, 2018 3:28 pm

    Looks like a gopher tortoise to me.