Escambia County Jail Job Information Fair Set For Friday

July 24, 2018

The Escambia County Corrections – Jail Division is hosting a job information fair from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, July 27 at the Escambia County Jail located at 2935 N. L St. in Pensacola. The correctional facility is currently accepting applications for corrections officer trainees, certified corrections officers and medical professionals including:

  • Corrections Officer Trainee – High school diploma or equivalent, minimum age of 20. No certification is necessary, but applicants must be willing to complete Corrections Basic Recruit School, which will be provided at no cost as outlined in the employment contract. Accepted applicants will receive $13.75 per hour training pay and $15.12 per hour after graduation/state certification. The next course is tentatively set to begin the first week of October. Apply by Sunday, Aug. 19 online here.
  • Corrections Officer - High school diploma or equivalent, minimum age of 20, and one year of experience performing work as a certified corrections officer/detention deputy; or, an equivalent combination of education and experience  If you are certified in corrections in another state, a federal agency, or military, or if you have more than four years’ break in Florida Corrections certification, you may be exempted from attending the full basic recruit academy and may qualify for an Equivalency of Training. To determine if you meet the requirements please contact the Gulf Coast Criminal Justice Selection Center for an assessment. To be eligible for this position, you must first complete the Equivalency of Training process. Starting pay is $15.12 per hour without experience and $16.63 per hour with a minimum of one year experience; however, it is subject to collective bargaining. Apply online here.
  • Clinical Nurse - This position provides nursing care to patients in a correctional facility under the direction of physicians and nurse practitioners. Valid State of Florida Registered Nurse with two years of current critical care or emergency department experience required. Starting pay is $29.00 per hour. Open until filled. Apply online here.
  • Medical Assistant – This position provides direct patient care and related support to nursing staff. Completion of Certified Medical Assistant and current CPR for Health Care Providers Certification program required. Starting pay is $10.49 per hour. Open until filled. Apply online here.
  • LPN – LPNs in our facility provide general patient care and basic patient education. Valid State of Florida Licensed Practical Nurse and current CPR for Health Care Providers Certification required. Starting pay is $16.63. Open continuous. Apply online here.
  • RN – Our nurses provide a holistic nursing care to patients housed in the correctional facility. Valid State of Florida Registered Nurse License and Current CPR for Health Care Providers Certification required. Starting pay is $24.11 per hour. Open continuous. Apply online here.

In addition to a stable position in the corrections industry, a job with Escambia County Corrections offers a comprehensive benefit plan for employees who work 30 or more hours a week. Benefits include health, dental, life, vision, employee assistance program, flexible spending accounts for medical and childcare, long-term disability, vacations, retirement and other voluntary insurance products.

For more information about the Job Information Fair, please contact Lt. Shawn Hankins at 850-436-9136 or


4 Responses to “Escambia County Jail Job Information Fair Set For Friday”

  1. Karen on July 24th, 2018 1:25 pm

    I disagree with you Grand Locust. There may be some truth to your comment, but there are also LOTS of people, young & old who choose NOT to work because they make so much money from staying at home in a government provided dwelling and popping out babies! They get plenty of welfare & EBT that they’d rather NOT work! If people were required to do some kind of work for their free hand-outs, then maybe there wouldn’t be a shortage of workers! The want to complain about minimum wage, but you have to start somewhere! Minimum wage jobs aren’t meant as a career. You have to apply yourself either physically, mentally or both in order to move up in the world!

  2. mat on July 24th, 2018 1:04 pm

    Grand Locust,
    I think also that there is a generation out there that thinks the government will take care of them for the rest of their lives. Why should they work when the government pays for their housing, food and medical costs? Some people are expecting $15.00 an hour to start working at a fast food restaurant.
    What ever happened to good ol hard work. I think its a thing of the past.

  3. Grand Locust on July 24th, 2018 11:44 am

    Talk to a small business owner right now. He or she will tell you that for the last six months they have been unable to find employees. Wages are raised and still no qualified people. The simple truth is that America’s birthrate is below replacement and to compound that problem the largest bubble of population in America’s history, the babyboomers, are retiring in massive numbers, as legal immigration has also been throttled down where the American labor pool over the next ten years are going to have huge labor shortages. This means unqualified employees are going to slip into jobs where training and discipline are essential for public safety. There are solutions, but they are politically unpopular, so jail employment is going to be a tinderbox.

  4. Lol on July 24th, 2018 10:22 am

    And the psychological damage you receive will be included in your pension…but only if you work for 20 or more years. If you’re there for a year and you’re a half way normal human and you can’t handle being in such a corrupt and toxic environment then you’re just cut off. The sad thing is by the time you leave you’ll realize the staff is more evil and corrupt than the inmates. Enjoy