Driver Crashes Through Cantonment Backyards, Stops Short Of Pool

July 20, 2018

A driver crashed through two backyards Thursday night in Cantonment, stopping short of a house and pool, and just missing an exotic bird in a large outdoor cage.

The vehicle crashed through two wooden privacy fences in the Kings Ridge Estates subdivision  at the intersection of West Roberts Road and Pine Forest Road just before 11 p.m. The vehicle’s occupants then fled on foot.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and the Florida Highway Patrol searched the area for the driver. There was no word if any arrests.

There were no injuries.

The FHP is continuing their investigation. photos by Kristi Barbour, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “Driver Crashes Through Cantonment Backyards, Stops Short Of Pool”

  1. Fred on July 22nd, 2018 9:17 am

    If memory serves, this is the same problem that happened at 9th and Olive a few years ago. I seem to recall a safety barricade of some type being constructed. I don’t drive that way any more because of the endless construction in that area, so someone may have better recollection than me.

  2. 429SCJ on July 22nd, 2018 8:40 am

    Back in 1979, there was no subdivision, only thick privets and bushes. One foggy Sunday morning about three am, myself and three friends ran the intersection, jumped the ditch and went into the bushes. About an hour later as the FHWP officer is investigating the accident, a pair of headlights appear through the thick fog. The car runs through the intersection scattering us to avoid it, jumps the ditch and knocks our car about fifteen feet further into the bushes. The driver turns out to be retired Navy fighter pilot and community member, Commander DELETED. He was very intoxicated, but was uninjured. The FHWP officer placed him in the rear of his car and completed the reports and citations.

    The next time I saw Commander DELETED, he was in the bushes at the golf course in Cantonment, shortly before sunrise one Sunday morning. I stopped and inspected his vehicle and it had only minor damage. I instructed him to put his vehicle into reverse and to back onto the roadway and to follow me home. He backed up, placed it in drive and went back into the bushes. He was uninjured so I said ” I’ve got to go, the law will be along shortly and they will get me too!

  3. np630ss on July 21st, 2018 12:15 pm

    Instead of screaming “what’s the county going to do about this”, demonstrate some initiative. Put in some 4” concrete filled bollards, spaced about 5’ apart. Anchored In concrete about 8’ deep. Paint them bright orange. NOW – you might be concerned about cost – what’s your life worth? It’s not a matter of “if”. It’s a matter of “when”.

  4. Hmmm on July 20th, 2018 11:42 pm

    Long before there were homes built at the north end of pine forest road, when a pine forest was still there, many vehicles ran out in to the woods. Failure to stop at this intersection has been a very long running problem. Before you buy a home or select property or build a subdivision do some responsible research about it. The problem is long overdue to be fixed.

  5. BG on July 20th, 2018 8:41 pm

    Hi Hallie
    Put in a guard rail. You may have to put it on the inside the fence,county might not let
    you put by the road

  6. Common sense on July 20th, 2018 7:25 pm

    Had this happen to a friend off Gulf Beach Hwy, he installed large boulders in front of his home tp protect his home and family. Common sense would tell me not to buy a house at the end of a busy intersection without some type of protection.. Bottom line, this is not a county problem, this is a homeowner/neighborhood problem.

  7. Steve Sanders on July 20th, 2018 5:58 pm

    Red flashing light might work.

  8. Mike J. on July 20th, 2018 1:46 pm

    If the car is stolen, the victim’s car is not going to be crushed. Those residential properties located on “T” intersections should be given extra metal road barriers that go ten feet into the ground to stop cars from crashing into houses.

  9. Gary M. on July 20th, 2018 12:04 pm

    Stolen vehicle, single perpetrator, yes he fled on foot.
    DNA taken at scene, suspicious person of interest stopped by officers walking further down the road and questioned.
    This should be an open and shut case whenever the DNA results come back.

    Historically, this stretch of road at the north end of pine forest blvd has been the sight of many single vehicle accidents, the county has been well aware of this for many years.
    All night long vehicles make it a point to speed and burn out tires at the West Roberts/ Pine Forest intersection. Appeals have been made to the County for enhanced enforcement, and although they have lowered the speed limit approaching this intersection it’s failed to deter intentional reckless driving.

    This is the sixth time our neighbors property has been hit in the last six years and we’ve been hit twice.
    Multiple crashes into other vehicles, and luckily no fatalities, but we can see it coming.
    Large trucks are ignoring posted signs prohibiting West Roberts road use but instead daily oversized vehicles are taking this as a shortcut to Pine Forest blvd caused asphalt sinkage and dangerous road rutting.

    We do understand that our Law Enforcement officers have their hands full as it is and have been under paid/ under staffed for years. By no way is my comments to reflect on them, we very much appreciate all the sacrifices these wonderful public servants make daily in our behalf. God bless you all and we fully support you.

    Our public politicians are running for re-election this year and someone could make brownie points in addressing this problem here before an innocent gets killed.

    We’re open for any suggestions or ideas, on making the intersection safer but more especially how to slow down or stop these irresponsible drivers.

    Said my piece, watch out for yourselves whenever you drive up this way, it’s better to avoid the northern most end of Pine Forrest blvd than to end up in an unfortunate situation.

    Fore warned is fore armed.

  10. Sharon Hager on July 20th, 2018 11:48 am

    There has been numerous accidents at that corner ( Pine Forest and W.Roberts) A traffic light there would be a good idea!!

  11. Hallie malone on July 20th, 2018 11:23 am

    I’m Hallie Malonr, the home owner of the house that got hit… This is the second time our house got Plowed through in the middle of the night. My neighbor on the other side of me the same vehicle went through my yard and ended up through his fence as well. Then the neighbor on the other side of us, has been hit SIX times, a couple of those times his very house got hit ! What is it going to take to get the Escambia county enforcement to act on that intersection? Pine Forest and RBert’s Road. Is someone going to drive into our homes and kill one of us while sleeping? Is someone going to end up in our pool and d re own? This is a very worrisome issue. Our homeowners we ran have met and the coun ty y did put up a huge stop sign, which by the way hats been struck down by card many times. So that isn’t working! My neighbor has a grandaunts in ty he room closest to the road, we have exotic birds that almost got hit last night. I realize the coun ty y did do some we ty Hing, but it hasn’t worked! What is it going to take to get them to fix this? A death?

    Thank you


  12. area resident on July 20th, 2018 10:02 am

    Would love to have follow-up on some of these incidents. We need to know who the judges are and what their decisions are. We need more/larger, not so elaborate jails. Adults don’t go into “time out.”

  13. Jim on July 20th, 2018 9:48 am

    I agree with Chrstefl. There seems to be an awful lot of Crash & Flee events recently. The only reason for them to do that is vehicle or license issues, intoxication, or some illegal activity they were involved in at the time of the accident.

  14. Whisperjet on July 20th, 2018 7:14 am

    …automatic jail time for these folks..a few weeks in the lock-up might wake them from a future life of crime..this is epidemic in our county….probation and wrist-slapping is obviously not working…of course , they would also pay all the cost for damage and court cost…

  15. Chrstefl on July 20th, 2018 4:46 am

    It’s almost becoming the norm these days to crash a vehicle and flee whether on foot or with the vehicle.
    It should be law for anyone who abandons a vehicle after a crash, to be seized and crushed at the junk yard. We need stiffer laws especially for the drunk drivers and car thieves.