Corrections Officer Charged With Pointing Gun At Stepson

July 12, 2018

A corrections officer been arrested after allegedly pointing a gun at his stepson.

David Andrew Leggett, 37, was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a third degree felony.

The child told deputies that during an argument with his mother, Leggett pulled a pistol and pointed at him and his mother, according to an arrest report. The child then fled the residence and waited for Escambia County Sheriff’s Office precinct in Century.

In an interview with deputies, the child’s mother denied that Leggett displayed a weapon or pointed it at his stepson. Deputies noted in their report that the mother was “very evasive” in answering their questions.  Leggett’s statements to deputies were redacted from the arrest report.

The State Attorney’s Office confirmed Leggett was employed as a state corrections officer at the time of his arrest.

Editor’s note: The suspect’s mugshot was not available. Under Florida law, the mugshot of a law enforcement officer is not public record.


16 Responses to “Corrections Officer Charged With Pointing Gun At Stepson”

  1. Bobby on July 16th, 2018 1:08 pm

    I hope the kids are safe yes the job can be tough but you do not take it out on family.

  2. Becky on July 13th, 2018 4:58 pm

    I pray that this child is protected from this villain forever. He should never be permitted to be in his step son’s company. The law is supposed to protect us.

  3. TLW on July 13th, 2018 1:17 pm

    My husband has worked in corrections for over 10 years and yes it’s a stressful job but never has he been physically or mentally abusive to me or the kids let alone pulled a gun on anyone. No excuse for his actions at all.

  4. Douglas on July 12th, 2018 11:30 pm

    I wonder how old the “child” is. Yes they do make things up Robbie.

  5. Robbie Evans on July 12th, 2018 10:55 pm

    I hope there is a thorough investigation.. Kids dont make things like this up.

  6. Sage2 on July 12th, 2018 10:17 pm

    DHG should hang out a shingle that reads…David for…!

  7. SoSad on July 12th, 2018 10:17 pm

    You basically accused your son of lying i really hope you tell the truth

  8. Don Neese on July 12th, 2018 6:37 pm

    I’ve Pastored the same people for 30 yrs. Do you know how many kids LIE on their parents when they angry? A lot!!!

  9. Ray on July 12th, 2018 2:45 pm

    to good grief What if she is telling the truth would you wont her to lie to officers and what would that do to her marrige I think you need to re think what you wrote .. This is what’s wrong with the youth today they get their way no matter what ,Shame on you .

  10. David Huie Green on July 12th, 2018 1:47 pm

    “If the mother denied Leggett pointed a weapon at her or the child where is the case?”

    Credibility of the witnesses for and against.

    “You basically accused your son of lying, to a cop and he will never forget it. Your child didn’t feel safe. How could you do that to your young son and over a man”

    Maybe he did. We don’t really know.

    David for truth

  11. Bewildered on July 12th, 2018 12:23 pm

    Sad all the way around. Grown-ups should settle their disputes without getting children involved. Stepson might hold a grudge – who knows? If domestic violence is present in this relationship to this extent – lady take your kid(s) and get out ASAP!

  12. Hollie on July 12th, 2018 11:36 am

    That job is stressful but that’s no excuse. I was a correction officer in different state, never once thought about pointing a gun at a child or anyone innocent. Oug you can’t handle it then that’s not the job for you. It sounds like the mother is covering for us husband and I bet she’s threatening the child now. I’ve saw situations like this with my own eyes and heard with my own ears. The mother told her son hey could go live with his granny since he didn’t want his mother’s boyfriend staying at the house everyday that she started dating less than a month ago. I’m just glad this young man is still alive. Normally we’re reading how the mother’s boyfriend killed the child.

  13. chris on July 12th, 2018 9:53 am

    If Leggett sticks by his story and the female.
    A judge will toss it

  14. Trocarman on July 12th, 2018 7:15 am

    If the mother denied Leggett pointed a weapon at her or the child where is the case? In too many cases the spouse “doesn’t press charges.” this may be what happened here. I am sure the sheriff’s office will get to the bottom of this.

  15. Good grief on July 12th, 2018 6:03 am

    Mom you just messed up big time! You basically accused your son of lying, to a cop and he will never forget it. Your child didn’t feel safe. How could you do that to your young son and over a man. You did a lot of damage, shame on you!!!

  16. Dan on July 12th, 2018 4:16 am

    the job is so stressful the state should be responsible for bail and the Counseling. But if mom said it didn’t happen then why did they take the child’s word on it and him to jail