Century Cuts Monthly Travel Stipend For Mayor

July 5, 2018

The Town of Century has ended a monthly travel stipend for Mayor Henry Hawkins, instead opting to reimburse him for his actual mileage.

Hawkins and previous mayors had received a monthly travel allowance of $590. A 2016 financial audit found that the town does not have a formal written travel policy and recommended that the town establish such a policy.

The elimination of the set travel allowance came after Hawkins submitted a reimbursement request for $83.15 over and beyond the stipend for a recent trip related to town business.

Now, the mayor will be required to submit mileage reports for reimbursement at the federal standard of 54.5 cents per mile.

Hawkins said he does not see the change hurting him financially because he does a lot of travel for the town.


3 Responses to “Century Cuts Monthly Travel Stipend For Mayor”

  1. Keep them honest on July 6th, 2018 7:46 am

    Anyone that gets a gas stipend should have a GPS on their business vehicle.

  2. chris on July 5th, 2018 8:47 am

    Bye bye to the slush fund. Now you’ll have to produce actual receipts

  3. just sayin on July 5th, 2018 7:17 am

    Thank u Mr.Mayor for all that you does for the Town of Century