Three Charged In Murder Of 19-Year Old

June 27, 2018

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office has made three arrests in connection with a June 20 Mayfair murder.

Shauntareeya L. Jones has been charged with second degree murder, and Shalen Cierra Yeldon and Deon L. Nettles have been charged with accessory after the fact for the murder of 19-year old Jaquan Berry.

The suspects met Berry near Trenton Drive and Edison Drive to buy $60 worth of marijuana. During that drug transaction a struggle ensued and the victim was shot by Jones, according to investigators. Berry was found dead on the side of the road.

Jones is being held with bond set at $700,000. Nettles and Yeldon are being held in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $300,000.


12 Responses to “Three Charged In Murder Of 19-Year Old”

  1. David Huie Green on July 2nd, 2018 7:27 pm

    “@Karen, in the Philippines right now these three would have been dragged out of their house by police and executed in the streets of Manila.”

    And their other family members and possibly their neighbors or folks living on a street with a similar name.

    I wish people didn’t so admire dictators — or that they would go join those dictators, understanding they won’t be free to leave unless the dictator says so.

    David for America,
    best place on Earth

  2. Johnson on June 29th, 2018 9:25 am

    It’s so sad this is how we have to live day by day killing like we are in the military or something I’m sick of this nonsense I know two of them they still still didn’t have to kill somebody else child you can’t whip them anymore so they got the upper hand it’s sad this is how we got to live now bless that child family for there loss.

  3. Calvinqualls5 on June 28th, 2018 7:40 am

    Patrick weed don’t make you kill some people’s likes to take or Rob you can be on pills and kill weed or no other drug make you kill it’s in some people’s nature

  4. Freda on June 27th, 2018 11:19 pm

    Look at her no remorse. I hope I’m on the jury I’m making sure we all agree to the most.

  5. Becky on June 27th, 2018 10:38 pm

    The plain truth is: The whole struggle story is made up . She wanted her money and the dope too. Cold murder . Took his life for his money.

  6. Charlotte on June 27th, 2018 7:07 pm

    Patrick, they are trying to crackdown in the Brownsville area. A lot of drug and prostitute activity in that area. People think they are going to “revitalized” Brownville. I’ve been hearing about that for years. It’s a huge area. I grew up in that area. It wasn’t too bad back in the fifties and sixties, but it’s way worse now. Just go to your crime map on line, and you will see a lot of drug, prostitute and shooting goes on around that area. Especially from A street to W street.

  7. Charlotte on June 27th, 2018 7:02 pm

    I’m confused. When you are arrested for murder, don’t care if it’s first, second, or third degree, I thought you didn’t get bond. Why are these people, at least two I know of, got bond after murdering someone? Not being funny, just confused as to why these people get a bond.

  8. Nope on June 27th, 2018 6:44 pm

    @Patrick, it’s not the weed that got the kid killed. It’s the complete lack of morals or substance in these sub-humans that caused it to happen. It could have been weed, heroin or something as simple as a pair of tennis shoes. These fools have no value in life so life has no value to them(if that makes sense) all this does is separate families as cause grief(along with overloading in the CJ system) until we figure out ways to instill values in their minds this type of behavior will continue. Sad but true.

  9. john on June 27th, 2018 4:17 pm

    @Patrick, I think the police are doing a pretty good job considering what they go through. The problem exist with legislators and judges….at this level is where SERIOUS
    changes need to take place.

    @Karen, in the Philippines right now these three would have been dragged out of their house by police and executed in the streets of Manila.

  10. JimBob on June 27th, 2018 3:18 pm

    @patrick you can’t blame marijuana for idiots behaving like animal’s. If anything needs to be outlawed it’s alcohol. People with your views are why we are heading towards a police state. The government is already much too involved in the private lives of our citizen’s. The laws are already more than strict. You, like most of the uninformed masses want to propose a simple answer to a complicated problem. More laws don’t reduce crime.

  11. Karen on June 27th, 2018 2:54 pm

    Just look at the remorse on her face, she could care less that she murdered someone she thinks its funny I guess

  12. Patrick on June 27th, 2018 2:29 pm

    And they say weed is harmless. Doesn’t look that way. To many people getting killed over drugs in this county. Police need to crack down. And the justice system needs to send a clear message to any one committing crimes that are drug related just my thoughts.