Tate’s Cora Andrews Is Candidate For State FFA Officer

June 5, 2018

Cora Andrews, of the J.M. Tate High School FFA Chapter, has been selected as a Florida FFA state officer candidate.

Andrews is seeking the position of the Area 1 state vice president.

Andres and 32 other high school seniors from around the state participated in the rigorous interview process at the Florida FFA Leadership Training Center in Haines City. Over the course of two days, Andrews and the others were challenged with a personal interview, written exam, individual problem-solving exercise, advocacy stand and deliver practicum, state degree interview, agricultural education interview and a conversational exercise.

State officer election will take during the 90th Florida FFA State Convention & Expo, June 11-15 in Orlando, Florida


6 Responses to “Tate’s Cora Andrews Is Candidate For State FFA Officer”

  1. Anonymous on June 17th, 2018 5:26 pm

    Jumping through hoops is the easy part. The real challenge comes when the others have to choose who is best person to lead them! Congrats and good luck .

  2. Sarah-Jane on June 5th, 2018 7:03 pm

    Go shine Cora be yourself…..you have got this.

  3. Bailey on June 5th, 2018 12:28 pm

    GO CORA!!! The Seibert’s and Whatleys love ya!

  4. Net on June 5th, 2018 11:45 am

    Proud of you girl. You are amazing.

  5. My2Cents on June 5th, 2018 11:26 am

    Congratulations & Good luck young lady! I’m already impressed!

  6. Jesse hooper on June 5th, 2018 11:08 am

    Very Capable young lady! Both intelligent and driven! Shed have my vote! Good luck Cora Andrews
