Man Sentenced For Setting Girlfriend On Fire With Gasoline

June 14, 2018

An Escambia County man has been sentenced to four decades in prison for setting his girlfriend on fire with gasoline.

Tavares Antwan Lewis,  41, was sentenced Wednesday by Circuit Judge W. Joel Boles to 40 years in state prison with a minimum mandatory sentence of 30 years as a prison releasee reoffender and habitual felony offender. He was convicted of second degree murder with a weapon.

In the early morning hours of September 20, 2016, Lewis threw gasoline on the victim and set her on fire. The victim was in the hospital for seven months with severe burn injuries. However, she was able to tell law enforcement that Lewis was her attacker.

Further investigation linked his cell phone to the time and area of the crime. Lewis also made incriminating telephone calls to the victim during while in jail.


6 Responses to “Man Sentenced For Setting Girlfriend On Fire With Gasoline”

  1. David Huie Green on June 16th, 2018 10:40 am

    “40 years? That seems like a short time for this crime. I know people in prison on marijuana charges with more time then (sic) this”

    Also interesting that the proof of possiblity of the claimed 40+ year sentence solely for marijuana possession denies it with penalties under 40 even
    for “The sale of 10,000 pounds or MORE of cannabis is a felony punishable by a mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years imprisonment and a maximum sentence of 30 years imprisonment”

    If selling more than five tons won’t yield a sentence over 30 years, there’s a real doubt cast on the claim.

    Even the marijuana advocates don’t stretch the truth that thin.

    David for not pouring gasoline on girlfriends

  2. David Huie Green on June 16th, 2018 10:23 am

    “I know people in prison on marijuana charges with more time then this. ”
    “Well Big red I wont give you any names tough luck on that”

    If they exist, it shouldn’t be that hard to give a few names. Then the claim of an anonymous person could be verified, or — more likely — shown false because the poor person also was selling other drugs as well and illegally carrying guns during the arrest. This looks a lot like the repeated lie that most people in prison in Florida are there just for marijuana possession when in fact most are in for violent offenses and the 14% or so only in for drugs were dealers, selling, distributing every kind of drug made.

    David for honesty

  3. Kane on June 15th, 2018 1:15 pm

    Well Big red I wont give you any names tough luck on that but here is a link to the Florida Laws and Penalties section for marijuana. It details mandatory minimums however it does not show you the penalties for repeat offenses. By this you should be able to clearly see how people get absurd sentences for marijuana charges. Also Florida if you have not noticed is particularly hard on any and all drug related offenses.


  4. Big red on June 14th, 2018 7:49 pm

    @kane. I would love to see proof of someone spending up to 40 years in prison for marijuana. Anyway he will probably die in prison and if he is released after that he won’t have too much longer after that.

  5. Kane on June 14th, 2018 12:57 pm

    Wow only 40 years? That seems like a short time for this crime. I know people in prison on marijuana charges with more time then this. I would think this guy should never be released.

  6. Mike Amerson on June 14th, 2018 6:27 am

    Tavares is a good example of how some people keep committing minor crimes before graduation into the felony court room. His mom done the best she could raising him as well as his brother while working with no father in the picture to no avail’. I guess she won’t have to worry where he’s at now. Ms. Lewis, I’m sorry it has come to this but for what he’s done, he deserves his punishment. I know you sympathize with the victim’s family as well. Take care of yourself. Mike