School Grades Are Out: How Did Your Child’s School Score?

June 28, 2018

The Florida Department of Education released the state’s 2018 school report card Wednesday.

The Escambia County School District improved from a C to a B.

Among North Escambia elementary schools: Molino Park remain an A, Jim Allen improved from a C to  B, Bratt and Lipscomb fell from an A to B,  Byrneville fell from a B to a C, Pine Meadow remained a B, and McArthur remained a C.

Ramsom Middle School remained at a B, while Ernest Ward remained a C. Tate High school remained a B school, and Northview remained at a C.

Complete grades for Escambia County schools are below:


29 Responses to “School Grades Are Out: How Did Your Child’s School Score?”

  1. Ellen McNeal on July 3rd, 2018 5:40 pm

    As I read the comments about kids not being raised by their parents, but grandparents. I was raised by my grandmother but it didn’t stop me from getting help or doing my homework. She instilled in me to get the education she was denied, so I did just that graduated with honors. Now I’m a mother of 7, 6 have graduated, 4 with 3.8 or higher. My oldest is in the Escambia High School Hall of Fame, with a Masters Degree working on his Doctorate. Twins leave in August for college. I taught my children to make the best of the education that is offered because your high school education won’t help in college anyway these days.
    This discrimination mess in school now that keep the higher learners in the same class as kids we would’ve had in ESE classes, messes with the out come of our kids education. Go back to splitting the kids up by their learning levels so the ones that need help can get it in the class of their learning ability.

  2. Concerned on July 1st, 2018 8:31 pm

    WOW! Just wow is all I can say…you all make me sick! Pointing fingers and even blaming children who have behavioral problems! While we are at it why don’t we blame the doctors or the pharmaceutical companies and the food we eat and everything else that contributes to personal development! If everyone would mind their own business and do their own job and stop trying to fix other people’s problems instead of fixing your own then the whole country might see a change.

  3. Bonnie Exner on July 1st, 2018 4:06 pm

    As a 33year retired teacher of ECSB,I have 3 comments:
    2.EACH CHILD COMES INTO THIS WORLD WITH DIFFERENT APTITUDES, ABILITIES,AND INTERESTS .it is up to all of us to develope those into successful living skills

  4. Duns Megus on June 30th, 2018 7:03 am

    For consideration: At the smaller schools, one or two exceptionally poor students can pull an average down enough to lower their school’s grade a letter. So can one incompetent or uncaring teacher.

  5. b on June 29th, 2018 3:23 pm

    Molinomom: there are bad apples in every profession – unfortunate if you teach in a failing school, you encounter the situation I explained more often than not. Several factors affect learning and teaching – curriculum that require “script reading” or that teachers don’t have the supplies for is an example. Behavioral issues – These students are usually catered to and do affect the way class runs and how things are taught- as much as no one wants to admit it, it’s too. And it can wear ANY human being down.

    Behavior issues can and do affect learning in the classroom. Parents if you witness it or hear complaints from your kids, complain. Because the teacher’s probably already done so numerous times.

    I stand by my earlier statement. And yes, I’m quite aware not all parents are like that.
    It’s your tax dollars – if you have issues – go observe and get active.

  6. learning again on June 29th, 2018 12:13 pm

    I will agree with “Molinamomma” on the first part “ALL parents are not like that. I’m very involved with my children’s school work but how they teach it is almost impossible for a child to get (especially Math).”
    I am VERY involved with my child’s school work. However, I will say the way some of the subjects are being taught such as math, is quite different than when I was in 2nd grade! I literally had to reach out to my child’s teacher at least weekly to make sure the way in which I was teaching her about numbers and placement,subtraction, addition, etc. was the way she was being taught by her teacher so she would not be confused as I was! (and by no means am I saying this is the teacher’s fault, it isn’t) I was not taught 30 something years ago the way my child is being taught today. Things have changed over the years and technology is playing a big part. The learning curve has changed. My 2nd grader is learning what I was learning in 3rd or 4th grade. I feel like sometimes the parent’s blame the teacher’s and school boards and the teacher’s and school board blame the parents, (and the children try to blame both. LOL) I do believe and know there are parents out there that are NOT involved and the child’s home life may be a split time share between Mom and Dad or someone else may be raising them but we could argue all day long about all of this, just like politics or religion. I feel like I am starting school along with my child, all over again and learning all subjects quite differently.

  7. Concerned on June 29th, 2018 10:11 am

    How about making school fun again. My son goes to Earnest Ward and by the end of the year they were not even allowed to talk in the hall between classes and have assigned seats a lunch and sometimes silence lunch. These are still children not adults. they need a little outlet for their energy. Let them have a little fun please. My son hates going because it is no fun. I loved school at his age because I could see and talk to my friends.

  8. Cindy on June 29th, 2018 9:47 am

    My thoughts are: it’s become to political- we give these state test and for what? We cram our teachers and students with this ” you have to know this, you have to do this, etc” or you fail. The teachers are not being able to spend the time needed to teach nor help the students the way they should. All the school board and politicians are worried about is MONEY IN THEIR pockets, not paying these teachers. But on the flip side the teachers knew what he/she were getting into when they chose that profession. Just because you aren’t making what you think you should- should a child be held at fault for that….NO…Also what I have noticed is teachers or any school official are not qualified enough or at all to handle children with ADHD, AUTISM, SENOSRY DISORDERS, etc. Schools would rather label a child as “BAD”, “DISRUPTIVE” , ( I know this by first hand experience). Also experienced teachers degrading a child- telling a child he/she can’t read, etc. My thoughts are the entire school system needs changing- school board, teachers, etc. STOP WITH THE POLITICAL CRAP! As for the parents and students, yes, they should also be held accountable for their part in the education part-.

  9. No Excuses on June 29th, 2018 9:33 am

    @ Rebecca: I Googled it and could not (easily) find anything. I would presume it means incomplete data for whatever reason – late EOC exams, etc. But, please correct me if I am wrong if anyone else knows!

  10. chris on June 29th, 2018 6:28 am

    I see that no one mentioned the FL legislature’s continuing cuts to education. It’s hard to hire and keep teachers when they can’t earn a decent living and have to buy school supplies out of pocket. I live in Hillsborough county, one of the largest in the state. We have a $70 Million shortfall and there’s no money to fix school buildings or to build new ones. That leads to overcrowding. So, take this issue up with your state legislatures.

  11. Rebecca on June 28th, 2018 9:24 pm

    What does the “I” mean for two schools in 2018?

  12. Miriam Sawyer on June 28th, 2018 7:12 pm

    As a retired teacher …. Problems are Common Core which makes NO sense, too many ridiculous tests the politicians are profiting from, and lack of discipline in the schools.

  13. ProudArmyParent on June 28th, 2018 6:34 pm

    Pensacola resident, being a former teacher I can honestly say, it’s not that the parents don’t care. It’s that Common Core makes no Common Sense!

  14. Straight Shooter on June 28th, 2018 5:58 pm

    Some of these comments are what is wrong with society today. Blame everyone but the students and parents. There is a reason the scores are low. That is not politically correct but the facts don’t lie. Until they accept that and work to change it, it wont.

  15. PensacolaResident on June 28th, 2018 4:17 pm

    These are actually pretty good grades. What kind of accountability are you wanting? I’m a teacher and 75% of my students never do homework because their parents dont care. Teachers are only allowed to reward those who do homework and we are not allowed to punish. Maybe get involved and help out your local school.

  16. Anne on June 28th, 2018 4:07 pm

    Look at the low performing schools on this list.
    You will find that first-time children coming into the schoolhouse door are severely lacking in even the most basic skills they should have learned at HOME.
    They come in from homes where the Grandmother or an Aunt or other family member or No Family Member is head of household, no mom or daddy around.
    Some come to school hungry and without proper clothing and personal hygiene.
    That is the building blocks for many students in the lower performing group.

    You look at the High Performing schools and you’ll find more students with very different home styles and we see parents bragging that their 3 or 4 year old can Count, Knows the Alphabet, some can READ, they know their Colors, Shapes, Animals and NUMBERS and they know how to Spell their Names, they know their Address and much more.

    Folks, you can holler “Accountability” as loudly and long as you wish yet until there is more HOME Accountability and what used to be called “Home Training” there will remain to be the Low Performing Schools and the students reflecting the Home Life of the kids.

    That’s just the way it is and always has been. EDUCATION Begins at HOME.

  17. Lars on June 28th, 2018 4:05 pm

    If you send your children to public school and expect them to get an education in today’s world, you are deluding yourself. There are lots of hard working motivated teachers out there but they can’t compete with cell phones and the thug culture running the hallways of most schools. There is no discipline and if a school official has the temerity to punish a child, Mama is all up in his face with the “my baby didn’t even do nuttin”. Save your children, home school them or use the virtual school opportunities out there. Lots of home school groups are out there and the movement is growing! Parents you are responsible to make sure your children are educated, not the state.

  18. MolinoMomma on June 28th, 2018 3:36 pm

    b….ALL parents are not like that. I’m very involved with my children’s school work but how they teach it is almost impossible for a child to get (especially Math) Some of the teachers in Molino (middle & especially high school) are there just for a paycheck. There are some that actually try and teach & others that sit at their desk on THEIR phones with just something posted on the board. My child didn’t understand and asked her (extremely lazy teacher) for help all she said was “Look at the board” SERIOUSLY!! 2 of the schools up here are C schools….wonder why?!

  19. Escambia education on June 28th, 2018 3:17 pm

    I applaud you, Terri! You stated that perfectly. These children are our future, so what are we doing to assist in encouraging them?

  20. Brittany Hartley on June 28th, 2018 3:01 pm

    c’s and d’s we need more accountability….smh

  21. b on June 28th, 2018 2:46 pm

    How about some parental accountability here? I have spent the last 8years of my life specifically in high-need schools. It looks the same: students homelives are either unstable or receive no support from home, school failing grades. Schoolboard rides school leadership, leadership has no other alternative than to come up with another ridiculous way to prove via paperwork that they are doing their job and helicoptering the teachers. Teachers spend a summer doing professional development, reworking lesson plans, trying to find ways to make up for what these kids aren’t getting at home – Fall comes, the cycle starts again.

    When are we going to start campaigning for better PARENTS? When are we going to start making it cool and trendy to read or do homework with your kids as opposed to sticking them in extra curricular activities and putting a phone or game in their face to occupy them because you don’t want to deal with them???? This is really answer, guys???? Fix this issue, specifically, and you will see impro.

  22. Christina on June 28th, 2018 2:27 pm

    This is just sad. .Every elementary school in my area is a D school..

  23. Santa Rosa County on June 28th, 2018 2:21 pm

    Being a resident of Pace, Fl… I would LOVE to know how Santa Rosa County schools scored. To the publisher of , could you publish the Santa Rosa County schools grades? If / when you obtain those? That would be wonderful! Thank you!

  24. Terri on June 28th, 2018 1:50 pm

    For 2018, there isn’t a single “F” score, an improvement from 2017, but if you want to know what the school or district is doing. Volunteer, be a mentor, read to a kid, be their champion. The teacher can be the best teacher, the student had to want to learn. There isn’t a program, software or teacher that can make a child learn —- the child decides that on their own. We can only inspire them. These kids are also your future, what are doing to help them.

  25. Just a thought on June 28th, 2018 1:09 pm

    Native, what kind of accountability would you like from the school board? Our teachers in every one of our schools do the best they can to teach the children. Teaching a child is not just the teacher’s job; it involves a child’s willingness to learn and also parents being involved in their children’s education.

    what I will say is that every child needs to be screened either for the gifted program or for ESE. A lot of times, children in the classroom need extra help but don’t know how to ask for it or don’t even know they need it. We want to talk about No Child Left Behind? Not recognizing when a child either falls behind or excels is a shame

  26. Gene on June 28th, 2018 12:53 pm

    All F-grades are in Economic depressed part of town – low incom n many single parent homes. They do not have the parental involvement as others. Sad but a continual cycle of poverty. The few that can get out….

  27. anne 1of2 on June 28th, 2018 11:05 am

    The teachers in the low grade areas need help. These kids tutoring to learn to read. When it is one on one, these children learn. Come up with a plan, a viable plan.
    I used to volunteer. Now they want the name of my first born and the dog’s name too.
    Get real.

  28. Mary on June 28th, 2018 8:45 am

    How does this compare with other counties in Florida? WHY do we have D or F schools?!

  29. Native on June 28th, 2018 7:03 am

    Two-thirds of these schools are rated C or D. Where is the accountability from the school board?