Got Milk? It’s Still National Dairy Month

June 24, 2018

“Milk Does a Body Good” is not just an advertising slogan. It’s a way to get people to drink the dairy product, because it offers so many nutrients, says a University of Florida expert

As we celebrate June as National Dairy Month,  UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences experts tout the benefits of dairy in the daily diet.

Milk and other dairy foods are loaded with calcium and vitamin D as well as protein and other essential nutrients like phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and vitamins A, B12, and riboflavin, said Nan Jensen, a family and consumer sciences agent for UF/IFAS Extension.

“These nutrients help keep us healthy,” Jensen said. “Calcium builds and maintains strong bones and teeth and helps reduce the risk of fractures and osteoporosis later in life. Phosphorous and vitamin D partner with calcium to keep bones strong as well.”

Dairy products provide these additional benefits, according to Jensen:

  • Calcium combined with potassium and magnesium play an important role in maintaining normal blood pressure.
  • Milk nutrients can help maintain weight. Studies should that people who consume calcium and dairy products weigh less or have less body fat than those who don’t.
  • Cultured dairy products like kefir and yogurt provide “friendly bacteria” that help promote a healthy gut.
  • Dairy nutrients provide a source of protein to build and maintain lean muscle.

Those who can’t tolerate dairy or don’t like it can choose from an array of non-dairy choices, including soy, almond, rice, hemp and oat milk, Jensen said. She suggests consumers read the ingredient list and nutrition facts label to compare these and other non-dairy alternatives.


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