Escambia Man Gets 30 Years After Apartment Complex Fight

June 7, 2018

An Escambia County man was sentenced to three decades in prison after pulling a gun during a fight at an apartment complex.

Therall Williams, 28, was sentenced by the Judge John Miller to 30 years in state prison as a habitual felony offender and a prison releasee reoffender. He will serve the 30 year sentence day for day because of his status as a prison releasee reoffender.

Williams was convicted by an Escambia County Jury of aggravated battery with a firearm with discharge and great bodily harm and possession of a firearm by convicted felon.

On April 16, 2017, deputies responded to a shooting at Forest Creek Apartments. The victim stated that two people tried to rob him and then shot him. A witness identified the defendant as the shooter. The victim later told law enforcement that Williams and another individual were arguing about a gun before Williams shot him. The victim identified Williams out of a photo line-up. Surveillance video shows three people begin to fight. The fight goes to the ground and fire from a gun is seen, then a male resembling Williams runs toward a camera at another angle.

Williams’s criminal history includes burglary, grand theft and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Williams was last released from prison January 20, 2017,about than three months before the shooting.


2 Responses to “Escambia Man Gets 30 Years After Apartment Complex Fight”

  1. Trocarman on June 10th, 2018 5:35 am

    The good news is Williams will be locked up for the rest of his life.

  2. phillip on June 7th, 2018 8:09 pm

    the sad thing is that this young man will spend some of the best years of his life behind bars, locked away from the free world, unable to enjoy some of the simple things available to those who are not incarcerated. when he is finally able to walk out of those prison gates he will lament “what happened to all that time? where are those years?” then, sadly he will realize, “,,,Therall gone,,”