CRA Plan To Improve ‘Blighted’ Area Of Century Moves Forward

June 27, 2018

Final plans for a Century CRA — Community Redevelopment Agency — are complete and are moving forward toward final approval.

The Century Town Council, sitting as as the Community Redevelopment Agency, will submit the plan Monday at 7:05 p.m. at town hall to the Local Planning Agency.

Once the CRA is in place and operating, it will work to improve conditions within the area. As property tax values rise, most of the increase is funneled back into the redevelopment area for further improvements.

The CRA area is 510 acres, bounded by Jefferson Avenue to the south, Jefferson Avenue to the east, East High 4 to the north and the center line of North Century Boulevard to the west. It also extends north on the east side of North Century Boulevard to include commercial properties up to, and including, the former Burger King. Click here for a detailed map (pdf).

Community Redevelopment Objectives

  • Enhance quality of life by partnering with public or private, profit or non-profit organizations to develop and implement facilities, programs and services that are based on and support inclusivity, tolerance, and safety in the Century CRA.
  • Promote self-sufficiency and resiliency through partnerships with stakeholders that facilitate instructional opportunities for residents and business owners/entrepreneurs in the Century CRA.
  • Initiate economic development opportunities that are customized to the distinctive attributes and possibilities unique to the Century CRA.
  • Capitalize on the Century CRA’s historic and natural resources to support the area’s unique identity as well as promote a greater sense of neighborhood pride.

Strategies for CRA

  • Invest in public facilities and infrastructure
    • Sewer, stormwater management
    • Transportation;
    • Streetscape and pedestrian features; and
    • Public and community areas.
  • Expand economic development opportunities
    • Improve housing conditions with repair and affordable home ownership opportunities;
    • Highlight historic and natural amenities; and
    • Identify targeted development sites.

Short Term Implementation Plan

  • 2-Year Action Plan (2018-2020)
    • Activities and tasks that are smaller, incremental and set the foundation for encouraging long-term private investment in the CRA
    • Funding Resources: primarily Town, County,  regional agencies, and non-profit organizations

Long-Term Implementation Plan

  • •10-year Action Plan (2018-2028)
    • Builds upon activities and tasks from the short-term action plan and begins to implement the more costly capital improvements and services that require utilization of revenues to leverage TIF funds
    • Funding Resources: primarily regional and state agencies, and large grant organizations file photo.


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