Chiefs Football Volunteers Thursday At Care Center

June 8, 2018

Several members of the Northview High School football team volunteered Thursday at the Century Health and Rehabilitation Center after summer workouts and conditioning. The Northview football linemen also held a car was Friday inĀ  preparation for summer camp. Photos for, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Chiefs Football Volunteers Thursday At Care Center”

  1. Well on June 8th, 2018 8:32 pm

    Well done guys.

  2. Mae on June 8th, 2018 8:14 am

    Every year, a group of young men come to volunteer at Century Health and Rehab. 21 young men hit like a swarm, pulled weeds, washed windows, and mulched our resident’s garden.
    Overall, they display the respect and caring we wish all young people would practice.
    They ask nothing in return, but they will take cookies if offered.
    Great group of young men.
    Thanks to the guys and the coaches.