Police Release Photos Of Dodge Challenger Involved In Deadly Hit And Run

June 9, 2018

Saturday night, Pensacola Police released photos of the actual Dodge Challenger believed to have killed an 8-month old and a woman in a hit and run last Wednesday night. For the first time, we learned the vehicle has a sunroof.

Earlier Story:

Two people, including an 8 month old child, were killed in a hit and run Wednesday night in Pensacola.

The Pensacola ice Department said three people were crossing Cervantes Street near M Street when they were hit by a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed.  Neariaah Ikerria Williams, age 8 months,  and a family friend, 28-year-old Nephateria Monique Williams, died. The child’s mother, 27-year-old Quineka Tyon Baldwin,  was being treated at Baptist Hospital

Police confirmed Thursday based upon evidence at the scene that the vehicle was a  white 2015-2018 Dodge Challenger, not a Charger. The vehicle is missing the driver’s side mirror.

Anyone with information on the crash is asked to call 911, the Pensacola Police Department, or Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.


34 Responses to “Police Release Photos Of Dodge Challenger Involved In Deadly Hit And Run”

  1. Adam on June 12th, 2018 9:32 pm

    Norah, where did you hear the Charger was going 100mph? So, are you saying, “don’t follow the proper procedures for crossing highways”? As I said in my previous post, “If there is still a vehicle approaching, WAIT until you are sure it is going to stop”. Never walk in front of a moving vehicle.

  2. Norah on June 11th, 2018 10:49 pm

    If you walk up to a road you want to cross, look both ways and only see headlights a block or maybe a block and half away and start to cross . You may not have realized the oncoming car just ran a light and is coming at you at 100 mph. Two or three steps and that car will be on top of you. This driver does not care about any crosswalks.

  3. Adam on June 11th, 2018 5:00 pm

    Beverly Brantley, in an earlier post, “Straight Shooter” pointed out that if the adults had crossed the street properly and legally, the outcome would have been different. Instead of ranting, why not try to educate people to follow the simple rules. Go to the nearest legal place to cross the road. Wait until the traffic signals, if any, which in this case was at the crosswalk, tells you to walk. But, as you know, not all people follow the traffic signal’s instructions. So, after the signal says okay to cross, make sure with your own eyes that the coast is clear. If there is still a vehicle approaching, WAIT until you are sure it is going to stop. I read a long time ago to wait until you look them in the eyes, making sure they see you, before you cross.

  4. Beverly Brantley on June 11th, 2018 9:52 am

    WOW.. just WOW that people are arguing if it was a j-walking or not.. WHO CARES!?!?!? either way 2 people are DEAD.. either way, someone chose to NOT stop and kept going. 2 people were killed and 1 injured and then left… if that person had stopped after it would not have saved them, the results would be the same but at least the VERY least it would have showed they had compassion… but in the end, 2 people lost their lives and all anyone on this post can do is point fingers and place blame about a freaking cross walk… sad sad day

  5. ROBERT on June 10th, 2018 9:42 pm

    Jay walking or cross walk..does it really matter??? He blew through the red light really fast so even in the crosswalk it would be the same result…Bottom line..he hit 3 people and kept on going….The area doesn’t matter….The driver plowed them down and kept going….

  6. Adam on June 10th, 2018 8:42 pm

    Mr Reality, in some cases it is the first step. I didn’t know I was a Chief, but if it makes you feel it might bother me, then, ouch.

  7. Jayson Peabody on June 10th, 2018 5:32 pm

    This is why I chose to live in a non urban setting. This is also why I chose not to go out at night and walk along busy roadways. I do not trust the drivers here in Escambia or any other city for that matter. You cannot just “trust” drivers on the roadway. Most people do a great job at operating their motor vehicle the correct way reasonably and prudent, law abiding however there are many others who fail to do so. Reckless, DUI and people driving without licenses. No thanks. I’ll go live out in the middle of no where.

  8. Mr reality on June 10th, 2018 2:23 pm

    Adam, the penalty for jwalking isnt death, chief….

  9. noneya on June 10th, 2018 12:48 pm

    just look on the military base, simple.

  10. Adam on June 10th, 2018 12:22 pm

    kk, there are tens of thousands of Dodge Chargers “registered”. How do you know which one is it?

  11. Sue on June 10th, 2018 12:20 pm

    Straight Shooter – apparently it wouldn’t have mattered if she had been in a crosswalk. The live feeds repeatedly said the car “blew through the red light” at a high rate of speed. Too many people have stopped caring about others and their responsibilities. The responsibility of being a safe driver seems to have gone by the wayside. Very sad situation no matter what if…

  12. Adam on June 10th, 2018 12:18 pm

    Karen Pendleton From three little spots of reflection, how can you teel that is not factory wheels.

  13. Adam on June 10th, 2018 12:16 pm

    Calvinqualls, they did not cross at the red light. jay walking
    n. walking across a street outside of marked cross-walks and not at a corner, and/or against a signal light. If there is vehicle traffic or clear markings of a place to cross, this is a traffic misdemeanor subject to fine, and may be (but not conclusively) contributory negligence in the event of injury to the jay walker by a vehicle.

  14. Karen Pendleton on June 10th, 2018 9:51 am

    I bet the car is either in a chop shop or water way.

  15. Karen Pendleton on June 10th, 2018 9:47 am

    This car also has custom wheels on it. They are not stock.

  16. Straight Shooter on June 10th, 2018 9:28 am

    “Sue” What if the mother had walked down to the red-light to cross, red lights on Cervantes have Walk/Don’t walk lights. What if the mother had made sure no cars were coming before she tried to cross a four lane road. Very sad lives were lost because of a bad decision, it happens everyday. No matter how much money we spend to “fix the problem” people still make bad decisions and accidents happen.
    The driver should have stopped

  17. anne 1of2 on June 10th, 2018 9:25 am

    How can anyone enjoy this beautiful day knowing this family is grieving and praying for closure? We have had these same accidents in broad daylight so I think there was more going on than lack of lighting.

  18. Calvinqualls on June 10th, 2018 9:10 am

    The way I understood it was he ran a red light if there is a cross walk and the signal is telling you it’s good to cross and your crossing and a car run a red light there is nothing you can do pushing a baby stroller

  19. Whisperjet on June 10th, 2018 8:49 am

    ..Come on people..there are several people out there who know this car , and who knows who was driving… If you don’t man-up and come forward with information leading to his arrest , you are the same low-life coward that the driver is..same goes to the ladies who know this individual…Do the right thing..a baby and lady are gone forever…

  20. kk on June 10th, 2018 7:35 am

    Even if he/she doesn’t turn themselves in and even if no one else turns them in either, the owner will be found eventually. The white Dodge Challenger is registered and they will find it. My prayers to the families involved.

  21. Sue on June 10th, 2018 1:10 am

    Gone are the days where you can walk, bike or even drive without constant worry of an incident – night time OR day time. What if the mother just needed milk for the child and decided to walk a few blocks to get it due to not having a vehicle? There should be nothing wrong with that but in today’s world, it’s not safe. Yes, lighter colored clothing does help sometimes but look how many incidents occur no matter how much precaution is used. If the person had stopped when this happened, it was an accident. Running like a coward will bring many more charges. They WILL find this car and I hope they can determine who was driving it when they do.

  22. Tooma on June 10th, 2018 12:08 am

    Its obvious the hit and run driver is a murderous coward with no conscience, so now it boils down to those that know the driver of the vehicle that have heard of this event in the news, and are choosing to keep silent. There are those that know who it is and they have no moral character either…

  23. Armando on June 9th, 2018 11:16 pm

    The police can measure from where impact accured to where bodies landed to determine speed. Also newer cars record speed at impact. The sad thing is cars be speeding non stop and when they do see people walking or a car trying turn they will not ise their brakes! The problems is we need to enforce the speed limits and if someone wasn’t speeding they could get stopped to sciod and accident! This city needs lights. The darkest city iI have ever lives in.

  24. Jasmine Hatfield on June 9th, 2018 1:37 am

    Praying for the family and friends. It should be the law to wear clothes you can see at night when people walk. Not saying anything negative but some drivers dont watch out for people either at night.

  25. Anne on June 8th, 2018 5:15 pm

    If we have to be in that area at night we avoid Cervantes between Pace and Palafox as it is so dark and many walking or bicycle riding. To top it off for some reason the folks wear dark clothing head to toe and are nearly invisible at night.
    Very horrible that this time a baby and lady were taken from us all. Who knows how the child may have flourished and turned out?
    Please, y’all, wear something light colored so you can be seen at night.
    Lord BLESS the families and friends.
    Driver, turn yourself IN to the PPD.

  26. carl on June 7th, 2018 11:26 pm

    Mother of 3, I know if any of the airbag sensors trip it would record an event. If the vehicle was disabled and stopped, it could pin point the exact time and speed.

  27. Mother of 3 on June 7th, 2018 5:12 pm

    @carlos e mcgugin speeding can be proven through the vehicle’s OBD2 system.

  28. Byron on June 7th, 2018 4:59 pm

    I”m wondering is this the same car my friend was telling me about that was speeding up and down michigan ave it sure fit the description and it appears to have a paper tag like they just bought it .I really hope they find this person that cause this horrific scene. That’s is very cold blooded . My prayers to the victims family

  29. Carlos E McGugin on June 7th, 2018 12:02 pm

    Yes the person should have stopped. Even if the person was speeding, it couldn’t be proved. Which brings up the question, of what else was going on with the driver. If you are legal in every way, why would you run? They need to put railing beside the street to prevent jaywalking. Walk don’t walk signals at intersections might help, if people would obey them..

  30. anne 1of2 on June 7th, 2018 10:17 am

    We need billboards that tell us “Dress In White At Night” Too many pedestrians are assuming they can be seen. Too many drivers panic and run.

  31. Bewildered on June 7th, 2018 8:56 am

    The whole area around that liquor store on Cervantes is a disaster. Lighting is not going to help as suggested by Luman May and others. It’s a place for socializing outdoors and people dash in and out of traffic at random. I used to drive through this area frequently – but no more. Maybe an overpass could be a solution.

  32. chris on June 7th, 2018 8:50 am

    Dangerous area at night.lighting is iffy . people not using cross walks.
    im not surprised.

  33. Angi on June 7th, 2018 7:27 am

    How can people be so cold hearted?! Please do the right thing and turn yourself in. You have ran over these people and you can’t even stop to help them?! Ask yourself, what if this were my family or my child that someone hit and just didn’t even give a damn to stop to help them.

  34. Mother of 3 on June 7th, 2018 7:06 am

    Prayers for precious baby, mother and family friend. May the Lord comfort you in His love and peace. Praying for the driver that the Lord lay conviction in your heart to do the right thing and turn yourself in.