Century Correctional Officer Assaulted By Inmate Serving Life

June 24, 2018

A correctional officer was recently assaulted at Century Correctional Institution earlier this month, according to information just released by the Florida Department of Corrections.

Inmate Ryan McCullough was subdued followed the assault. The officer suffered a minor injury to his arm.

Medical staff examined the officer and noted injuries. Inmate McCullough will receive a disciplinary report for this assault, account to the Department of Corerctions.

McCullough was serving a life sentence for robbery with a deadly weapon.


16 Responses to “Century Correctional Officer Assaulted By Inmate Serving Life”

  1. Butch on June 26th, 2018 9:16 am

    Oh good. A disciplinary report in his file. I know this inmate must be scared to death. What happened to someone losing their rights when convicted. Someone serving a life sentence has nothing to lose.

  2. Josh on June 25th, 2018 10:33 pm

    To the person who said “they are pulling from an uneducated workforce” and ” they wanted to be cops and couldn’t make the grade.” You are adorable! First and foremost, I am educated and I did almost 10yrs with the state of Florida. Wanted to be a cop!!?? I trained other Law Enforcement Officers in Defensive Tactics and Firearms (to include cops) The state of Florida spent well over $60,000 in my training. It’s pretty funny. I bet if it was your family that some of these guys took advantage of you would be singing a different tune. Until you walk in these guy’s footsteps you have zero room to talk!

  3. No what I am talking about. on June 25th, 2018 4:21 pm

    I know what I am talking about people it is a very dangerous job in prison to be a CO. pay is low, starting off at $14. per hour. People that are being hired are young and inexperience in life in general for the most part. They are a few older retired military being hired. The government passes laws that takes the control away from the Officers. If you have no kind of control these killing and assaults will continue. A D.R. does nothing to a Inmate when you don’t have room in confinement for them. Yes they are bad apples, but they are a lot of bad apples in every profession and your home. But don’t judge everybody by the bad apples .There is a lot of good C.O.’s that put their life on the line everyday for your safety.

  4. Regarding jmw on June 25th, 2018 8:52 am

    You need to go back and read your previous comment. The uneducated party is yourself. You have no idea who works at century, what the employees are like and how difficult this job is. These officers are your neighbors, they are parents, grandparents, taxpayers and law abiding citizens. They put their lives on the line everyday to protect the public and you. Sure there are bad apples at this job but there are bad apples in law enforcement as well as firefighters. You should be ashamed.

  5. Chris on June 24th, 2018 6:31 pm

    I think it’s sad that officers have to work where there life is in danger at any time. That included inmates that did lessor crimes. It seems to me,there should be some way to make this prison less dangerous. I hear it’s the most dangerous prison in Florida. There has to be something to stop all this killing. Prison suppose,to rehabilitate if you can’t send the ones with life somewhere else. A prison for just lifers.js

  6. David Huie Green on June 24th, 2018 6:12 pm

    “Man serving life has nothing to lose.”

    Body parts.

    David for keeping what you have

  7. Willy on June 24th, 2018 5:11 pm

    Oh golly, he got a disciplinary report…what are they going to do, put him MORE in prison? This dude wasn’t worried about committing crime when he was out so what makes you think he cares inside with a life sentence? He could give a rats behind about who/what he hurts or destroys because there’s no recourse for it. Yet another reason our cj system is broken. Bleeding hearts are killing us every day.

  8. JMW on June 24th, 2018 4:23 pm

    Century is a dangerous place to work bc they are pulling from an uneducated workforce and these guys wanted to be cops or firemen and couldn’t make the grade. They mistreat the criminal prisoners then the prisoners who also have no alternatives either and really don’t care what they to and retaliate against the good ol boy beat downs. Bad on bad. Unfortunate situation all around. Send your kids to college.

  9. Mark on June 24th, 2018 4:09 pm

    What a shame, putting the staff in danger all because of budget cuts, and under staffing. People’s lives are more important than money.

  10. Christopher osborne on June 24th, 2018 1:15 pm

    So you already serving life what else can they do to him in prison?

  11. tg on June 24th, 2018 10:18 am

    This is the most dangerous job in the world. Man serving life has nothing to lose.

  12. Well on June 24th, 2018 10:15 am

    Probably sat in his cell and cried knowing that Disciplinary report will be on his record from now on.
    And You wonder why people don’t think twice about committing crimes.

    No consequences……..

  13. Bob C. on June 24th, 2018 9:07 am

    Serving Life this dude has nothing to lose and may gain Cred by assaulting the Corrections Officer.
    Bet he or his high-paid [ $$$ by We the Taxpayers] lawyer come up with some mighty convincing story about how this inmate was disrespected or maligned by the CO.
    Don’t get life for stealing tater chips.

  14. Riverron on June 24th, 2018 7:38 am

    He wouldnt have survived back in the sweatbox days….got their attention..

  15. Ret co on June 24th, 2018 6:28 am

    These inmates have no fear of punishment. Century is a dangerous place to work. Another inmate was killed last night in there and let’s pray and hope it’s not an officer next time.

  16. mike on June 24th, 2018 2:13 am

    any inmate serving life with no possibility of parole should have the option, at any time, of euthanasia. would save taxpayer money. i believe this is not done because the state gets money for each inmate they house from the federal government.

    once the dope is administered no i changed my mind i wanna liveses. :)