Century Academy Presents Student Awards

June 12, 2018

Century Academy presented the following year-end student awards:

  • Grayson McLellan – Most Improved
  • Seth Dean – Super Student
  • Bentley Kirkland – Super Student
  • Adolfo Smith – Outstanding Student
  • Braxton Hale – Super Star for Improvement
  • Mason Hale – Super Student
  • L.J (John) Bradley – Reading Award (Not Pictured)
  • Austin Gibbs – Reading Award
  • Michael Allen – Award of Excellence in Art
  • Isaak Armstrong – Award of Excellence in Math
  • Ethan Lathem – Outstanding Student
  • Ryan Hudson – Most Improved
  • Joseph Franklin – Most Improved
  • Chad Sager – Award of Excellence in Social Studies
  • Brandon Odom – Super Student
  • Ella Kizer – Most Improved
  • Sarah Brooks – Award of Excellence in Math
  • Olivia Lambeth – Award of Excellence in General Studies
  • Rose Boutwell – Award of Excellence in Science
  • Sage Moon – Certificate of Awesomeness
  • Chauni Lathem – Reading Award
  • Maggie McCauslin – Award of Excellence in Spelling
Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


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