At Least One Injured In Three Vehicle Wreck In Beulah

June 29, 2018

One person was transported to an area hospital by Escambia County EMS following a three vehicle wreck in Beulah Thursday night. Their injuries were not considered life-threatening. The accident at Beulah Road and Frank Reeder Road remains under investigation by the Florida Highway Patrol. photos by Kristi Barbour, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “At Least One Injured In Three Vehicle Wreck In Beulah”

  1. Jen Neukirch on July 7th, 2018 4:45 pm

    We moved into our new home in the blackberry ridge neighborhood this day. Most nights I have been hearing what sounds like cars drag racing off of Beulah Road or Frank Reeder Road. It has been all hours of the night, 3:30am to be exact last night. I am curious why the county does not add highway rumble bars on Beulah Road and/or a speed bump on Frank Reeder Road before the intersection? I am so happy to read all parties walked away from this accident. My heart sunk when I saw all of the lights and an ambulance.

  2. Injured party on July 1st, 2018 7:33 am

    Thank you Olin Shultz for your help that night. I remember you talking to me and staying with me until the ambulance arrived. You were a blessing. Life changes in the blink of an eye. Appreciate who and what you have, for you it can be taken from you in a split second. God Bless all the first responders.

  3. Olin Schultz on June 29th, 2018 6:53 pm

    Injured Party
    I am so thankful that you are able to communicate via Northescambia. I was the man who stayed with you until the Beulah Fire Rescue arrived. Although you were injured, I know that you and all the parties had a unseen passenger riding with you last night. Accidents are just that. I am sure that this young person will never forget the horrific crash last night and I hope that it will make him more observant of his soroundings and weather conditions in the future. I am so glad that all parties were not hurt more and can live to tell about it. There have been a few fatalities at this crossroads over my 52 years of living on that corner. God bless you and I hope yours is a fast recovery!

  4. Injured party on June 29th, 2018 12:06 pm

    I was the injured party. The kid that hit me ran the stop sign never hit his brakes and was flying. So I would say he wasn’t paying attention. He walks away with a bloody ear, and I’m going to have surgeries to fix my injuries. No excuses!!

  5. Rita comer on June 29th, 2018 11:42 am

    My sister and nephew was in the white truck. So very thankful they werent injured bad. Prayers up for the lady that was injured. And glad the person that ran that stop sign is ok. Just praying he had good ins to compensate these people

  6. Suzie B. on June 29th, 2018 11:29 am

    @Sharon – please call County engineering and ask to speak to Mike Embich. He may be able to get the sign moved. There are guidelines that must be followed but they moved one a sign in our neighborhood because it was too close to wher we turned in. It may only be a small fix but maybe it would help. Thankful this one wasn’t more serious.

  7. Me on June 29th, 2018 9:34 am

    This was my Mom and stepbrother in one truck. A year ago at the same spot my younger brother was also in an accident in the same spot. I’m so glad it was not worse.

  8. Frada on June 29th, 2018 7:54 am

    Yes this is dangerous a few lives have been lost here.

  9. Well on June 29th, 2018 7:47 am

    Better drivers probably wouldn’t hurt either.

    Glad all will be ok.

  10. Sharon Blanton on June 29th, 2018 3:04 am

    If you are traveling east on Frank Reeder you cannot see the stop sign at Beulah until you are right on it. If you are the least distracted, you’ll miss it. I’ve lived out here 20+ yrs and ran that stop sign once myself. (Thank God nothing was coming from the north or south.) The garbage trucks going to the dump use Beulah Rd as a race track. It needs strips to drive over along FR and larger stop signs.
    Fortunately no one was killed this time!
