Woman Upset Over Building Rental, Century’s Leadership; Concerned Over What Cops ‘Do To Young African American Men’

May 24, 2018

A Century woman is not happy over the rental of a Century community center during a recent family graduation event, taking her case to the town council, complaining about their lack of leadership, their lack of communication skills, their public speaking abilities and expressing concerns about the town prompting a response from the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office because of what “police officers do to young African American men”. Meanwhile Century’s mayor and the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office are disputing many of her claims.

The building was rented for a “graduation dinner” on May 19, according to a rental agreement (download at left) signed March 22 for the “Habitat Building” on Pond Street. Tawana Jones told the Century Town Council that the event was for three of her nephews to celebrate their high school graduation; the rental agreement was signed by her sister-in-law.

Mayor Henry Hawkins said it was actually a party and violated the rental agreement. According to a document (page bottom) distributed to the town council by Hawkins, the event was promoted on Facebook as a “Grad Party” beginning at 8:30 p.m. with $5 admission for ladies before 11:30 p.m. and a $10 admission fee for men.

“It was hundreds and hundreds of youth…they were able to enjoy themselves in their own community with their own leaders because that party was there. It was a party they looked forward to for months. It was the talk of the town…it was shared more than 5,000 times on Facebook,” Tawana Jones said. “There was no way that the Town of Century or anybody not to know that this party was taking place.”

The rental agreement states no admission may be charged for an event without pre-approval.

Jones said someone from the town should have made a phone call or sent a Facebook message to alert her that charging admission was not allowed. She does not dispute the admission fee was in violation of the terms.

“I’m not going to sit here an not take responsibility. The application clearly states that you cannot charge to get into the building. It clearly states that,” she said. “I guess we did not follow policies and procedure. We did charge, at first, to get into the gates. Once the police, law enforcement showed  up, they did correct that and we stopped charging.”

“We are standing there and five carloads of deputy sheriffs shows up when you’ve got young African American men. I want you to use this mentality as a teacher,” Jones said. “What if one of those cops would have came there. What if one of those cops or cellphones would have been mistaken as a gun. We know what police officers do to young African American men.”

She described the deputies as very apologetic and professional. “They searched the building to make sure there was not alcohol. And guess what? They did not stay the entire time. They actually left.  They came back at 11:45.”

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, however, says their  official records show a different sequence of events and that there were never five deputies on the premises that night.

An off-duty deputy hired by the town under the rental agreement was present at the community center from 8 p.m. until midnight, according to Major Andrew Hobbs, spokesperson for the ECSO.

“He walked through the building periodically as part of his job; otherwise he was outside as not to hinder anyone from enjoying the event,” Hobb stated.

“Two additional deputies stopped  by about midnight to see if the deputy working security needed any assistance with traffic due to the large number of people, or assistance with clearing the building since the town rules required it to be vacated by midnight,” Hobbs said, adding the event was peaceful — there were no conflicts and no complaints.

The rental agreement states “no one may be in the building or parking lot after 12:00 midnight”.

“We hired security. We had over 20 people, that’s my family alone, circling that area making sure,” Jones told the town council “When the police came there, they looked, they searched. What is the problem you guys? …They said the mayor told us to enforce the rules. If you guys charge, we are asking you vacate the premises now. They said also that they were told by the mayor that you guys are serving alcohol.”

“We had to reiterate several times you guys the mayor is African American.  They were making a race issue. We are like no…it wasn’t because you were black. So that wasn’t the issue. The issue is leadership you guys,” she said she told her nephews.

“I have heard worse as a English teacher coming from leaders. You guys are leaders,” Jones told the council. “I have heard worse, I have never heard….there are public speaking forums you can attend that teach you how to speak in a public forum. I’m not, please don’t take this as a bad thing. There were certain things I did not even understand that came from this podium today. There’s not an excuse, how can we tell our kids to get a better education….when we ourselves cannot speak proper English. When we ourselves cannot articulate, put together a sentence.”

“But it’s OK for us to send five police car loads to them when all they were doing was enjoying this day. You guys there was not one incident, not one single incident. Not one.”

“It wasn’t the admission that was the issue,” Hawkins said. “The application said graduation dinner, and someone brought it to my attention on Facebook it said a party. That was my issue. A dinner and a party is two different things.”

“We can’t put Century’s reputation on the line for a party,” council member Luis Gomez said. He said eight years ago a girl was shot during a “party” in the same building.  He then started the popular “Century Block Party” at a local park, which has attracted hundreds of youth per year to an end of the school year celebration that has gone off without incident.

“We are going to show them that we know how to live, and we know how to act,” he said of his reason for the Century Block Party after the town’s previous mayor ended community center rentals. “But I had to hire the deputy sheriffs to be there at that party because they will clown, you know this.”

“You are not going to stereotype my people,” Jones interrupted despite Gomez’s attempt to continue.

“I’m not stereotyping. They are my people,” Gomez, who is also African American, said. “You’re a teacher. You know how to read. It says from eight o’clock until 12. They flyer says everybody in as late as 11:30. That means you had 30 minutes.”

“I am not arguing the policies and procedures. It clearly states that. I am arguing the way the situation was handled,” Jones said as she continued to speak over Gomez repeatedly.

“You paid for the police to be there. They were paid to be there for the duration of the rental; they were supposed to leave after everybody was gone,” Gomez said. You paid for them to be there…You paid for it. That’s the policy.”

“This right here shows what I am talking about,” Jones said. “There is a lack of leadership here. It starts from the top up.”

The building rental agreement was signed by Tawana Jones’ sister-in-law Tara Jones, who did not appear before the council. Jones paid $100 toward the rental on March 22 and a final payment of $250 on May 18, the day before the event. Hawkins noted that the rental agreement states payments are due “in full five days prior to the event”.

The mayor said Tara Jones will not receive any type of refund due to the policy violations.

The town council plans to review their community center rental agreement at a future meeting.

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


45 Responses to “Woman Upset Over Building Rental, Century’s Leadership; Concerned Over What Cops ‘Do To Young African American Men’”

  1. billy on May 27th, 2018 3:34 am

    ms Jones is so wrong

  2. Jay on May 26th, 2018 9:43 am

    Confucius, another teacher about 500 bc said: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open mouth and remove all doubt!”

  3. Chelleepea on May 26th, 2018 12:12 am

    Ok…I guess the problem was that the Mayor didn’t tell Ms.. Jones she couldn’t have a party and sent security. I suppose that is the miscommunication she is referring to but went off on a tangent. I guess the officers did not interfere with the party and the mayor didn’t stop them from having their party so…..

  4. Dumbfounded on May 25th, 2018 4:37 pm

    Hopefully the kids had fun. Not sure what exactly she was complaining about.

    There are a lot of good people in Century…There is also a huge drug problem in that area.

    Have never seen five carloads of deputies.

    Maybe next time, try to have a complete thought instead of randomly spewing sentences that run on and on with a purpose.

  5. fisherman on May 25th, 2018 11:30 am

    Century Town Council should not allow any speaker get that close to them. Individuals speaking should always be respectful. When they start doing as Ms. Jones did they need to be escorted out of the building.
    Ms. Jones played the race card trying to but the blame on others when it fell straight on her. Charging a fee for the party was totally wrong and she got caught. Ms. Jones only embarrassed herself with her actions and showed her childish behavior. Would like her to explain this (it starts from the top up)

  6. Chris on May 25th, 2018 10:51 am

    Regardless of her professional teacher status, or if she truly wanted the community to come together and celebrate the young mens graduation by throwing a party. She should have read the contract agreement as well as understanding that police show up at parties. Last party I seen that they didn’t show up at was a BBQ in the wedgewood area and multiple shots were fired and people were injured. This party May have been for the “community” to celebrate but obviously someone was attempting to profit from it. My tax dollars should not be used to provide a community center to throw party for profit events.

    Just my 2 cents

  7. tg on May 25th, 2018 10:44 am

    Football Mom my guess is 30.

  8. Football Mom on May 25th, 2018 9:38 am

    Sigh……..can anyone explain to me what I just read? Apparently my comprehension skills are lacking today and I cant figure out what she was complaining about in the first place????

    I think you lost me at 5 cop cars full of deputies LOLOLOLOLOLOL exactly how many deputies is that anyway?????

  9. tg on May 25th, 2018 7:20 am

    This is an ad for Home Schooling.

  10. Citizen on May 25th, 2018 1:47 am

    I commend the Mayor and council for doing the right thing. We know there were shootings in Brownsville and appreciate ECSO always. The lady was out of order displaying disrespectful behavior at a town council meeting plain and simple. Plus how do you have problems from the Top UP? Did they forget the invocation? Cray cray..At county meeting she would have been gaveled down and possibly removed from the premises. Civil behavior.. Follow the rules..

  11. Grand Locust on May 24th, 2018 11:24 pm

    Tempest in a teapot. Most community buildings used by citizens for parties have at a minimum a sit down as to the parameters of the rental agreement and what is expected. I hope the kids had a good time, and really putting down somebody’s grammar is impolite. We all make mistakes and certainly should strive for the use of correct English, but it sure seems like some folks are piling on.when this should have been a joyous celebration.

  12. David Huie Green on May 24th, 2018 3:28 pm

    “Why was women only 5$ and men 10$? That doesn’t seem fair.”

    Sexism? Or maybe a form of protest regarding the supposed pay gap between men and women.

    Maybe letting women in cheaply to attract men expensively?

    Regardless, it was a business decision.

    You have to admit based on the recorded statements that public speaking ain’t what it used to be, ain’t what it used to be, many long years ago.

    David for “a good time was had by all”

  13. AC on May 24th, 2018 2:40 pm

    Tawan Jones: ” And it’s said when we are in a society that our elected officials cannot articulate a thought or put together a complete sentence.”

    Perhaps that’s because they are being taught by English teachers in school who obviously can’t articulate a thought or put together a complete sentence; and, therefore, are unable to teach others how to do the same.

  14. Citizen on May 24th, 2018 2:17 pm

    Suggest council use Roberts rules, set up a dais and have speaker behind podium and give them 3 minutes to speak. I guess the Mayor and Gomez must have learned something after the helicopter building concerts. Good..always learning. You don’t need someone standing over you council. We look UP to you.

  15. Native1950 on May 24th, 2018 2:07 pm

    Gee…I’ve never seen a ‘carload’ of deputies! Usually only one deputy in a car, two at the most!!! Hmmm…5 ‘carloads’ of deputies must have been an awful lot of deputies! Smh

  16. Freda on May 24th, 2018 1:48 pm

    Why was women only 5$ and men 10$? That doesn’t seem fair.

  17. Joe on May 24th, 2018 1:30 pm

    Why is it that when something happens and it’s black people involved it’s because of race and not because you didn’t follow directions it goes to show there is still prejudice among the people in stead of love and compassion I just wish all this prejudice and hate was gone forever the bible says love thy neighbor but I don’t see love here just prejudice and hate Jesus loves everyone

  18. A. Alex on May 24th, 2018 1:27 pm

    So I guess you charged your nephews $10 each before the shutdown of money grabbing ticket takers.how much did we take in be before shutdown. Can I demand a showing what you took in. Race in Century?

  19. p on May 24th, 2018 1:15 pm

    This woman is supposed to be an English teacher. Just read her comment and count the number of grammatical errors she makes. Heaven help the kids she is teaching. It is no wonder the generations of today cannot speak or write proper English.

  20. Bewildered on May 24th, 2018 12:45 pm

    If the party had turned out like the one in Pensacola and African Americans had been shot by African Americans it would have been the fault of police and/ or the City for not providing enough security. It’s extremely sad that educators like Ms. Jones do their best to assure “their people” think of themselves as persecuted victims.

  21. Mike Honcho on May 24th, 2018 12:39 pm

    If you were trying to do something nice for graduating kids
    Why would you charge them
    Remember how proud you said you were so why charge

  22. Mom on May 24th, 2018 12:19 pm

    There is nothing wrong in throwing these young Men a graduation party. But if you didn’t agree to follow the terms of the rental agreement then you should have had the party elsewhere. Is this what we need to teach our young people that following an agreement doesn’t matter. Get a grip and lead by example….rules matter!

  23. Jm on May 24th, 2018 11:46 am

    Woman: signed a lease agreement without reading it? Tried to Get away with charging people, like no one would notice Or dare say anything? Blame the cops for making sure no Alcohol for underage kids? Woman insinuates that black/white was the issue? Well when you don’t want to take responsibility for your actions and
    Admit you are wrong: try in a roundabout way to talk and make it a racial, leadership problem! It’s always easier to blame someone else, but if it takes that much talking
    And In loopy circles: just stop!

  24. Shay on May 24th, 2018 11:45 am

    I wasn’t at the meeting but I can tell you that body language is a big thing in our society. The pictures show a very irate and confrontational Jones. I can only imagine what it must have been like in person.

    So she didn’t get her way so she played the race card? That sounds like somebody I’d love teaching my children…NOT!!!!!

  25. anne 1of2 on May 24th, 2018 11:23 am

    Hmm… I pay to go to a dinner. I have never paid to go to a party. I believe the English teacher used the correct language after all. Charging for a party is very wrong in any color.

  26. Huh? on May 24th, 2018 10:51 am

    Mrs. Jones:

    How many deputies are in “five carloads of deputies?”
    …”what if one of those cops or cellphones would have been mistaken as a gun.”

    It has been nearly sixty years since I turned in an english assignment, but if I had submitted it with as many errors as your quotes indicate, it would be returned with so many red corrections, it would look like it was hemorrhaging.

  27. Jeffrey Smiley on May 24th, 2018 10:44 am

    Nothing was logical with what Ms. Jones was saying, I think we all realized that. There is a lack of logic with this woman and she had a disconnect. You can yell scream hoot and holler all you want but if what you’re saying is outright wrong then it doesn’t make it any better. In fact, it makes you look worse. What Happened to critical think in schools. Now the teachers can’t critically think.

  28. Reality Check on May 24th, 2018 10:39 am

    “Century’s reputation”….Lol, I needed a good laugh today.

  29. Bow Hunter on May 24th, 2018 9:53 am

    @Century Resident // You Need To Get Someone To Read This Article To You // You Missed The Boat On This

  30. M in Bratt on May 24th, 2018 9:53 am

    If this woman is representative of the English teachers in our schools,, it’s no wonder so many kids can’t read and write.

  31. MISSB on May 24th, 2018 9:47 am

    Where is this woman an English Teacher at? I do not want my kids to be taught by her. Be an adult, stop blaming the city council for you getting caught and them doing their job and stop putting race in everything. SMH!!!!

  32. sam on May 24th, 2018 9:45 am

    did anyone not think this would end bad?

  33. William on May 24th, 2018 9:25 am

    “Tawan Jones” wrote: “I was misquoted several times for one I said “peers” not leaders and secondly, to suggest that I insinuate the police harms unarmed black men because of their race is ludacris. I said that what if, it was a bad cop, not all cops are bad and not all cops kill unarmed black men. And I never asked for a refund”

    Mrs. Tawana Jones was emailed audio recordings from the meeting that demonstrate she was quoted correctly. And the story does not state she asked for a refund.

  34. tg on May 24th, 2018 9:20 am

    Just when I thought things were calming down in Century.

  35. Century Resident on May 24th, 2018 9:11 am

    How can u better your community when the Town dnt want you to have anything for the youth. These guys accomplished a big goal in life and wanted to celebrate but the Town of Century wouldn’t allow them to do it. How u expect to better the town when you(Mayor) dnt provide anything for the youth to do. This event was well organized and wasn’t nothing going to occur during the event. All the graduates was having a good time until police came and shut down the enjoyable event. The bad look is on the town not the people who organized the event. Let the kids have fun for once. We have to be careful who we vote in office cause as u can see they are against the youth. Smh

  36. Bow Hunter on May 24th, 2018 9:10 am

    @Tawanda Jones as a English Teacher When Is Say’s No Admission What Don’t You Understand The N OR The O And You Need To Back Up On Which Race Speaks Correct English

  37. Really? on May 24th, 2018 9:04 am

    I don’t even know where to start! Clearly the the rules of this agreement have been violated, but go ahead and turn this around to a problem with the council and how they speak! Talk about turning things around ! Since Ms. Jones has mentioned that the council does not speak or or communicated properly, and she mentioned being an English teacher, I would like to help her out here.

    “I have heard worse as a English teacher coming from leaders. You guys are leaders,” Jones told the council”
    Correct grammar would be “an” English teacher .

    Here is what I take from this story…
    Just sign whatever you have to in order to get the building.
    It is okay to break the rules and if you get away with it , it is okay.
    If you are caught breaking the rules, turn things around, point fingers at everyone else and try to become a victim somehow.

  38. Enough on May 24th, 2018 8:48 am

    Mrs Jones said ‘they need to be educated ‘ but yet was unable to read a signed contract and follow the rules ! It’s because I’m black not because I didn’t follow what I signed and agreed to . Hmmmm ! And your trying to stop racism how ?

  39. SW on May 24th, 2018 8:26 am

    So rented a building. Violated rental agreement.

    Exaggerated the presence of deputies at the event.

    Mad at the city leadership.

    Okie dokie.

  40. mat on May 24th, 2018 8:21 am

    Ms. Jones,
    When you said “You are not going to stereotype my people,” YOU opened up the race issue. Is it sexual discrimination when you charge $5 for ladies and $10 for men?

  41. M in Bratt on May 24th, 2018 7:39 am

    I’ve read this article over, and fail to see how expecting somebody to honor the terms of the contract they signed can in any way be considered racially motivated.

  42. Don Neese on May 24th, 2018 7:23 am

    Soooo…she’s upset I guess…..because a police officer showed up? Or, someone can’t speak good english?
    I’m not real sure….

  43. Tawan Jones on May 24th, 2018 5:31 am

    I have no idea who wrote this article; however I was misquoted several times for one I said “peers” not leaders and secondly, to suggest that I insinuate the police harms unarmed black men because of their race is ludacris. I said that what if, it was a bad cop, not all cops are bad and not all cops kill unarmed black men. And I never asked for a refund, my sole purpose was to express my disappointment in the Mayor of Century and his lack of communication and leadership. And Three members of the council agreed with me. The lack of professionalism and the display of leadership by Mr. Gomez and Mayor was very disappointing. And it’s said when we are in a society that our elected officials cannot articulate a thought or put together a complete sentence.

  44. Just saying on May 24th, 2018 5:05 am

    In other words I had a hustle going it didnt turn out I’m angry and it has to be someone else’s fault that I didnt read the contract. Now I’ll seek out the lowest common denominator and play the race card. Right Mrs. Jones get a grip on reality.

  45. Citizen on May 24th, 2018 3:32 am

    Glad I wasn’t invited.