Rare 4.5 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes In The Gulf of Mexico

May 7, 2018

A rare earthquake in the Gulf of Mexico registered 4.5 on the Richter Scale.  The epicenter of the quake was about 160 miles southeast of New Orleans just before noon Sunday, according to the United State Geological Survey. That’s about 200 miles from Cantonment, 230 miles from Century.

A a quake of the magnitude between 4.0 and 4.9 is considered ‘light’ and can cause “Noticeable shaking of indoor objects and rattling noises. Felt by most people in the affected area. Slightly felt outside,” according to the Geological Survey.

There was no threat of a tsunami.


11 Responses to “Rare 4.5 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes In The Gulf of Mexico”

  1. mike on May 8th, 2018 2:02 pm

    anybody that complains about drilling, take away all they use that was made with or uses oil, they’d scream bloody murder. :D

    the idea that drilling had anything to do with a quake is laughable.

  2. David Huie Green on May 7th, 2018 11:25 pm

    “While the Gulf is not tectonically active, it is still subject to plate movement and that is where the earthquakes are coming from.”

    An entire plate need not be involved. Salt in salt domes is slowly pushing up through the strata. They have many small quakes

    Also, as they deform the strata, they create slope or dip for petroleum and gas to rise to the highest part. Thus drilling is common to reach the hydrocarbons.

    The salt domes create minor quakes and conditions conducive to drilling.

    David for Diamond Crystal

  3. Mark on May 7th, 2018 8:30 pm

    I hope a thorough investigation will be made. This” quake” happened right where they drill for oil. And yes, they do use explosives.

  4. Christian on May 7th, 2018 8:25 pm

    What happens when you use a machine without oil????
    The oil under our feet serves a purpose to mother earth. And I ain’t no tree hugger I work offshore LOL I’m just not ignorant.

  5. Frank on May 7th, 2018 6:45 pm

    Kate, I don’t know about you but I was paying higher prices before the tax break and got more than I have in the last ten years

  6. Les Bridges on May 7th, 2018 3:45 pm

    Divers places?

  7. Cindy on May 7th, 2018 2:11 pm

    How about it is just an act of God..happened since the beginning of time

  8. SharkHunter on May 7th, 2018 11:21 am

    This was obviously due to a breaching Megladon. They feed on Great White Sharks. They can sense the trackers on the Great White Sharks in the Gulf of Mexico. The pinging is like the dinner bells ringing.

  9. No Excuses on May 7th, 2018 10:58 am

    While the Gulf is not tectonically active, it is still subject to plate movement and that is where the earthquakes are coming from. Remember Haiti a few years back? Same thing.

  10. Rick on May 7th, 2018 10:45 am

    Drilling had nothing to do with that earthquake. If it did, there would be more.

  11. Kate on May 7th, 2018 8:34 am

    Yes, drilling is great in the gulf. And we get so many great things from it, like oil hitting $70.00 a barrel. WOW the tax breaks will be so great, it will almost cover the cost of gasoline and the higher prices in the stores.