Progress Report: New Escambia County Jail

May 10, 2018

A building permit for the a new 720-bed Escambia County jail is expected to be issued by the middle of June.

Permits have been approved by the Florida Department of Transportation, ECUA approval is in progress and the development order was issued on April 25.

Test pilings are in progress and the first concrete purchase has been made, according to county documents. Final construction documents are due by June 18, with the full building permit anticipated by June 16.

The new jail will be constructed at the site of the McDonald Shopping Center on the southeast corner of Fairfield Drive and Pace Boulevard, adjacent to the current 1980’s jail. The two facilities will be connected.


6 Responses to “Progress Report: New Escambia County Jail”

  1. Bob on May 11th, 2018 6:27 pm

    They do not teach thinking or forward/long term thinking in high school. And high school graduates run this county. Enjoy!!!

    “Everyone has to agree it will make a particularly blighted area look a little less run down, at least in the short term. Pensacola/Escambia county has never been run by forward/long term thinkers after all.”

  2. REALY on May 11th, 2018 12:08 am

    Really, that’s all this monster of a building is going to hold, the way Escambia locks up people this needs to hold three times that many people. If the judges would quit handing out so much probation causing a revolving door we probably would not need a new jail, Further more this is a money making business incarnating people and the money does not go to the Officers that’s for sure.

  3. Jacobi T. on May 10th, 2018 12:42 pm

    Grand locust still believes dopers commit non violent crimes lol
    I bet you just make any and every excuse for the heroin epidemic in the US. Apparently, you haven’t had a loved one die from being sold bad dope. Apparently you missed most of the homicies being drug related. These are all your “non violent” crimes you love to preach. Grand locust, ever have your home burglaized while you’re asleep? Maybe they should just release all the burglars in your neighborhood and see how you like it. I am for building more jails and more prisons Because we do not have nearly enough to handle all the crime in the US. Oh wait, let me guess, you are all for the “non punishment of students on campus for crime they commit” just like in Broward which enabled the Parkland shooter to shoot up the school. I for one stand with the victims who say kids need to be arrested for crimes they commit on campus so they are held accountable! No excuses for school shootings Grand Locust.

  4. c on May 10th, 2018 11:01 am

    Everyone has to agree it will make a particularly blighted area look a little less run down, at least in the short term. Pensacola/Escambia county has never been run by forward/long term thinkers after all.

  5. retired on May 10th, 2018 8:02 am

    it looks to be 3 times bigger than the 1980’s jil and holds less???????
    What is wrong with this picture?

  6. Grand Locust on May 10th, 2018 5:13 am

    How did this happen? You look at the size of the old city jail, and you realize that putting people in jail is a money maker…….people stay employed, taxpayers pay the room and board on dopes and mopes who are non violent and no threat to the community……As a society, we have lost our collective minds as America has more people in jail than any other nation in the world… was not always like this. When people think adding more government employees is economic growth, they do not have a clue about what drives the GDP……jails are necessary, but so is common sense.