Nelson, Gaetz Qualify As Federal Office Qualifying Begins

May 1, 2018

U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, Florida’s lone statewide elected Democrat, formally qualified to run for a fourth term Monday as he faces a challenge from Republican Gov. Rick Scott.

Nelson made his candidacy official as the qualifying period for federal offices opened at noon Monday.

Meanwhile, 17 of the state’s 27 incumbent U.S. House members also qualified when the period opened, with three — Republicans Matt Gaetz of Fort Walton Beach and Brian Mast of Palm City, and Democrat Val Demings of Orlando — facing primary challenges.

Scott did not qualify Monday. Instead, his campaign team touted raising $3.2 million since Scott announced three weeks ago that he was entering the Senate race.

But it’s still early in the week. Federal candidates, along with candidates for judgeships and state-attorney and public-defender posts, have until noon Friday to qualify.

by Jim Turner, The News Service of Florida

Pictured: Rep. Matt Gaetz meets with the Cantonment Improvement Committee on April 20. photo, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Nelson, Gaetz Qualify As Federal Office Qualifying Begins”

  1. Wilykyote on May 1st, 2018 10:41 pm

    Gov. Scott ( running for Senate) has stated we need term limits…..sure
    agree with that. 2 terms for Senators,no pension,no lobbying afterwards for 12
    years. Congressional Reps ( Matt Gaetz ) 3 two year terms, no pension, no
    lobbying for 6 years. It seems Gov. Scott has done a tolerable enough job as
    Governor to put him in Washington as a Florida Senator. And likewise for
    Congressman Gaetz for 2more terms. Both of their roles will likely be crucial
    in keeping our Country and “ We The People “ free of the controlling grip of
    mind numbing Liberal thoughts and plans for our Country’s future.

  2. Grand Locust on May 1st, 2018 7:57 am

    Primary challenges on both sides of the aisle are really a good thing. A democracy remains vibrant when the citizens have choices in their respective primaries.