Judge Rules Ban On Smoking Medical Marijuana Is Unconstitutional

May 26, 2018

A state law banning patients from smoking medical marijuana is unconstitutional, a Tallahassee judge ruled late Friday.

In a highly anticipated but not surprising decision, Leon County Circuit Judge Karen Gievers found that a constitutional amendment approved by voters in 2016 that broadly legalized medical marijuana gives eligible patients the right to smoke the treatment in private.

The law banning smoking of medical marijuana “is invalid because it conflicts with the Florida Constitution and prohibits a use of medical marijuana that is permitted by the amendment: smoking in private,” Gievers wrote in Friday’s 22-page order.

A spokesman for the Florida Department of Health said the state is expected to appeal, which likely would place Gievers’ order on hold.

Gievers’ decision came a little more than a week after a hearing in which Cathy Jordan, a patient who was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease more than three decades ago, told the judge she credits smoking joints with saving her life.

Jordan is among the plaintiffs in the lawsuit initiated by John Morgan, the Orlando trial lawyer who largely bankrolled what was known as Amendment 2. The prohibition on smoking medical marijuana was included in a law passed last year that implemented the constitutional amendment.

The amendment does not expressly authorize smoking pot but gives the state the authority to enact regulations regarding medical marijuana use, lawyers for the state have maintained.

But, agreeing with the plaintiffs, Gievers found that the language in the amendment “recognizes there is no right to smoke in public places, thereby implicitly recognizing the appropriateness of using smokable medical marijuana in private places consistent with the amendment.”

The “ability to smoke medical marijuana was implied” in the constitutional language “and is therefore a protected right,” Gievers wrote.

Shortly after Gievers’ opinion was released, Morgan tweeted: “When I start something I finish it. Truth prevails!! The voters will be done!! #BELIEVE #ForThePeople #NoSmokeIsAJoke.”

Sen. Bill Galvano, a Bradenton Republican who will take over as Senate president in the fall, said Friday evening he had not read the order but intended to review it to ascertain the judge’s reasoning. “It is a significant departure from what was passed (in the law),” he said.

Lawmakers enacted the prohibition on joints — derided as “no smoke is a joke” by critics — largely to protect the public from the ill effects of smoking, lawyers for the state argued during the May 16 hearing.

But Jon Mills, a former House speaker who was instrumental in crafting the amendment and represents the plaintiffs, insisted that the Constitution in a variety of ways allows smokable marijuana, including in how marijuana is defined.

For example, the constitutional amendment relied on a 2014 definition of marijuana in Florida criminal law, which includes “all parts of any plant of the genus Cannabis, whether growing or not.” That includes whole-flower marijuana, which is used for smoking, the plaintiffs contend.

Gievers agreed.

“The amendment addresses the role of each of the three branches of Florida’s government in making sure that those who need marijuana for treatment of their pertinent medical issues are able to have safe access to it, without restriction except that there is no right to smoke in public places,” she wrote.

During the May 16 hearing, Jordan — who relied on her husband to interpret her speech — testified that she was given three to five years to live after being diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, in 1986. She began smoking marijuana as a treatment a few years after she was diagnosed, Jordan said.

Other routes of administration — such as vaping — don’t work for her, Jordan said.

Smoking gives Jordan “dry mouth,” which offsets the excessive drooling caused by ALS, she said. And it relaxes her muscles, increases her appetite and helps combat depression, Jordan said.

“It just makes my life a lot more bearable,” said Jordan, who currently grows her own marijuana.

Ben Pollara, the campaign manager of the political committee behind Amendment 2, hailed the judge’s ruling.

“This is a huge victory for sick and suffering Floridians, who can now consume their medicine however they choose. And it’s a victory for voters, whose clear will had been thwarted by the Legislature. No smoke is a joke, and today the court agreed,” said Pollara, who’s also the head of the non-profit organization Florida for Care, which advocates for patients and the medical marijuana industry.

Friday’s decision was the second victory Gievers handed to patients who have challenged the state over medical-marijuana restrictions. Last month, she gave the go-ahead to Tampa strip-club owner Joe Redner to grow his own medical marijuana for “juicing.” The 77-year-old Redner’s doctors ordered the juicing treatment to keep his lung cancer in remission. The state has appealed Gievers’ decision.

Mills praised Gievers’ ruling in the smokable marijuana case.

“I’m delighted that the Constitution has prevailed,” he told The News Service of Florida. “This upholds the will of the people, and we’re grateful the justice system worked.”

by Dara Kam, The News Service of Florida


12 Responses to “Judge Rules Ban On Smoking Medical Marijuana Is Unconstitutional”

  1. 429SCJ on May 29th, 2018 6:45 am

    A plant that predates the epoch of humankind and the draconian laws imposed upon it’s consumers.

    I say let those who control the liquor and pharmaceutical companies have control over marijuana, if it will expedite legalization.

  2. jerry on May 29th, 2018 2:13 am

    Why is florida wasting tax payer money to fight against things that the citizens of florida voted for and approve? What is mentally wrong with them? Now you know who to vote out, no more wasting tax payer money and respect the vote . Get rid of Rick Scott and his corrupt cronies in the government

  3. MadeinMolino on May 28th, 2018 12:30 am

    I do not care who it upsets, legal or not, being terminal I will take whatever I need to feel better. End of story. What are you going to do lock up a dying man for a little personal stash? Okay, then the state can take over my treatments on the taxpayers dime. When you’re terminal you don’t wait around for politicians to get their act together.

  4. Anne on May 27th, 2018 5:34 pm

    @ Matchbox

    Friend had chemo + radiation for breast cancer. Treatments made her deathly ill, up all hours of the night with severe nausea and horrible problems sleeping. None of the “medications” helped her at all and she was losing much weight and strength.
    Her brother-in-law “knew a guy” and got some marijuana for her and showed her how to use it. She’d never ever smoked anything before.
    Amazing the change. When feeling ill she could go to the bathroom and within a few puffs of the marijuana the nausea calmed down, she settled down, nervousness relaxed and she was finally able to have an appetite and eat and keep food down to gain some weight and strength.
    God Blessed us all by letting her become Free of Cancer for over 3 years now. God is GREAT.
    If not for the marijuana our family feels she would not have made such a good recovery, maybe not made it at all.
    NO, she’s not addicted nor does she crave it now but back then it helped to save her life and sanity.
    Sometimes even the best of us have to bend the rules to help ourselves and our loved ones in hard times.

  5. mike on May 27th, 2018 4:37 pm

    Congratulations Mrs. Jordan! Score one for the little guy! :)

  6. Matchbox on May 27th, 2018 10:58 am

    Smoking helps in alot of ways that consuming any other way would not…as with nausea smoking is the best way to use medical marijuana….and btw marijuana is not a drug it is a herb…

  7. Bob C. on May 27th, 2018 7:55 am

    Lived in Tallahassee for many years and observed some of our most strict and straight-laced Bible thumping, conservative speaking lawmakers doing things that were completely the opposite of what they spoke. Drunk, being generally obnoxious and bothersome to anyone around them and feeling they were Above the Law due to their positions. Yes, many were involved with their “nieces” while the family was back home.
    Only objection that many of the legislators would have is how to tax marijuana – if it’s a medication then it would by definition be tax-free as are our other prescription meds.
    Agree 100% with those objecting to tobacco in any form and alcohol over indulgences.
    If marijuana is legal per Florida Constitution then how can it be blocked? Let those who need it have it.

  8. alex on May 27th, 2018 1:12 am

    we could just make all drugs legal and be done with it. who’s to say which drugs i or anyone else can use. then there will be no drug crimes.

  9. Charlie Mike on May 26th, 2018 11:28 pm

    Alcohol has ruined more lives than marijuana ever could. Legal. Cigarettes kill how many hundreds of thousands every year. Completely legal. Why not marijuana? Reefer Madness? Give me a break.

  10. Nod on May 26th, 2018 7:51 pm

    Pot, the miracle cure for all diseases, only if you smoke it and mess up your lungs. There is no way that smoke inhalation is healthy. Med pot can be used in many other ways.

  11. Grand Locust on May 26th, 2018 10:26 am

    They Ignore the voters…….starting to take away some of the nonsense criminal laws which fill our prisons with dopes and mopes while violent criminals roam the street. It would be nice if the criminal justice system would focus on violent criminals, and that lawmakers would quit taking contributions from the restaurant associations, the liquor industry, and Big Pharm……..the idea that they are smarter than the Florida voters, and they are only trying to help…..help themselves to some of that Lobby money. Tar and feathers.

  12. David on May 26th, 2018 8:12 am

    Land of the free and home of the brave