‘Hurricane Coleman’ Makes Landfall As Escambia County Practices For The Real Thing

May 3, 2018

Hurricane Coleman made landfall Tuesday with the Escambia County Emergency Operations Center fully staffed — all part of a Florida Division of Emergency Management’s statewide exercise to get ready for the upcoming Atlantic hurricane season.

Participants practiced Florida’s emergency plans and procedures for a potential hurricane making landfall. Escambia County focused on internal processes and training of the differing roles and responsibilities found in the emergency operations center.

Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “‘Hurricane Coleman’ Makes Landfall As Escambia County Practices For The Real Thing”

  1. Mr. Reality on May 7th, 2018 1:04 am

    Grand…Actually this year the NHC is changing and decreasing the cone size DUE to the nre sat tech we put in place a few years back. The advancements HAVe cauht up and we can almost NAIL them now….Take last year for example. they got it down to a SCIENCE now.

  2. Grand Locust on May 3rd, 2018 4:08 pm

    I just wish they could advance forecasting where a hurricane will cross land. The European Model has shown how poor of a job we have been doing for years. This is not the fault of the emergency folks, but if the forecasting tools could simply give reliable three day information within a 25 mile area, you could eliminate most of the injury and death from hurricanes. People over in Biloxi told me that for three storms before Katrina it was all wolf wolf wolf, and many people did not evacuate because of the previous poor forecasts.

  3. Chuck Lavoie on May 3rd, 2018 9:22 am

    The ECEOC to a fantastic job in any emergency situation. They deserve a mountain of praise.