Gaetz Will Face Four Challengers For Congressional Seat

May 5, 2018

Five candidates have qualified for the congressional seat currently held by Matt Gaetz.

Gaetz is seeking a second term. He will face Republicans Cris Dosev of Pensacola and John Mills of Miramar Beach in the Republican primary. Two democrats will face off in the primary election; they are Phil Ehr of Pensacola and Jennifer Zimmerman of Pace.

The qualifying period for federal offices ended at noon Friday.

The primary election will be held on August 28.


16 Responses to “Gaetz Will Face Four Challengers For Congressional Seat”

  1. Johnny Freedom on May 8th, 2018 9:32 am


    You just named three of what are known as “entertainers”. Not one of them has a journalism degree or have worked in the field.. Sean Hannity didn’t even finish college. Yet you rely on them to give you informed “facts”.

    These are people whose main job is to talk louder than whatever guest they have on the show that day. These are shows based on opinion and shoddily-assembled political gossip. You can throw Infowars, Alex Jones, etc into the mix. They make dangerous, off-the-cuff statements that have zero merit, and when legally challenged, backtrack on everything they said and call it entertainment. They are suckering millions because they get paid very well to do it.

    If you choose to believe it because it fits your alternate narrative of reality, fine. If you want to believe that Obama’s a Kenyan-born Muslim, the Clintons murdered their political opposition, and man never landed on the moon, that’s your choice. Just don’t call it fact. It is not.

  2. Diane on May 7th, 2018 5:46 pm

    @Veteran: Gaetz is fighting for a president who is unquestionably FOR the veterans. So because you didn’t see Gaetz at your vet events, it’s a hard NO? My husband is a disabled veteran and he LOVES THE SPEAKER OF TRUTH MATT GAETZ.

  3. Diane Ellenburg on May 7th, 2018 5:43 pm

    @Johnny Freedom: Of course. It is Sean Hannity, Judge Jeanine, and Laura Ingraham that give FACTS. Try it!
    @ Charlie Mike: YES, Soros-backed Republicans. There is more to his shenanigans than you may realize. Get educated!

  4. Johnny Freedom on May 7th, 2018 12:30 pm


    You do realize that Fox News in mainstream media, right?

    It’s not some secret channel that only the enlightened can view.

  5. Veteran who votes on May 6th, 2018 9:04 pm

    I’m a Veteran who tries to stay active in the veteran community; that said I attend numerous veteran-related events each year and I don’t recall ever seeing Mr. Gaetz at any of our events showing support. So for me it’s a hard NO!

  6. Charlie Mike on May 6th, 2018 8:08 pm

    Soros-backed Republicans. For goodness sakes, Lady, turn off Faux News and go outside.

  7. Diane on May 6th, 2018 1:04 pm

    Thank God Gaetz is courageous and tells the truth, just like brave Devon Nunes! It’s amazing to see so many still believing the outright lies told by the MSM. Listen to Hannity and hear the list of facts he recites, ALL documented. Remember Baghdad Bob from the Iraq war? The MSM is just like him, spewing lie after lie to a deluded public. I am so thankful for the amazing achievements our beloved President has made, and pray for his safety from communists and other misinformed, angry people.

  8. Dan on May 5th, 2018 3:13 pm

    Gaetz is nothing more than Devin Nunes 2.0. He will parrot anything and everything Trump says, truth be damned. The country is doing well, despite Trump, not because of him.

  9. Chelleepea on May 5th, 2018 2:21 pm

    Whether he is conservative or liberal I hope the truly honest guy/gal wins. We need the truth back in this country.

  10. scott on May 5th, 2018 2:13 pm

    @ Joy and Choice —- I agree with you. Gaetz drank the “kool-aid.” Florida 1 can do much better.

  11. cj on May 5th, 2018 1:28 pm

    Matt Gaetz has come several times. He is working for us and does care about us.

  12. nod on May 5th, 2018 10:32 am

    Congressman Gaetz is a great American, willing to stand against those who would like to destroy the Constitution and bring America down both internally and externally.
    i will vote for him unless somebody better comes along, which i doubt. May God bless America.

  13. choice on May 5th, 2018 9:53 am

    Looking for someone who has facts on his side and Mr. Gaetz has proven time and time again he doesn’t.

    Looking for Christian values, honest and not anti law!

  14. Grand Locust on May 5th, 2018 9:18 am

    primaries are good. As soon as a rep has no primary challengers…..they all seem to get lonely and want to cuddle up to lobbyist. Primaries keep em honest.

  15. joy bryant on May 5th, 2018 6:34 am

    GREAT!! He NEVER came except for the recent visit due to elections coming up AND all he has done is grab TV appearances with his rhetoric of dark conspiracies – her is SOOOOO far out there – we need TRUTH, roads, good schools and someone who cares. We also desperately need a siren to help us with warnings for these tornadoes

  16. Diane on May 5th, 2018 2:42 am

    I have no doubt these “Republican” challengers are Soros-backed. Soros has a pattern of targeting politicians who dare to oppose him and his communist one world globalist plans. No true conservative would ever challenge the best Congressmen ever. Matt Gaetz is a strong, true, and courageous man, doing his part to drain the swamp!