Escambia County Settles Female Firefighter’s Sexual Harassment Claim For $175,000

May 4, 2018

The Escambia County Commission voted Thursday night to settle for $175,o00 with a female fighter that complained of of sexual harassment and discrimination.

She filed  a discrimination claim against the Escambia County with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

The woman kept a detailed personal journal in which she detailed a culture of verbal, physical and sexual harassment within Escambia Fire Rescue. The journal was part of a county investigation into Escambia Fire Rescue that led to the county fire chief being relieved of his duties, the dismissal of a firefighter and a reprimand for a lieutenant.

She claimed she endured a hostile work environment, sexual harassment and gender discrimination.

The payment will come from the county’s insurance company.

The commission voted 4-1 to approve the settlement, with Commissioner Lumon May casting the dissenting vote. He said the county has not done enough to address the situations that led to the complaint. photo, click to enlarge.


26 Responses to “Escambia County Settles Female Firefighter’s Sexual Harassment Claim For $175,000”

  1. Me too on May 8th, 2018 3:24 am

    Some of these comments absolutely sicken me! You people honestly think it’s ok to treat a woman in anything other than a respectful manner simply because you think she should have chosen a different career or developed thicker skin??!!??

    How about this? She should be treated as a human being, not your sexual fantasy, your punching bag, or whatever else your pathetic little minds dream up!

    You have NO IDEA what this does to someone, the humiliation, the anxiety, the damage to your self esteem. Those of you who are defending the sickening actions of these so-called men, do you also think rape is just good ole boys having fun? Because that is exactly what happened here! Maybe it wasn’t physical but definitely mentally and emotionally. This is what’s wrong with our society these days: too many idiots who think we should just accept your horrible behavior because we’re just women and we should accept this as our due since we were unfortunate enough to be born female. Is that what you’d tell your mom too if she were being treated this way? Buck up, Ma, they’re only having fun.


  2. Chris on May 6th, 2018 2:38 pm

    The county got off cheap.
    Check could of been 500k plus

  3. Lol on May 6th, 2018 11:43 am

    We could get quick cash*

  4. Lol on May 6th, 2018 11:42 am

    Hmmmmm so if we all wrote down what people have said to us in a little notebook we could. Good Lord it happens all the time brush it off and move on!

  5. Bob C. on May 5th, 2018 12:40 pm

    @ Mike
    Dude, you’re elevated right up there with your girls “Hillary” and “Stormy” in your sad attention getting needs.

    One question for those of you who have negative comments about this Brave Woman:
    “What if this were your daughter or granddaughter – or son?”
    Guess anything goes and would be okay with Mike as hey, it’s just guys playing with his kid, right? You know, Mike the good ol’ boys just having some fun with your child.

    To the MANY females out there who are Firefighters, EMT’s, Cops, Military forces, Teachers and who work in the endless list of Live Saving and Life Sustaining and Life Enriching occupations, THANK YOU for your Dedication and Caring Attention to everyone.

    Who knows, one day one of you may be the one able to save a member of Mike’s family or even him and you’d treat him without prejudice because you’re That Good.

    God Bless and Protect ALL of those in whose trust we place our lives, property and hopes. You are the BEST.

  6. Mr. Metoo on May 5th, 2018 10:48 am

    The County job website does not list a job for a sexual harasser. If they did then some commentors here could find employment. The firefighter qualification doesn’t list thick skin or degradation..

  7. alex on May 5th, 2018 10:15 am

    Mike i must agree with you

  8. Denny on May 5th, 2018 10:12 am

    Mike, she had to have had hard evidence (credible witnesses, photos of awful items or pictures in the workplace, nasty notes, bruises, etc) to get this level of settlement. I used to investigate cases of harassment and discrimination and the burden of proof is on the complainant. It’s a tough burden to meet, it’s rarely met, and must be proved by much more than “just because she sez.” Otherwise, no deal.

  9. mike on May 5th, 2018 12:10 am

    i stand by my statement. without recordings, or camera footage, there is no hard evidence. just bcuz she sez so don’t make it so. :D

  10. Resident on May 4th, 2018 10:24 pm

    Well its settled but all the Diversity whining was indicative that people still want special privileges. Nada. No discrimination period.

  11. Grand Locust on May 4th, 2018 5:44 pm

    These comments are the best evidence that although women in the workplace have made amazing strides, it remains a constant battle to find simple respect. If my daughter was treated as this firefighter was alleged to be treated, I and most fathers here would find that intolerable, yet we are the same ones who make excuses for bad behavior.

  12. Fight the Patriarchy on May 4th, 2018 3:52 pm

    Wow, some of these comments are infuriating. “Boys will be boy,”. Seriously? First of all, they’re NOT boys. They are grown men and grown men (and boys too for that matter) should be held accountable for their actions.

    “Why didn’t you choose a different occupation?”. What was she supposed to do in life then? Join a Convent??? (Oh, wait. There are men there too.)

    “Got to get tougher skin,” Um, hello! It said she was PHYSICALLY harassed as well and you want her to get tougher skin??? If someone came up and punched you as hard as they could in the face, would you not seek out justice? Wouldn’t you be furious if you went to see a doctor for your injured face and they only told you to, “Get tougher skin” and not treat you after you were harmed?

    Or how about, “Three careers ruined,”. Are you kidding me? If they would’ve robbed a bank or any other crime no one would be saying that.

    And it’s not like women are trying to ruin your lives. We’re just asking you to act like decent human beings by not touching us or making unpleasant/rude/sexist remarks. It’s. That. Simple. Yes, everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but that doesn’t also mean a woman is automatically a liar. And an investigation was done and they obviously proved she was telling the truth or else those men would’ve still had their jobs.

    And also, ma’am, if you’re reading this, thank you for your firefighting services. I believe you, I stand with you, and I applaud you for speaking up.


  13. NativeTongue on May 4th, 2018 2:58 pm

    Good for her, glad she made the effort to document and provide evidence of the abuse.
    Regardless of the profession, women want to go to work every day and do their job without worrying about being mentally, physically, or sexually harassed by their peers. That’s not too much to ask.

    Mike, Lou, W.W., & What’s goin on??? – If it was your wife or daughter how would your comment make her feel? You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  14. SMH on May 4th, 2018 2:38 pm

    All these women taking sides based on an article and no first hand evidence. I love how you ladies are always the victim’s. Most of you grope men and make sexually objectifying remarks as casually as you walk your dog. You sit around with your gf’s saying X rated remarks about men and it’s ok because you’re are women. It’s time women are held accountable for their roles in this social cesspool we call the western world.

  15. just saying on May 4th, 2018 1:15 pm

    Yep-Quick cash and incentive for the next person to file a frivolous suit. I understand that it is most often less expensive to pay up than to fight it out in court. However, It seems to me that it encourages people to file in hopes of a quick pay-out.

  16. Denny on May 4th, 2018 11:27 am

    mike: no, they settled because of the investigation results, which must have corroborated the journal. The county would not be paying out this amount of money if they thought they could win the case; they’re worried EEOC will order them to pay more. This is considered a large settlement for this type of case, so the harassment must have been pretty bad.

  17. Dale Flowers on May 4th, 2018 10:37 am

    It sounds like the BCC settled to avoid litigation and a possible higher payout. If those claims are proven to be true perhaps they ought to look into ways to recoup that money from the pay, perks and future benefits of those who committed the sexual harassment. Somebody’s pocketbook needs to feel the pinch besides the taxpayers. That could include those who should have had oversight…like the BCC.

  18. No Excuses on May 4th, 2018 9:32 am


    I am sure there was more to it than just her notebook. That would be hearsay since it wasn’t witnessed (I presume that some of it was witnessed). I’d say we don’t have the whole story here for a host of reasons. If it was as easy as writing in a notebook, then more people would do it. I admire her for standing up to the GOB system and saying “Enough!”

    I have been fortunate in my current job as a female in a correctional environment – I’ve had some behavior that I would consider sexist, but very little.

  19. @Mike on May 4th, 2018 9:20 am

    @mike – No, she got the money because she endured a hostile work environment, sexual harassment and gender discrimination. There’s nothing funny or jokey about that.

  20. What's goin on??? on May 4th, 2018 9:13 am

    Not saying it didn’t happen but I sure would hate to be a man these days. Seems like all a woman has to do is say something happened and the man is automatically guilty.

  21. Farmerguy on May 4th, 2018 8:01 am

    Mike, with comments like yours there is little hope for change. There is a real problem in the workplace with issues like this. If more women would stand up for their self maybe it will stop. It takes a lot of Courage to report inappropriate behavior. Especially knowing people are going to make comments like yours. Stop being part of the problem. Have some morals!

  22. W.W. on May 4th, 2018 7:25 am

    Hmmm…….. Three careers ruined and $175K….. Golf clap!!!! It worked/working for “Storm Cloud Daniels” The door just opened…. Stand by B.C.C.

  23. Niknak50 on May 4th, 2018 7:20 am

    Re: Mike….the “stuff” she wrote in a notebook was names, places, dates, time of day, details of conversations, and content. “Stuff” like this is unrefutable in a courtroom, because the”stuff” was fact……which is why the county is now $175000.00 poorer.

  24. Lou on May 4th, 2018 6:44 am

    Wish money could fix this problem. You’re not the only female that has ever put up with men in the workplace and their comments. Did you not realize it was mostly men you would be working with? Why didn’t you choose a different occupation. Wouldn’t want to be you in your workplace now….I would be afraid to even speak to you. Got to get tougher skin.

  25. Ponderosa hill on May 4th, 2018 6:27 am

    Guessing all could be true…..also guessing was just in the “FUN” of
    it. You know the old boys will be boys routine. Sure not a good
    thing to do since humans have become so cognizant of affronts on
    any and all subjects. Leadership fail but sure hard to control all people
    all the time. If everyone worked from home it would stop…right ?

  26. mike on May 4th, 2018 2:15 am

    why? because of some stuff she wrote in a notebook? wow, some quick cash right there! :D