Escambia County Extension To Host Honey Bee Workshop Saturday

May 18, 2018

Escambia County Extension will host the Escarosa Beekeepers Association Open Hive Bee Workshop on Saturday, May 19.

The meeting will take place at the county Extension Office, located at 3740 Stefani Road in Cantonment, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The cost is $20 for adults and $7 for children ages 10-12, with free admission for children under the age of 9. Lunch is provided and there will be several raffle and door prize drawings.

The workshop will include an open hive inspection, nucleus installation, live swarm demonstration, honey extraction, and a honeycomb cut out.

To register for the event, contact Rizza Johnson at 850-698-6418 or email


One Response to “Escambia County Extension To Host Honey Bee Workshop Saturday”

  1. Nicole on May 18th, 2018 11:02 pm

    Wish I’d known about this sooner!