ECSO: Couple Charged After Child Found Living In Deplorable Conditions

May 11, 2018

A family was discovered living in a deplorable conditions after an Escambia County deputy responded to a report of two people passed out at a gas station.

Keith Daniels, 37, and Lindsay Ann Mason, 35, were both charged with child neglect after failing to provide a child “with the appropriate care of supervision to maintain his physical health,” according to an arrest report.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded to a gas station in the area of Guidy Lane and Ten Mile Road for a report of a man and woman who were passed out in their vehicle with a small child inside. The caller said couple then left the gas station and were  swerving into oncoming traffic before pulling into a trailer park on Grace Drive.

Daniels opened the door when the deputy knocked at the trailer, and he appeared to be under the influence of an unknown substance, the report states. The deputy said he smelled marijuana coming from the interior.

In his report, the responding deputy wrote, “While inside the trailer I observed trash in the living room, marijuana roaches in the. trashcan, marijuana shake on the kitchen table, moldy dirty dishes filling the sink, cockroaches in the kitchen, the covering for the air conditioning unit to be missing with rusty metal accessible to the child, a homemade pipe which appeared to be used for ingesting narcotics in the bedroom on the dresser which was accessible to the child and the floor vent cover to be missing from the vent in the living room which left a large opening in the center of the floor. I observed in what appeared to be (the victim’s) toys and clothes strewn about the floor which made it impossible to walk in the bedroom due to the items being piled so high. I also observed in a mattress which was laying up on its side and it did not appear as though there was a place for the child to sleep. I observed the bathroom to be messy with urine still in the toilet. The temperature in the trailer was extremely hot due to the air conditioning being inoperable.”

The cabinets and refrigerator contained a few breakfast items and a small number of canned goods, the deputy wrote. The trailer had no working air conditioner.

Daniels told the deputy that he had worked numerous hours in the past 30 days and was unable to clean and the trailer. Mason said she had not been home for two days and unable clean the trailer as she normally does on daily basis. The deputy wrote that it would have taken more than two days for the trailer to end up in the poor state he observed.

The Department of Children and Family Services was called. Mason agreed to allow the child to stay with her mother.

Mason was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $5,000 bond; Daniels was released on a  $2,500 bond.


20 Responses to “ECSO: Couple Charged After Child Found Living In Deplorable Conditions”

  1. Charlie Mike on May 12th, 2018 10:19 pm

    I know plenty of alcoholics that got their start on beer. Should we outlaw beer as well? The fact of the matter is some folks are just screwed up, and unless they want and seek help, nothing is going to change without outside intervention. At what point should intervention occur? I think passing out at 7 11, then swerving erratically as you leave, with the child in the car, is a reasonable point for intervention to occur. While I agree we have gotten very judgmental as a society, we also have a collective responsibility to ensure children are cared for and not put into danger by parental negligence. Marijuana isn’t the problem here. It is parents who place their own needs and desires above the needs of their children who are the problem.

  2. David Huie Green on May 12th, 2018 11:44 am

    “No I don’t agree with alcohol or drugs but sometimes people don’t have money laying around to buy air conditioners.”

    Especially if they spent the money on drugs.

    People who do not know the officer call him Barney, as in Fife, when his report includes “it would have taken more than two days for the trailer to end up in the poor state.” Condemn the one trying to protect the children and the public?

    David for priorities

  3. David Huie Green on May 12th, 2018 11:34 am

    “My mother did the best she could but she was an alcoholic and women simply could not get the same jobs to support their family as there was not job opportunities like today for women. Our house was a mess.”

    My mother did the best she could but she was an alcoholic and alcoholics simply could not get the same jobs to support their family.

    Also, children can and should be part of cleaning the house. It isn’t hard and is good training for the future.

    “Let the first person who has no human failings throw the first rock”

    I keep my rocks, but those who condemn others for not helping the druggies continue to put their addictions ahead of the safety of their children must have plenty of number one gravel to toss. Calling evil evil is not the same as executing. Jesus was not speaking metaphorically, he was speaking of a real action used to execute people. Afterward, He instructed her “Go, and sin no more.” He didn’t pretend wrongdoing was rightdoing.

    “man and woman who were passed out in their vehicle with a small child inside. The caller said couple then left the gas station and were swerving into oncoming traffic”

    You really don’t think this should be considered criminal? What if they had driven into and killed someone you actually cared about? Maybe you’re mad at the snitch who reported them?

    David for safe children

  4. 429SCJ on May 12th, 2018 8:21 am

    These people have problems that should not be hung on pot.

    Some consumers are quite the opposite, very meticulous regarding hygiene and environmental sanitation.

  5. Judicial over reach on May 12th, 2018 1:26 am

    @ Grand Locust…. Thank you for articulating what many of us are hopefully thinking… Why always the need for government intervention… Where’s the peer, family, community support in many instances… Hopefully the grandmother has the means to help while this,situation is being sorted out… Does DCF have moral ground here… Abuse or Abandonment… As bad as the report was intended to look i see neither of the two… No we don’t know the whole story so i refrain from judgment and just wish the family a wholesome outcome from whatever circumstances they may be dwelling in…

  6. A Momma on May 11th, 2018 8:38 pm

    Well said Grand Locust. We need more people with those words you just spoke. People cocoon themselves and their families because of what others may do or say. I’m glad your mom got on a better path. When people lose their kids, who knows if it makes the cases worse especially if they actually love & want their kids & are doing the best with what they have. No I don’t agree with alcohol or drugs but sometimes people don’t have money laying around to buy air conditioners. The little bit of food may have been what was left of their groceries from 2 weeks ago. People just want families split up & people hurt in general. They don’t want to understand anyone because they think they’re better. They want to judge & compare apples to oranges. It seems like I was raised on the standards you might’ve been raised on. People aren’t as compassionate as they used to be. They’ve gotten downright ugly. The mattress could have been what the kid was sleeping on, I’m thinking without knowing the age of the kid but the kid might’ve had an accident & it might’ve been cleaned & airing out. I’m sick & tired of people acting like they’re better and could raise someone else’s kid better & love them more.

  7. Bryan on May 11th, 2018 8:13 pm

    Grand Locust, i agree.
    our judicial system is extremely flawed. “you’re going to ruin your’s and your kid’s life by smoking pot and living in these conditions, so we’re gonna through you in jain and ruin your life”.

  8. area resident on May 11th, 2018 4:46 pm

    I agree, there is more to this story than pot. But, most likely, these druggies got their start on pot. We are being overrun by a society of worthless junkies. We take our lives into our own hands when we have to share the roads with these “people.” And, yes, alcohol is legal, but that doesn’t mean we have to drink it and make ourselves into blithering idiots.

    You cannot rationalize stupid.

  9. Rodney on May 11th, 2018 3:29 pm

    I nominate Grand Locust for post of the century and would also like to suggest you run for political office.

  10. Grand Locust on May 11th, 2018 2:46 pm

    I was born in 1951. My father died when I was ten from a stroke. My mother did the best she could but she was an alcoholic and women simply could not get the same jobs to support their family as there was not job opportunities like today for women. Our house was a mess. My clothing was not taken care of and many a night my mother was out working and we had limited food. People today would have cried that my brother and I should be taken away from my mother.and that she was an evil person because of Alcohol… see alcohol was the drug of choice in the sixties.

    Now people blame pot, or meth. They blame the character of these parents. They blame the lack of god in families lives. However, the one thing different was that back then we did not criminalize bad parents. Church and neighbors would bring groceries to families in need, and people were not cocooning in their homes but were connected. Let the first person who has no human failings throw the first rock, but my brother built a 26 million a year contracting company, and I became a professional as my mother lived to 90 and found a better path in her life. The biggest problem in America today is criminalizing everything and having no common sense. These folks and any children need help, not a jail cell or judgment of their human failings. We live in a world of Barnies, and where has Andy gone?

  11. Willis on May 11th, 2018 2:41 pm

    You were close GMP.
    Some people should not be allowed to be here.

  12. Nathan on May 11th, 2018 12:47 pm

    Air drop them in Afghanistan in the middle of summer and see how they like living in a crap hole, after they come off the drugs of course so they can feel what it’s like to live like that. I have deployed there, believe me it sucks.

  13. William2 on May 11th, 2018 12:18 pm

    Marijuana didn’t turn these two into sorry parents, they are selfish, lazy and only concerned with themselves. I know dozens of hard working, clean living people that smoke marijuana.
    They pay their bills, keep their homes up and are outstanding citizens. Some of you continue to believe the lies youve been told for decades concerning marijuana, it’s all propaganda. Do your own investigation, read legitimate research and will see you’ve been lied too.

  14. Alabamian on May 11th, 2018 11:58 am

    @area resident

    Using your logic, any domestic situation like this with neglectful where alcohol was the catalyst = alcohol should be illegal. Also means that a single situation where neglectful parents left a loaded, easily accessible gun laying around that resulted in a child’s death = guns should be illegal. Basically your logic implies that because of irresponsible parents, more things should be banned. I mean, personally, I don’t want more things to be banned, but that’s just me. I like my guns and my beer.


    A thinking Democrat

  15. CW on May 11th, 2018 11:08 am

    @area resident

    I don’t think the problem here is marijuana, but likely the glass pipe they found. I think they’ve been doing drugs much harder than marijuana, likely meth or heroin.

  16. NativeTongue on May 11th, 2018 10:07 am


    Marijuana didn’t make this particular incident happen.

    People with the wrong priorities made this happen.
    If those parents truly cared for their child and his/her well being the house would have been clean, the food would have been in his belly, and the parents would have been too tired from working to spend their days looking for their next score.

    I’m not arguing that there was copious amounts of marijuana paraphernalia in that house but I’d put a few bucks on there also being a stronger drug behind this couple’s actions (or lack there of).

  17. priorities on May 11th, 2018 9:06 am

    can’t clean the house or have the ac working for the kid but you can buy dope, beer, cigarettes, makeup and run the streets. Some people don’t deserve to have kids because they can’t even take care of themselves. It’s all about setting the right priorities. I feel sorry for the kid and now another grandparent having to care for them because of parents like this.

  18. tg on May 11th, 2018 8:40 am

    There are many folks that don’t need or deserve children due to drugs.

  19. area resident on May 11th, 2018 7:23 am

    I had a conversation just last week with a liberal democrat who thinks marijuana should be legalized. I’d like to have another conversation with her about this incident. Does she think this child deserves to live like this? Does she actually think things would get better if marijuana was legalized? How would she feel if the driver of the vehicle in the above story had caused her daughter bodily harm? Does she really want more intoxicated drivers on the road? Do democrats even think? Yes, my conversation with her last week still has me gasping for pure air!

  20. GMP on May 11th, 2018 6:45 am

    Some people should not be allowed to breed!