Deputies Rescue Puppy From Hot Car; Man Arrested

May 14, 2018

Escambia County deputies saved a puppy from a hot car Saturday near Sears on Davis Highway.

Deputy Sheriff Matheny and Deputy Sheriff Trainee Waters responded to a call of a puppy locked in a hot vehicle.

The driver of the vehicle could not be located and the puppy was squealing, panting heavily, and in distress. The outside temperature was reported to be 92 degrees at the time.

Matheny broke the driver’s side window to rescue the pup. Waters gave the dog water and placed her in a cool patrol car until Escambia County Animal Control arrived and took custody.

Deputies later found and arrested the owner of the vehicle. William Sparkman, 25, was charged with an animal offense. He was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $1,000 bond.


16 Responses to “Deputies Rescue Puppy From Hot Car; Man Arrested”

  1. Seriously?! on May 15th, 2018 11:43 pm

    @EMD Seriously, a dog should be allowed in anywhere?! What about PEOPLE with allergies or about children like my Autistic son who is petrified of dogs due to his Autism and sensory issues?! I know that people may need to take a dog to the vet or such but then they can take it home before stopping at a store or restaurant! Human beings have the right to be safe too. Unless it is a legitimate service animal (not some purse pooch with a bought in Amazon vest that says it is an “emotional support animal”) all pets should be left at home or taken to only pet friendly places for their own safety, as well as others!

    @Jim The article also didn’t talk about where animals should and should not be allowed. I think you missed “do what’s” point.

    I am so thankful that the pup was saved. My husband and his co-worker rescued 7 pups and a mama yesterday that were dumped in a construction site. He called me and my grandmother and I got them to a foster with a rescue group. I love animals with all my heart but it is absolute insanity to believe they should be allowed to go anywhere or for that matter made to go anywhere. Some animals don’t like the car or being out like that. Let a pet be a pet. The dog benefits nothing from being drug to stores and restaurants.

  2. black truck on May 15th, 2018 5:26 pm

    You can’t mess around with any animal or kid in a hot car. 90 degrees outside can be up to 130-140 inside a car in the sun. A few minutes is the limit in those conditions.

  3. A citizen on May 15th, 2018 2:03 pm

    Jim & EMD, I think your comments to, do what? are just rude. Maybe, I missed something but I didn’t see anything wrong with the comment that was made. The story didn’t have to say those things & he or she was just maybe adding their opinion about different topics. Don’t blow a gasket. I thought it made sense to me, but maybe it’s just certain people that think they should be the only ones to voice their opinion. Yes, it was wrong but what if he actually made a mistake? People are so quick to hurt other people. Were any of us there?

  4. Kane on May 15th, 2018 11:31 am

    Great job LEO’s! YouTube is full of videos of pets being left in a hot car and the owners not being arrested. Say what you will about Florida but we don’t tolerate that crap here our LEO’s will track you down and take you away!

  5. bartender on May 15th, 2018 10:35 am

    this happen to us in brewton walmart last year.the manager didnt want to get involved after we reported a 8 week old puppy in back of a truck out in the sun.this was july and it was 99 degrees.we called the cop found the man in walmart and they did nothing to him.he gave the puppy away to a girl that wamted it.the man walked away scott free.i couldnt belive it.a cop with no feelings and a man said he hoped someone would just take it. some people dont deserve a pet at all.

  6. 429SCJ on May 15th, 2018 10:05 am

    “A righteous man has regard for his beast, but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel”. Solomon

    Great work ECSO Deputies.

  7. Animal lover on May 15th, 2018 8:01 am

    I can finally say that I’m proud of the action taken by law enforcement. Good job officers.!

  8. anne 1of2 on May 14th, 2018 9:02 pm

    Any beating heart needs to be in the care of someone at home or the owner needs to stay home. What is so important at a store?

  9. EMD on May 14th, 2018 8:33 pm

    “do what?”

    I did not make one mention of a dog loose in the car or riding in anyone’s lap. That is just stupid. And, I did insert the word, “necessary.” There ARE times when a person has to take their animal somewhere. I guess when so many have no common sense, it IS better to spell out any suggestions. I love animals, and do not want them put in any danger like you suggest. Nor, do I suggest they put anyone in danger. Also. people that have dogs need to train them in basic good behavior if possible. But, nowadays it seems that even people need to be trained in that.

  10. Jim on May 14th, 2018 7:31 pm

    @ do what? ~ Nothing in the story said the dog was unrestrained in a moving vehicle.

  11. his sister on May 14th, 2018 6:26 pm

    It wasn’t intentional yes it was wrong.. He went to jail.. End of story .. Yes people should be more educated on this subject.. The summers are getting hotter and wintrts colder. Lesson learned now move on

  12. humane society on May 14th, 2018 3:47 pm

    This idiot should never be allowed to own a dog ever again. Enjoy the permanent rolled down window, maybe the wind blowing on you will remind you how stupid and inhumane it is to treat an animal this way

  13. do what? on May 14th, 2018 3:44 pm

    should be legal to take dogs anywhere if contained/muzzled? You gotta be kidding me! How about people leave the dog at HOME rather than having it sit in their laps while driving, or bouncing around in the seats causing more distraction! People have lost their minds with this whole thing about having dogs and cats riding in the seats with them. Should be a ticket issued for that just like texting and driving. That puppy in your chest will feel really good during a frontal collision when the air bag explodes. Leave the pets at home unless you’re taking them to the vet, in a kennel or tied off in the back of a truck! Pets should be allowed everywhere…….yeah, just what I want is a stinking animal slobbering next to me while I try to have dinner in a restaurant. I like having my dog but this crap is insane.

  14. Richard on May 14th, 2018 3:42 pm

    Put him in the car with the windows up and see how long he can stand it. And he will never do that again.

  15. EMD on May 14th, 2018 3:21 pm

    So thankful to those deputies. That poor little puppy. People need to be educated about how how it gets in a car on a sunny day, even with the windows cracked. When I was much younger and on a family trip, we left a dog I loved very much in the car with the windows cracked while we all went in to eat in a restaurant. It was 70 degrees F . We had no idea how hot it would get in that car. When we came out, my sweet little dog was in trouble. We got to her just in time to revive her, but I NEVER again left a dog in a car without leaving it running and with the A/C running. Even then, only for seconds, because the A/C could malfunction and cut off. Someone could also get in the car and drive off. Even a child could get in. Only once have I seen a car one could leave locked and running at the same time. Just don’t do it. It should be legal to take a dog inside anywhere if contained in a shoulder bag or stroller, if the dog is small enough. Even a big dog should be able to go anywhere if necessary, and muzzled. I cannot imagine the suffering of any living being or animal trapped in sever heat with no way out. So sad.

  16. Just me on May 14th, 2018 3:08 pm

    There’s a special place for in hell for those people that harm pets and children.