Century Man Gets Jail Time After Trying To Run Over Victim

May 9, 2018

A Century man has been sentenced 90 days in the county jail for attempting to hit another man with his car and threatening to kill him with a knife.

Cortez Rasheen Davison pleaded no contest to a reduced charge of misdemeanor battery;  he was originally charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Davison, 24, drove to the victim’s home on Hilltop Road and began calling him racial slurs. The victim told Escambia County deputies that he tried to ignore Davison, but Davison pulled out a pocket knife and began to walk toward him. The victim told deputies that Davison threatened to shoot him, shoot up his home and burn down his shed.

After the victim called the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, Davison went back to his car and tried to run over the victim as he was driving away, authorities said. The victim told deputies he was not hit because he jumped behind a tree.


3 Responses to “Century Man Gets Jail Time After Trying To Run Over Victim”

  1. James Edward Mackey on May 9th, 2018 10:35 am

    Wow? Why do judges continuously let these violent offenders walk free in just a few months? If I were his next victim, I’d sue the county court system for not punishing him to the maximum allowed. It is a liability to not punish violent crimes Because if they inflict damage on more people the longer they are out. If he technically could have been in prison at the time of his next violent crime, then the courts should be held liable for compensatory and punitive damages. I can understand if it’s a petty shoplifting charge or weed. But violent crimes should be punished to the maximum.

  2. Shay on May 9th, 2018 10:11 am

    That’ll teach him!! (Insert sarcasm)

  3. Trocarman on May 9th, 2018 8:27 am

    90 days in jail? What a joke.