Former Century Correctional Officer Charged With Stealing Drugs From Evidence Locker

May 22, 2018

A former correctional officer was recently arrested for allegedly stealing drugs from the work camp at Century Correctional Institution.

The Florida Department of Corrections Office of Inspector General charged 26-year old Joshua Vann Harrell with felony theft and tampering with evidence. Harrell is accused of taking “K2″ synthetic marijuana from an evidence locker.

The state says Harrell requested a sergeant open an evidence locker inside the Century Correctional Institution Work Camp, saying he needed to make sure he signed an evidence sheet or make sure a piece of evidence was signed.  The sergeant complied before stepping away to answer a control room phone. She observed Harrell place his right hand into his pocket, but did not observe anything in his hand, according to a warrant affidavit.  He returned to his post duty on the facility’s perimeter.

Officers reported finding a chain of custody form on the seat of the post vehicle used by Harrell, and they reported finding an evidence bag on top of a trash can located along the perimeter road.

The same day, another officer reported observing Harrell “wobble into the restroom” and become sick multiple times.

According to court documents, investigators determined that “K-2″ taken from an inmate was missing from the evidence locker.

He was released from the Escambia County Jail on $7,500 bond. The alleged incident occurred in September 2017. The arrest warrant was issued in March 2018 and recently served.

Harrell resigned on September 23, 2017, according to Patrick Manderfield, press secretary for the Florida Department of Corrections. file photo.


30 Responses to “Former Century Correctional Officer Charged With Stealing Drugs From Evidence Locker”

  1. Just me on May 25th, 2018 6:50 am

    Give his job to someone who actually wants it.

  2. Wilykyote on May 24th, 2018 9:12 pm

    Sounds like nobody’s watching the cash register… Ronald
    Reagan said : “Trust but Verify”. If people believe no one’s
    watching then you get what you get. Not blaming the employer
    as the employee coulda been an honest feller and none of this
    woulda happened. But AGAIN , to all Employers of any size
    or stripes TRUST BUT VERIFY and tell all you’re doing it !

  3. Trocarman on May 24th, 2018 9:29 am

    Lock him up…maximum sentence. He was in a position of trust and he screwed that up. He needs educating.

  4. Bill on May 23rd, 2018 8:59 pm

    He knew what he was doing mistake or not no excuse!!! Lock his butt up and give him the max !!!!!

  5. Calla Ferguson on May 23rd, 2018 12:46 pm

    Josh, no doubt you screwed up. Sooner or later you’re going to have to deal with the public judgemental system too. Learn from it & don’t let it bring you down. You’ve got this. #enoughbashing

  6. unknown on May 23rd, 2018 11:11 am

    responding to Equality: ” His larceny charge was 2500 and hers is 55,000? And why does she have possession charges with ridiculous bond amounts and he is charged with destroying evidence? Wasn’t she accused of taking evidence in the form of pills?”

    From what I understand about the law and drug crimes is that her bond was higher because she was charged with possession with intent to sell/ trafficking, I believe is what I read. She was “accused of” stealing a large amount of pills for her own personal use and possibly selling them. Even if she was not trafficking, that particular charge has to do with the amount of pills that is found on the person for example: if they have over 20-30 pills on their person and the lab weighs them and it exceeds a certain weight then it is considered a “trafficking charge” and that therefore significantly increasing their bond. I am by no means in law enforcement but this is from what I understand. I am sure more detailed info is in the Florida Statutes. Hope that helps some?

  7. mike on May 23rd, 2018 8:55 am

    Sorry, a judge does not see it that way. If anything the crime is considered worse being it was a law enforcement professional. That he is a family man makes it all the more irresponsible.

    Wake up, the time to coddle the druggies is not here yet. If we make up special programs for every individual with an addiction problem instead of punishing aberrant behavior we will never solve anything. Certain personality types can’t be rehabilitated.

    I feel sorry for the guy, he sounds like he is trying to get back on the right path, and I hope he stays free and able to continue moving forward.

  8. David Huie Green on May 23rd, 2018 7:43 am

    ” Regulation doesn’t breed the same level of crime as prohibition. The 18th amendment proved this years ago with alcohol.”

    Prohibition was declared a failure because it led to so many criminals like the Kennedys and there was much crime associated with it. Nonetheless, deaths related to alcohol consumption went down greatly during that time and rose greatly with the repeal.

    So if your goal is to reduce crime, just make all things legal. Even murder is only a crime because it is not lawful. If your goal is to protect the helpless, then making Spice, PCP, heroin, crack, meth, Flakka, Krokodil legal may not be your best path because they harm the user no matter what you do and the users often hurt others in the process.

    If you favor it on Libertarian grounds, the idea that adults should be at liberty to kill themselves if they wish and do not harm others in the process, that is another matter. Therefore, your actual goals should be laid out to begin with to measure success or failure.

    David for honesty

  9. Vera on May 23rd, 2018 5:44 am

    Praying that everything will be alright for this young man.

  10. Glass houses on May 22nd, 2018 10:10 pm

    I am glad this young man found help and hopefully Jesus too. I also find it really sad that this young man is being drug through the mud again. Prayers, not judgement for your family.

  11. Robert W Flirt on May 22nd, 2018 9:42 pm

    People please refrain from asking for max sentencing, this individual made a bad judgement call, and don’t forget the fact he is young, human nature people are going to make mistakes, we don’t know all the Facts, who are we to judge? I pray that he continues to get his life right, and the Judge give him probation verses a jail sentence, since this young man went to rehab and is working. He has a family to care for, so think before you type your rude and ludicrous comments. God Bless this young man!! Give him a second chance..

  12. really on May 22nd, 2018 8:52 pm

    We get drug tested k2 test don’t work chemicals constantly change you can find someone in all professions that have a vice his just got him in a stupid situation that he will now pay for.

  13. DAVID on May 22nd, 2018 6:50 pm

    What price a drug test–on all including officers from the top down..
    the timing of this articular gives us that answer..

  14. Equality on May 22nd, 2018 6:02 pm

    I understand this was not a recent incident, but I guess I don’t understand why the crime scene tech has a ridiculous bond one you’d think would be for
    Murderers yet the corrections officer as a significantly lower bond?? I know the crime scene tech has been accused of taking more pills than this guy but shouldn’t the amount be the same for all charges? His larceny charge was 2500 and hers is 55,000? And why does she have possession charges with ridiculous bond amounts and he is charged with destroying evidence? Wasn’t she accused of taking evidence in the form of pills? Didnt he have possession of drugs too without a prescription?? Both of them were in jobs that required them to deal with criminals and the accused. Both of them were supposed to follow the law. So why are they not being treated the same ? If someone could explain I’d greatly appreciate it. My hope is that they both get the help they need and not have there life ruined… I actually think everyone with a “drug” problem should be rehabilitated not placed in prison. Addiction is a disease not a crime.

  15. Tarrence Wright Sr on May 22nd, 2018 5:38 pm

    But he was working in the prison doing drugs. Probably been smuggling them in since day one.. I hope the judge gives him the max sentence!!!

  16. William 2 on May 22nd, 2018 4:35 pm

    Regulation works way better than prohibition David. Regulation doesn’t breed the same level of crime as prohibition. The 18th amendment proved this years ago with alcohol.

  17. David Huie Green on May 22nd, 2018 2:02 pm

    “History has taught us that prohibition of Alcohol or drugs does not work. Decriminalize, tax, and regulate.”

    Regulation is a form of prohibition but if prohibition fails, then regulation fails.
    You just want the taxes.

    David for better tax-bases

  18. David Huie Green on May 22nd, 2018 1:59 pm

    “How about you post all the facts about the situation instead of just part of it. ”

    Here’s your chance to fill in any omissions. Just the facts ma’am.

    I had wondered what Josh was up to lately. Good to know he’s looking after his family.

    David for better people

  19. William on May 22nd, 2018 1:23 pm

    “123″ wrote: “This was not a recent incident. This happened back in September. If you’re going to post a story that is going to humiliate someone and his family, please make sure you do it when it happens!! Not 7 months later,”

    From the story: “The alleged incident occurred in September 2017. The arrest warrant was issued in March 2018 and recently served.” And the Florida Department of Corrections issued a statewide press release on the arrest this afternoon, half a day after we published this story.

  20. just sayin on May 22nd, 2018 1:21 pm

    you know i don’t feel sorry for him he not only put himself in danger what about his fellow coworker

  21. Anne on May 22nd, 2018 1:00 pm

    Sad that we now have two folks in law who are also in jail for theft of drugs from the evidence areas.
    Mr. Harrell left such an obvious trail that it seems he was asking for someone to find it and get him some help.
    God Bless and Keep Safe ALL of our LEO and Corrections persons, you have a Tough Job and we Appreciate and Thank You.

  22. Heather moize on May 22nd, 2018 12:15 pm

    I went to highschool with this guy every single one of my friends are either dead or addicted to drugs from North view highschool what happened to us all I am a perfectly good person in society but some ppl couldnt handle growing up I guess I hope everything turns out in the end jeez

  23. Grand Locust on May 22nd, 2018 12:04 pm

    History has taught us that prohibition of Alcohol or drugs does not work. Decriminalize, tax, and regulate. The criminal enterprises throughout history have tempted law enforcement to be tainted by the easy money. Here it appears the officer made a very stupid choice.

  24. 123 on May 22nd, 2018 10:48 am

    This was not a recent incident. This happened back in September. If you’re going to post a story that is going to humiliate someone and his family, please make sure you do it when it happens!! Not 7 months later, when he’s gotten help, gotten a different job and trying to change his life!!

  25. Pat on May 22nd, 2018 10:47 am

    If convicted he should get 25 years? Your living in you own little world aren’t you?

  26. Friend on May 22nd, 2018 10:39 am

    What he did wasn’t smart, but he is making the right choices now to make up for what he’s done. He has a new job, has been to rehab, and has been clean since the incident. He’s a human and made a mistake. I’m glad God forgives more easily than people do.

  27. His Sister on May 22nd, 2018 10:23 am

    How about you post all the facts about the situation instead of just part of it. For everyone who wants to bash my brother he knows what he did is wrong and is man enough to admit it. Now that half the people wanna point Fingers let us not forget half of y’all do the same drugs or worse at one point in time so the real question is who are y’all to judge anyone. My family will get through this and he has all the support in the world. I love you bubba

  28. Molino on May 22nd, 2018 9:16 am

    This is a sad situation for his wife and child, and a sad situation for him. But it’s fixing to get a lot worse now that everyone else knows too. I hope he gets the help he needs before it’s too late.

  29. just sayin on May 22nd, 2018 7:40 am

    Wow another one in less than a week. What a waste of a good job that i’m sure he went to school for.

  30. Trocarman on May 22nd, 2018 5:58 am

    If found guilty,, Harrell will be known as the dumbest correctional employee ever. If convicted, he should get 25 years in prison,