Arrest Made In Northview High School Bomb Threat (Updated With Details)

May 18, 2018

UPDATED: Thanks to video evidence, an arrest was quickly made after a bomb threat Thursday afternoon at Northview High School.

Gavin Lee Barlow, age 19 of Walnut Hill, was charged with making a bomb threat, a felony, and disturbing the peace/interfering with a school function. He remained in the Escambia County Jail early Friday morning with bond set at $5,250.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office completed a search and cleared the campus shortly after the threat was made, and deputies were able to quickly develop a suspect thanks to video evidence.

At 2:30 p.m., the school resource officer was made aware that Barlow sent a profanity-laced video through the Snapchat app to a student at the school who had just been suspended for the rest of the year, according to the Sheriff’s Office. In the video, Barlow said, “I hate that (profanity) school, I hate that (profanity), I hate Mrs. Weaver. I wish that (profanity) would blow the (profanity) up at 3:20. (Profanity) I’m gonna set a bomb off in that (profanity).  I’m gonna get Russia to blow that (profanity) up.”

Barlow is not a student at the school.

Principal Gayle Weaver was informed of the threat, and a decision was made to dismiss faculty, staff and students early at 3:11 p.m., rather than the normal dismissal time of 3:20 p.m.

“The threat was time specific for 3:20,” Weaver said in a recorded photo call to parents.

After contact was made with Barlow, he met deputies at a house on Pine Barren Road, just outside the Northview campus, and Barlow was placed under arrest without incident at 4:45 p.m. There were no other arrests in connection with the threat, according to the State Attorney’s Office.

The school held  their Senior Honors Night program as planned Thursday night without incident.

Pictured: The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrested a suspect on Pine Barren Road, just outside the Northview High School campus, following a bomb threat Thursday afternoon. photo, click to enlarge.


16 Responses to “Arrest Made In Northview High School Bomb Threat (Updated With Details)”

  1. Jammie on May 21st, 2018 10:43 am

    Sad to see this. He is a wonderful kid. Kind, loving, loyal, big heart. Doesn’t make it okay but seriously there is a reason for everything. People should take time to know someone and what the issues are before judging. He never would have hurt anyone. My heart is with you and prayers Gavin. Stay strong!

  2. DLo on May 21st, 2018 10:41 am

    I wish North Escambia would put on every post that someone is arrested an explanation of what bond is and what it’s intended for, there is someone on every arrest post griping about it, BOND IS NOT PUNITIVE, IT IS USED TO ENSURE THAT SOMEONE WILL SHOW UP TO COURT, IT IS BASED ON YOUR ABILITY TO PAY, CITIZENS WHO ARE ARRESTED ARE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY IN A COURT OF LAW.

  3. Bill on May 20th, 2018 9:36 am

    Make a example out of this one and the judge that don’t do it get rid of that judge as well !!!!!!

  4. Wendy Thompson on May 19th, 2018 4:09 pm

    I am glad they took steps to protect these children in the school. He is 19 and not a boy. He has already been graduated and seems to still be stuck in the drama of high school. He gets what he deserves. How could you hate an educator and a public school so much to make such alarming threats? These kids need a lesson learned called life. Welcome to life. You cannot just do and say what you want when it endangers the rest of us. I think the school, the sheriff’s office and all parents who have to go through this.

  5. Carmen on May 19th, 2018 9:02 am

    After seeing so much death on school grounds why is the bond set at $5,250. When will officials get enough? They are willing to put people in jail for life for drugs but people get out early for bomb threats to school. I know many will say maybe he has a mental issue or he might have been angry and didnt mean it. I dont disagree with getting him looked at but highly doubt it. If you are coherent enough to make those type of threats on a social media page then there is nothing wrong with you. Let’s get it together

  6. Pops on May 18th, 2018 8:02 pm

    “if the dean wouldn’t have accidentally over heard the Snapchat video when it was played he wouldn’t be in jail and the school and everyone in it would still be just fine.”

    I would like for you to get with the 10 people who were gunned down today in a Texas high school. Let me know how they feel about your, ‘poor innocent kid,’ comments.

  7. Pineville PI on May 18th, 2018 4:53 pm

    Just a word to these young folks, There are consequences for your actions. It just might be you that changes the bonehead activity that surrounds you. Learn from it , move on and be the leader, There will be good consequences for that too.

  8. AC on May 18th, 2018 3:58 pm

    “He literally would give the shirt off his back to anyone”

    Anyone except Mrs. Weaver apparently.

  9. Concerning on May 18th, 2018 3:37 pm

    Maybe he was just talking, but where do you draw the line? In Santa Fe, TX ? Where 10 have died today and dozens wounded? Action has to be taken, as it was and thank you to the officials at Northview for that! You don’t do things like this just because you are mad at someone or something, there are rules that have to be followed. That’s the problem with a lot of this age group today, they think they can do or say anything they want to and there should be no consequences!

  10. EMD on May 18th, 2018 2:15 pm

    Hoping someone will ask him why he is so angry and then really listen to him. He would be a really nice looking young man without that terrible angry countenance. Hope he turns to the only One who can really help him by giving him a new heart and listening to him whenever he calls. Human solutions are no match for this kind of anger and sadness. He needs to go to The Source, and not just to someone who “claims” to be speaking “for” The Source. Acts 4:12

  11. System on May 18th, 2018 1:41 pm

    Bond is meant to ensure someone shows up for court not hold someone in jail.

    I pray Mr. Barlow gets help for whatever he has going on with his Mental Health.

  12. Contraris Mitchell on May 18th, 2018 12:49 pm

    I know him personally. He is a good kid no matter what happened in this incident. It’s not like this is the first time some random kid said I hope the school catches on fire, or I hope the school blows up. He literally would give the shirt off his back to anyone, and I’m not the only one who can confirm that. Anyways he is a good kid and can’t nobody change that

  13. Brittanie on May 18th, 2018 12:32 pm

    The law does not EVER tell the entire story. This boy was not going to hurt anyone at that school do you seriously believe he would be able contact Russia come on now if the dean wouldn’t have accidentally over heard the Snapchat video when it was played he wouldn’t be in jail and the school and everyone in it would still be just fine.

  14. tg on May 18th, 2018 8:48 am

    Pass the word around if you make a bomb threat they are going to jail you. GOT IT?

  15. hey ya'll, watch this on May 18th, 2018 8:45 am

    one word describes this…..”idiot”

  16. Sheila rodgers on May 18th, 2018 8:35 am

    Sincerely hope thats a mis-print…bond set at $2,750..for a FELONY..
    Ridiculously low for threatening a school property, endangering the lives of students and faculty.
    Only 19 and has this kind of anger inside of him. Have to wonder if he has a juvenile record.
    Prayers for the school officials that have to counsel the students…they should feel safe at school, not threatened or distracted from there education.
    Prayers for him and his family, now they need legal and emotional help.