Students Redesign Ascend’s Parking Lot In STEAM Challenge

April 17, 2018

Students from four schools recently took part in the “Parking Lot Challenge” STEAM competition, pitching parking lot capital improvement plans to leaders at Ascend Performance Materials in Cantonment..

Teams of middle and high school students presented their ideas to redesign the primary administrative parking lot at the company.

Detailing plans for budgets, timelines and resources, the students focused on identifying safety and efficiency improvements to one of the large parking lots for the nylon manufacturing site that employs around a thousand workers in Cantonment. A team of Ascend site leaders, including executives and engineers, reviewed the projects and awarded the winning design to the team from Gulf Breeze Middle School.

Following the award, Ascend leaders revealed plans for a pending parking improvement project that incorporated many design elements gleaned from the student plans. Schools represented included Sims Middle School, Gulf Breeze Middle School, Avalon Middle School and Jay High School.

Santa Rosa County Schools has a comprehensive K-12 science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics — also known as  STEAM — curriculum in their schools.

This year, Santa Rosa County has become the first district in the nation to integrate STEAM learning into every grade level.
STEAM Innovate trains teachers and administrators — also known as innovators — how to better educate students for the world they will face in the future, according to Assistant Superintendent Bill Emerson.

“We partner with Discovery Education to help transform the way students learn and think and the way teachers set up their classrooms and deliver instruction,” Emerson said.

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