Possible Settlement? Commission To Hold Meetings To Discuss Sheriff’s Budget Appeal

April 24, 2018

The Escambia County Commission will hold another closed-door meeting with its attorneys Thursday morning to discuss the Sheriff David Morgan’s pending budget appeal to Gov. Rick Scott. The meeting is expected to last about an hour.

After the private meeting, a special commission meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m.

Such private meetings to discuss pending litigation are allowable under Florida law, and a court reporter’s record become public upon conclusion of the litigation. A similar closed-door meeting was held about two weeks ago.

The county and the Sheriff’s Office have been battling it out over funding for most of the last year, with the parties signing a mediation agreement on March 9. After the mediation agreement was announced, Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan announced a few days later that the agreement was unsuccessful, citing issue over workers compensation, unemployment compensation, retirement and health care issues.


5 Responses to “Possible Settlement? Commission To Hold Meetings To Discuss Sheriff’s Budget Appeal”

  1. John on April 26th, 2018 9:56 am

    The problem is that these sheriffs elections are held during presidential election years so sheriff is another local race that does not get any attention because people are only interested in the federal races on the ballot and local incumbents like Morgan are helped by that.

  2. patti on April 25th, 2018 4:38 pm

    I don’t understand the folks who are against the Sheriff. The folks who are out there to protect us (the citizens of Escambia County) put their life out for each of us. The deputies DESERVE a pay raise. There always seems to be some who bitch about the Sheriff, but I believe the one who does the bitching could do NO better than Sheriff Morgan. If they think they can, then go ahead and run for office. Show us how much better you can do! Hey! this is my opinion.

  3. Esc co leo on April 24th, 2018 5:16 pm

    @ M in Bratt

    The county offered only the bare minimum of what was asked for, and even then wanted the sheriff to absorb future health insurance costs out of the money being given for raises, which defeats the purpose of the raise.

    The governor, while frugal, is solidly on the side of law enforcement and gave big raises to state officers the past couple years. Frankly I believe the county commission knew they were going to lose with the governor and so they agreed to a deal.

    Either way, deputies will hopefully start to get the pay they deserve.

  4. Bob C. on April 24th, 2018 12:30 pm

    @ M in Bratt

    M in Bratt — RIGHT ON, Your comment says it ALL.
    Morgan’s boy had already signed an agreement then Mr. Sparkle wants to back out of it because it doesn’t give him all he wants.
    Morgan appeals to Gov Scott who puts it on the back-burner to barely simmer and he really feels this is a Local-Issue to be taken care here in the county.
    Let it ride, after all Morgan has said they have More Money than they know what to do with it.
    Deputy Retention isn’t all about money, it’s hurting because of poor leadership at the very top of the heap.

  5. M in Bratt on April 24th, 2018 11:05 am

    They offered Sheriff Moron the sun, moon, and stars already and he refused. Let his appeal to Gov. Scott (who by the way is the most frugal gov. in recent history) run it’s course, and let’s see what he get’s out of that.