Northview, Tate FFA Chapters Named Among Florida Finest Chapters
April 17, 2018
The Florida FFA on Monday announced Monday at the Northview and Tate High School FFA chapters have been named among “Florida’s Finest” FFA Chapters.
The selection of these chapters is based upon the completion of the National Chapter Award program application. These chapters have excelled in the areas of growing leaders, building communities and strengthening agriculture and have worked hard to fulfill the mission and vision of the FFA.
One member and one advisor from the Northview and Tate FFA chapters will be recognized in June during the 90th Florida FFA Convention in Orlando.
Pictured: Tate (top) and Northview (below) FFA members and National Degree recipients at the at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN, last November. Both the Tate and Northview FFA chapters were recognized in the 2017 National Chapter Award Program from the National FFA Organization. Photos for, click to enlarge.